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National Homeopathic Conference. Washington DC 8-10 April 2011. Confucius.
National Homeopathic Conference Washington DC 8-10 April 2011
Confucius “If you want to improve the world, you will have to start by clearly defining your terms. For if your terms are not clear, your words will not be clear. If your words are not clear no work can be accomplished and there will be no order anywhere. And if there is no order, all effort will be in vain"
DynamisorVitalforce • Does ‘Dynamis’ equals ‘vitality’? • Or is it ‘Life Energy’? • The Organonsays: A disturbedVitalForceproduceschanges in the state of mind and body • Thismeans the source of disease must bebeyondmind and body
Level one: the Physical body • The onlymaterial and visible body • Canbeexamined, weighted, touched, scanned, measuredfrom the inside and the outside • Diseasesfromthis level couldbedeficiencies, poisonings, injuries… • The otherchronicailments are expressions of the vitaldisturbance (Hahnemann: Chronicdiseases) • Suppression of these canbedonewithtoxicornon-toxicproducts
Level two: the Energetic body • The energetic aspect of the physical body • It resonates with the second dimension, hence elements and monera • It needs to be fed as well as the physical body • There are a few possible disturbances: in the amount, the distribution or the nature of the energy (psoric, sycotic, syphilitic tendency) • It has an individual and a collective aspect
Level three: The Emotional body • All commonhumanemotions: grief, anger, guilt, shame, fear, doubt, envy, irritation, hope, mortification… • Mix and amountdiffersaccording to personalitytraits • Which in themselves are resultsfromeducation and situation • When the vital is disturbed the emotions are troubled as well • They are not the sourcebutthe effect of the dis-ease
Level four: The Mental body • The psyche has three layers • Concious: rational, analytical mind • Subconscious: taboos, too painful emotions forbidden desires, delusions • Unconscious: story of humanity told in myths, fairytales, allegories, symbols, legends • Everybody has a mind but not everybody is a mental case • Our conditions to be OK are the limitations of our freedom and hence: dis-ease
Level five: The Vital Body • The most individualexperience of the Self and thus the world (outerworldreflects the inner) • As individual as one’s face, DNA, fingerprints… • Sensation level cfrSankaran • Not a product of the mindbut the matrix thatshapesthoughts, emotions, vitality and physicalfunctions and actions • Everybody has a vitalsensationbutit is onlyexperiencedwhendisturbed, analogous to the physical body
Whatifsomeonecan’t express thisvitalsensation? • There are alwaysexpressionssomewhere • One’s state is on all levels all of the time • Everybody has all fivelevels • All levels are interconnected • From level 5 signs and symptomsemerge • Thosesigns and symptomsform a coherent pattern
How to knowwhat is vital? • Vital is on: • Level 1: whatdoesn’tbelong to the pathology • Level 2: disturbances in energysupply, nature orfunction (generalities) • Level 3:what is notexplainedby the ‘story’ or the personality; how the story is experienced • Level 4:subconsciousinformationrevealed in dreams, fears, phobia’s, fascinations, hobbies… • Level 5: the particularexperience of emptiness, comparison, specificsensitivity, illhealth…
The pattern • From level 5 we can determine the kingdom • Level 4 gives miasm information • Level 1 and 2 together give individualized pathology (with modalities and generalities) • Level 3 gives peculiar emotional reactions • Together they all point in the same direction • Or: SRP sx from different levels, periods, examples, form a coherent pattern • Symptoms one level are local, on more levels vital
Case 1: 47 year old single man, ‘pilot on waiting list’ • Back pain, started during weekend outdoors with friends, couldn’t stand nor sit • Hernia diagnosed Something happened? • Only good things: got pilot’s license in USA • Brother who was alcoholic refrained from drinking Pilot’slicense? • I’vealways been interested in birds, flying, paragliding, I was alwayslooking at the sky • Friendsencouraged me, ‘when I can do it, youcan do it’
Aboutrelationships • Now I’m applying for a job and running out of money • I always want to perform well, in relationships as well • I have many good friends; I’m good at communicating, for instance: in my music band • My parents are my best friends • I want to see the purpose, the sense in life • My friend with cancer teaches me a lot
And friends… • Friends are important when you need them • They support you • They always listen to everything you encounter • You can tell them everything
Girlfriends? • I was unfortunate • Although I have everything: I’m pleasant, social, good looking • Maybe I was too busy, always active with sports, friends, music • I’ve been passionately in love but she didn’t realise • Second girlfriend had emotional problems • Third couldn’t accept my critical mind • I want soft and gentle people, no quarrels
I don’tliketoomanyevents • Like my brother, who banged the door when he was drunk without noticing • He lied on the floor, a total wreck, a symbol of a ruined life • A hopeless situation, this wil never get well again • This negativity had a huge impact on me; he puts me down • While this friend with cancer is still positive and cheerful
Analysis • Very positive person; everybody is his friend: his parents, brothers, friends in the band, colleagues • Only good news: his contact with everybody is extremely good, everybody listens to him, encourages him, is ready to pay for him, supports him • But this nice, gentle, social good looking pilot is alone… • Who needs to be Mr Positive all of the time?
Kingdom • The case was solved without kingdom information • Yet afterwards we can see that the kingdom information was there • His sense and purpose in life point to the mineral kingdom as their existence is founded there upon • For him the sense and purpose mean close relationships with everybody because he needs the continuous support in the form of encouragement, shelter, to be listened to, understood
Mineralkingdom • Most of mineral kingdom cases can be boiled down to one sentence • We call them two-dimensional cases, a characteristic they share with monera cases because they belong to the second dimension • Whereas plans, animals and humans live in the third dimension • But we have separate issues in this case….
Compound remedies • Two separate aspects of the patient: • One is the self sufficient, adventurous, active person, putting in a lot of effort to reach his goals • The other aspect is the emotionally very dependent single man • Whenever the different issues in a case can’t be reduced to one characteristic we have a compound remedy • He has a Sulphur and a Natrum side, both remedies of the 3rd row of the Periodic Table which has to do with establishing an identity through relationships • Prescription: Nat-Sulph MK
Follow ups • Twomonths later: his back pain amelioratedpromptlyafter the firstdose and didn’t return • Mental aggravationdue to money problems (SL) • Fivemonths later: ‘I camebecause we had anappointmentbut I feelgreat’(SL) • Twoyears later: air linecompany is bankrupt and hisfinancialsituationprecarious. Psoriasis came and went (Nat sulph MK) • Three and a half years later: has a job since a few weeks, and a relationship. Problem is eczema. • (Nat sulph MK)
Case 2: Single 48 year old man, no children, informatics . • Hernia scheduled for surgery but cancelled because of improvement • Last hernia crippled patient for about a year • This time he couldn’t walk; sitting and byclicing OK • Since last hernia he is more careful, goes hiking again but without rucksack
Chiefcomplaint • Pain especially with standing, stooping, sudden movements, extending to leg • Feeling of being unstable • Insecure feeling, as if sinking down • Has to be cautious • Always wants to give the impression nothing is the matter
Weaksightedness? • Born with congenital eye defect • Later detached retina three times • Last operation failed and now weaksighted • Cornea is opaque and focus isn’t good • Still want to do what other people do
Impact of this? • As a child I had to sit on the first row , didn’t like that • When hiking or biclycling I have to be cautious and hold back • When needed I’ll tell people to slow down or wait for me but they don’t need to take me by the arm • Don’t want to follow someone with skiing or sitting at the back on a tandem • I want to take initiatives • I want to prove that I can manage
Prove? • Because I’m proud I can take care for myself • I go to work • Same as with my back: I test how long I can walk • The worst thing is to have to stay at home
Stay at home? • I am single but after three evenings alone I need to be among people • Otherwise you don’t belong to the world • I’m not that social, don’t start the conversation • Only be among people is enough • It gives a calm and tranquil feeling
Sitting in the front row? • I didn’t like the protective attitude from the teacher • I didn’t go the university because I didn’t want to be the only one in a big auditorium on the front row • With my eyes and with my back it’s the same: I don’t want to be the exception, the outsider • But for other things I’m not a follower • I’m not like the others
Notlike the others? • I’m happy when I found a piece of furniture others don’t have • Most satisfied when friends admire it and I didn’t let myself lead by others • Always make Christmas cards myself with special text
Analysis • Two very serious physical limitations bring up the same feelings and reactions: hence they must be vital • They make him unstable and uncertain • This points to the mineral kingdom • SRP is that with those problems he still wants to hike and bicycle • And even more SRP he doesn’t want to sit down on a reception when everybody is standing • He didn’t want to sit on the first row and therefore didn’t want to go to university
Be different amongothers? • On the one hand: he doesn’t want to sit in the back seat, • doesn’t want to follow but want to take initiatives • doesn’t want special attention or protection • On the other hand: doesn’t want to be like everybody else, wants to be special • but not on the stage, not for applause, not stand out but be different among others • He wants to be himself, decide himself, do what he wants, when and how he wants, to be his own boss
He wants to beautonomous • That is the key to the Lanthanides • The colum is determined by the way he copes with this condition to be OK • One could condense the case in one sentence: ‘doubting his autonomy’ • Column 5 (doubt how) or 6 (prove) : twin remedies • He gets a dose of Praseodymium MK
Follow ups • He followed up every two months for a year but didn’t need repetition sooner than after 9 months • Even then he came because he planned a trip and was a little anxious • His back was OK, no more problems • His uncertainty went to the background, he undertook more demanding trips • His mood was good, he was more relaxed and more spontaneous • The pressure in his eyes came down and stabilized
One year later he comes to get another dose • He has a partner then for the first time in his life • He took the dose he had a month before and feels more safe when he has one at home • … just in case… • About one year later he took the dose when he got acute back pain while cutting a tree • The pain went within days and he was fine again
Conclusion • We prescribe for the sick, not the sickness, in back pain like in any other pain • The source of the symptoms comes from the Vital level • When we can match the vital sensation of the patient with the vital sensation of the remedy, we can bring about total transformation
Conclusion • Homeopathy is pattern matching • The similimum frees one from his conditions to be OK • A person who is always OK is a blessing for himself and his fellow men