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China’s Military

China’s Military. 3 integral elements. People’s Liberation Army (PLA): 2.3 million troops. People’s Armed Police Force (PAP): 660,000 troops. F undamental R oles. defend the country against foreign invasions maintain internal security and stability

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China’s Military

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Presentation Transcript

  1. China’s Military

  2. 3 integral elements People’s Liberation Army (PLA): 2.3 million troops People’s Armed Police Force (PAP): 660,000 troops

  3. Fundamental Roles defend the country against foreign invasions maintain internal security and stability engage in the economic development of the country

  4. Modernization Process information-centric warfare, joint operations, hi-tech weaponry, etc. gradually building up its power projection capabilities developing the capability of rivaling a technologically superior military power through so-called “asymmetric warfare”

  5. Growing Threat? Ability to challenge the United States Willing? China embarked on a "peaceful rise" Investing heavily in new arms race Lack military capability to challenge the United States in the Pacific

  6. Global Aspirations? navy rarely leaves its home waters steadily building ability to project power beyond its shores conduct regional missions to protect China's interests outside its territorial waters whether Beijing envisions one day establishing overseas bases, or simply having the capability to project power globally when needed, is unclear Chinese strategists cautious not to openly verbalize aspirations to conquer the globe or establish distant bases, outposts, or supply stations

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