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REMOTE SENSING. HYDROLOGY 2013 EVENT TRAINING POWERPOINT. PRESENTED BY:. Cele Morris Northwest Indiana Center for Data & Analysis Indiana University Northwest Library cmorris@iun.edu. PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES:.

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  2. PRESENTED BY: Cele Morris Northwest Indiana Center for Data & Analysis Indiana University Northwest Library cmorris@iun.edu

  3. PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES: • Identify significant changes in the focus and rules for the 2013 Remote Sensing competition (See Handouts) • Provide a description of remote sensing and its associated terms • Demonstrate instructional strategies that may be used to create an event training program for event trainers and students • Identify resources that may be used to help prepare students for the 2013 Remote Sensing Event (See Handout)

  4. EVENT DESCRIPTION: The 2013 Science Olympiad Remote Sensing competition will focus on hydrology-the study of the occurrence, circulation, distribution and properties of the Earth’s waters and atmosphere : • The role of water in maintaining the radiative balance of Earth’s atmosphere • Hydrologic cycles • Local and global ecological effects of changes in atmospheric and oceanic temperatures

  5. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Remotesensing technologies are used to record data and monitor changes in the atmosphere and oceans by acquiring radiometric measurements of: • Atmospheric and ocean temperature • Greenhouse gases • Changes in land/sea/ice elevations • Changes in land/sea vegetative cover

  6. EVENT DESCRIPTION: These radiometric measurements are acquired by sensors that detect interactions between electromagnetic energy and the atmosphere, oceans and Earth.

  7. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Sensors are placed aboard satellites, which orbit our planet in EarthObservationMissions.

  8. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Data acquired by the sensors is then analyzed and interpreted and used to create a variety of images

  9. WHAT STUDENTS WILL DO: Students will be presented with one or more tasks requiring the use of science process skills to complete tasks related to the study of remote sensing and including: • Describe interactions between electromagnetic energy and the atmosphere, oceans and earth • Identify and describe significant Earth Observation Missions related to climate change and land use • Using remote sensing imagery to describe local and global changes in atmospheric and ocean temperatures, hydrologic cycles and vegetative cover

  10. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM The best way to describe electromagnetic radiation is by describing its most basic component‐the electromagnetic wave.

  11. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM The higher the frequency of a wave, the shorter its wavelength will be The lower the frequency of a wave, the longer its wavelength will be

  12. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) refers to the emission of atoms in gases that take the form of waves. The movements of electrons from one energy state into another cause the emission of radiation in a bandspectrum.

  13. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM The ElectromagneticSpectrum (EMS) is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

  14. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Most satellite pictures are pictures of reflected sunlight that makes its way through the atmosphere and is collected by the satellite sensor.

  15. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM These are usually ‘near’ infrared images that collect EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation)

  16. Compare these two images of the Detroit area. The one on the right is a visible light image taken from the Space Shuttle. The one on the right is a LANDSAT image in the near infrared range

  17. Water is darker in the near-infrared image (right) because water absorbs-infrared light more strongly than it does visible light giving a darker appearance.

  18. Now, compare the near-infrared intensity reflected from forested regions. Leafy deciduous vegetation reflects more infrared radiation than grasses and coniferous trees-which absorb more energy and appear darker

  19. How do concrete and roadways in both images appear? What are some problems that you could see with asphalt pavement on NI (near-infrared) images

  20. Now, let’s move into the thermal range of near-infrared and see the difference between visible light on the left and thermal imagery (1013 ) to the right.

  21. In studying weather, TI is useful in determining convection between warm and cold air in local atmospheres Why are the clouds in the region of warmer temperatures on the left image darker than those with colder air?

  22. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM • Electromagnetic energy moves in waves • Remote sensing sensors can detect and record EM energy that cannot be seen by the human eye • Different wavelengths of EM energy interact with water in different ways • Remote sensing imagery can help us to understand how changes in atmospheric and ocean temperatures may affect us

  23. Event Content SETTING UP A TRAINING PROGRAM Coach Students

  24. TRAINING RESOURCES In planning your Event Training Program, you will need to acquire or create training resources for each event.

  25. TRAINING RESOURCES More than likely, students and coaches will use the Internet to research content knowledge needed for events. But there are often questions about whether or not to purchase prepared resources or create your own training resources



  28. CREATING A RESEARCH NOTEBOOK Creating a Research Notebook is one of the best ways that you can have students acquire the content knowledge needed for their events.

  29. CREATING A RESEARCH NOTEBOOK Research Notebooks can be created using conventional binders with tabbed organizers. Or you may wish to use software such as MS One-Note to electronically organize your research


  31. BINDERS AND TABS Purchase a large (3”) binder and sets of vertical and horizontal tabs

  32. BINDERS AND TABS Use the horizontal tabs that will run along the top of the binder to organize subtopics within each of the key event topics as shown.

  33. BINDERS AND TABS Next, use the vertical tabs that will run along the right side of the binder to organize the Key Event Topics

  34. BINDERS AND TABS To guide student research, do the following: • Have students acquire a set number of websites, text, illustrations, etc. for the assigned subtopic • Have students copy the resource and place it into the binder in its correct subtopic tab • Use Information Analysis Skills to extrapolate information from the resource

  35. Summarizing Research Have students summarize their research in their own words. This can be done by: • Study the article before you read it. Examine the title, headings, illustrations-anything that will help them to focus on what is to be read • Read the article carefully identifying the main idea, major subordinate ideas and their relationship to one another

  36. BINDERS AND TABS You can then follow up with Practice Activities geared towards the KET subtopic that students researched


  38. SOFTWARE There are a number of e-notebook programs available such as MS One-Note 2010.

  39. GLACIAL MOVEMENT This image TERRA image of College Fjord, Alaska shows two large glaciers. Harvard Glacier is the large continental glacier shown at the left. Yale Glacier is shown on the right.

  40. COLLEGE FJORD Which of the two glaciers appears to be shrinking? Yale Glacier Which appears to be growing into the fjord? Harvard Glacier

  41. COLLEGE FJORD Which glacier appears to be producing the most icebergs? Harvard Glacier

  42. COLLEGE FJORD Where are the largest concentrations of vegetation shown on the image? Along the fjord walls

  43. COLLEGE FJORD What wavelength was likely used to create this image? Infrared

  44. GLACIAL MOVEMENT • Different wavelengths of EM energy interact with water in different ways • Remote sensing sensors can detect and record EM energy that cannot be seen by the human eye • Remote sensing imagery can help us to understand how changes in atmospheric and ocean temperatures may affect us • Remote sensing imagery is easy and fun to use

  45. CREATING EVENT NOTES Remote Sensing, like most Science Olympiad events allows the use of student notes and other resources during competition. In Remote Sensing, each team is allowed up to five 8.5x11” double-sided sheets of computer or hand-generated notes

  46. CREATING EVENT NOTES Limits are placed upon the amount of material that students may bring to competitions

  47. CREATING EVENT NOTES Write the information in each section so that it can be clearly understood by both team members and can be communicated during competition with a minimum of conversation

  48. CREATING EVENT NOTES Have competition notes in clear view of the Event Supervisor and be sure you have the latest Event Rules and Rule Clarifications specifying what may be brought to competition.

  49. INFRARED IMAGERY OF WETLANDS Wetlands are important transitional landforms between bodies of water and land.

  50. INFRARED IMAGERY OF WETLANDS For at least part of the year, wetlands are flooded with water.

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