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OGF20 OGF-ETSI MoU BoF and ETSI GRID STF 2007 call for expert Introduction to 11th May OGF-ETSI Grid testing workshop and ETSI TC GRID#3. Thursday 10th May 2007 - Manchester UK Patrick.Guillemin@etsi.org. BoF on ETSI-OGF MoU & ETSI GRID STF call for experts.
OGF20 OGF-ETSI MoU BoFand ETSI GRID STF 2007 call for expertIntroduction to 11th May OGF-ETSI Grid testing workshop and ETSI TC GRID#3 Thursday 10th May 2007 - Manchester UK Patrick.Guillemin@etsi.org
BoF on ETSI-OGF MoU & ETSI GRID STF call for experts http://www.ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=651 Thursday 10th May 2007 11:00 to 12:30 • ETSI-OGF signed MoU • Call for expert ETSI GRID STF 2007 funded by DG ENTR • Agenda Friday 11 May 09:00-11:00 and ETSI TC GRID#3 Documents uploaded to read off-line What is an ETSI Specialist Task Force (STF) OGF20 - Full ETSI TC MTS/PTCC presentation to introduce Grid testing
ETSI-OGF MoU http://www.ogf.org/OGF20/materials/651/ETSI-OGF_MoU_2007.pdf ETSI Press Release (simultaneously to OGF Press Release) Standards makers agree to cooperation on the GRID A recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between ETSI and the Open Grid Forum (OGF) has advanced standardization efforts in GRID computing and telecommunications. The two organizations are working together to ensure that their standards for GRID communications are written with common goals by their respective industrial and the research communities. This week ETSI Technical Committee GRID has co-located its meeting with the Open Grid Forum’s 20th meeting in Manchester, UK. The meeting has re-enforced links between ETSI and key groups of the OGF, including the Telecomm Community Group (TELCO-CG) and the Standards development organizations Collaboration on networked Resources Management Group (SCRM-WG). Convergence between IT (Information Technology) and Telecommunications demands interoperable solutions, to ensure that connectivity goes beyond the local network. ETSI and the OGF believe that this week’s co-hosted meetings and the new MoU signed by the two organizations has shown their commitment to driving this work forward.
ETSI GRID STF2007 Like seen before at OGF18 http://www.ggf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=421 The ETSI GRID Project funded by EC DG ENTR contains • A Grid interop event and 3 new GRID standards (2008) • ETSI TR “Study of ICT GRID interoperability gaps” • Part1: Inventory of ICT Stakeholders • Part2: List of identified Gaps • ETSI TR “ICT GRID Interoperability Testing Framework” The text of the project is upload and available http://www.ogf.org/OGF20/materials/651/CL07_2532r1.pdf
ETSI GRID STF 2007 - Call for experts OGF+ETSI • Candidatures must be proposed to the ETSI Secretariat before 27 May 2007 • A short list of candidates will be set up in agreement with the GRID Steering Group. • These candidates will be invited to attend the Preparatory Meeting to set up the STF, which is provisionally scheduled on 11th June 2007, in ETSI Headquarters. The actual set-up of the STF remains subject to the formal confirmation of funding from EC/EFTA, which we expect to be available at that time.
Friday 11th May 09:00 – 17:30 ETSI-OGF Workshop on Grid Testing - Stephan SchultzStephan Schultz - ETSI PTCCOn 11th May 2007 09:00-11:00 ETSI-OGF Workshop on Grid testing for OGF delegates, ETSI members and TC GRID guestsStephan Schultz ETSI PTCC expert will chair this 11 May 09:00-11:00 testing workshop on Grid, after 11:00 there will be ETSI TC GRID#3 plenary meeting where OGF delegates can attend as guests.Agenda:Maximum 1h30 presentation from Stephan Schultz followed by 30mn panel discussion on ETSI and OGF Grid testing. After 11:00 it will be the ETSI TC GRID#3 meeting as described in uploaded agenda.Location: Exchange 4/5 Document (PDF): Agenda OGF-ETSI Workshop on Grid testing
http://www.ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=820 ETSI TC GRID#3 meeting after OGF-ETSI Grid testing workshop ETSI TC GRID Chairman Mike Fisher Friday 11th May 200711:00 - 17:30 ETSI TC GRID#3 plenary meeting ETSI TC GRID organized the 3rd GRID Plenary meeting usually opened only to ETSI Members. Like with previous GRID#1 and GRID#2 we allow guests to attend as observers and since OGF and ETSI signed a MoU, the OGF representatives (officials) can apply for an ETSI account and attend as OGF regular delegates to TC GRID#3 meeting! ETSI Members’ delegates attending only 11:00 - 17:30 ETSI TC GRID#3 meeting (and 09:00 - 11:00 Grid testing workshop if they wish) does not have to pay for OGF20/EGEE fees but will only access this 11 May 2007 GRID#3 ETSI meeting & workshop
http://www.ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=820 http://www.ogf.org/OGF20/materials/820/GRID03_01r2%20Agenda.pdf ETSI-OGF Workshop on Grid testing for OGF delegates, ETSI members and TC GRID guests 11:00 - 17:30 ETSI TC GRID#3 plenary meeting1. Welcome GRID#3 and IPR Call2. Approval of GRID#3 agenda (GRID03_01)3. ETSI TC GRID Officials4. ETSI Drafting Rules and ETSI Directives for Rapporteurs and Chairs5. Work by correspondence, using ETSI TC GRID servers and mailing lists6. GRID STF status6.1 DG INFSO6.2 DG ENTR7. TC GRID ToR, OCG, Board, GA8. 4th ETSI GRID Plugtests (Grids@Work)9. TC GRID cooperation and liaison10. Special contributions and presentations for the GRID#311. Work Item discussions in the Rapporteur Group Meeting11.1 ETSI Grid Plugtests Technical Report work item11.2 GCM new work item adoption12. Next TC GRID meetings (2007)13. Matters arising after the meeting14. AOB15. Participant List