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The Romans

The Romans. By isabelle darley. Roman language.

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The Romans

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  1. The Romans By isabelle darley

  2. Roman language The romans spoke in a language called latin in roman times libary comes from latin the word means in latin book . Some romans had these names Spartacus ,julia ceser ,amanda ,dominic ,mice ,antony ,and stacy .The roman language alphebet was not like ours they did not have a i or y .

  3. Roman family The mothers were less important than fathers in roman times . The fathers had the power of life or death over everywon . When a new baby was new born it would be laid on its fathers foot .If the father picked up the baby it would be life if the father ignord the baby it would be deth it would be taken to a place to die .

  4. Roman baths The cold bath was called the the frigidarium The warm bath was called the tempidarium The hot bath was called the calidarium .

  5. Thr roman family life Girls got marrid at the age 12 to 14 but were often aranged by familys many woman died in there 30”s because child birth could be dangrous and dises were comoun .

  6. Roman clothing They wore a neck to ancle high waisted and fasand shouldes with clasps . The boys wore tunicdown clocke .

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