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Math.375 Fall 2005 4. Errors in Numerical Computation

Math.375 Fall 2005 4. Errors in Numerical Computation. Vageli Coutsias. Types of errors in numerical computation. Roundoff errors Pi = 3.14159 Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626 Truncation errors Cos x = 1 – x^2/2 Cos x = 1 – x^2/2 + x^4/4! Errors usually accumulate randomly

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Math.375 Fall 2005 4. Errors in Numerical Computation

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  1. Math.375 Fall 20054. Errors in Numerical Computation Vageli Coutsias

  2. Types of errors in numerical computation • Roundoff errors Pi = 3.14159 Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626 • Truncation errors Cos x = 1 – x^2/2 Cos x = 1 – x^2/2 + x^4/4! Errors usually accumulate randomly (random walk) But they can also be systematic, and the reasons may be subtle!

  3. x = linspace(1-2*10^-8,1+2*10^-8,401); f = x.^7-7*x.^6+21*x.^5-35*x.^4+35*x.^3-21*x.^2+7*x-1; plot(x,f) CANCELLATION ERRORS

  4. g = -1+x.*(7+x.*(-21+x.*(35+x.*(-35+x.*(21+x.*(-7+x)))))); plot(x,g)

  5. h = (x-1).^7; plot(x,h)

  6. plot(x,h,x,g,x,f)

  7. z(1) = 0; z(2) = 2; for k = 2:29 z(k+1) = 2^(k-1/2)*(1-(1-4^(1-k)*z(k)^2)^(1/2))^(1/2); end semilogy(1:30,abs(z-pi)/pi)

  8. % Plot derivative error vs. h % to exhibit optimal step clear fname = 'sin'; fname1= 'cos'; delta = eps; hmin = 10^6*eps; hmax = 10^10*eps; xmax = 1; x=pi/4; M2=1; % estimate for second derivative hopt = 2*sqrt(delta/M2);% h for minimum error yopt = (M2/2)*hopt+2*delta/hopt; d = (feval(fname,x+hopt)-feval(fname,x))/hopt;

  9. h = linspace(hmin,hmax,1000); y1 = (M2/2)*h; % truncation error y2 = 2*delta./h; % roundoff error y = y1 + y2; % total error derivh =(feval(fname,x+h) - feval(fname,x))./h; abserr = abs(feval(fname1,x)-derivh); loglog(h,y,h,y1,h,y2,h,abserr,hopt,yopt,'bo'); xlabel(sprintf('hopt = %3.2d, d%s(%3.2d)/dx=… %3.2d +/-%3.2d',hopt,fname ,x,d,err)) ylabel('abserr, maxerr') title(sprintf('derivative error as function of h … for %s(x)',fname)) axis([hmin hmax 10^(-12) 10^(-4)])

  10. Vocabulary • Consistency – correctness - … • Convergence (rate) • Efficiency (operation counts) • Numerical Stability (error amplification) • Accuracy (relative vs. absolute error) • Roundoff vs. Truncation

  11. Due to limitations in computer arithmetic, need to practice “defensive coding”. • Mathematicsnumerics + implementation • The sequence of computations carried out for the solution of a mathematical problem can be so complex as to require a mathematical analysis of its own correctness. • How can we determine efficiency? Text

  12. Recurrence relations

  13. Instability is inescapable; But one can learn to ride it!

  14. APPENDIX • NUMERICAL MONSTERS: a collection of curious phenomena exhibited by computations at the limit of machine precision

  15. for k=1:50, term = x*term/k; s = s+term;err(k) = abs(f(k) - s);end relerr = err/exp(x); semilogy(1:nTerms,relerr)% semilogy(1:nTerms,err) ylabel('Relative Error in Partial Sum.') xlabel('Order of Partial Sum.') title(sprintf('x = %5.2f',x)) figure semilogy(1:nTerms,err)%end term = 1; s = 1; f = exp(x)*ones(nTerms,1); for k=1:50, term = x*term/k; s = s+term; err(k) = abs(f(k) - s); end relerr = err/exp(x); semilogy(1:nTerms,relerr)% semilogy(1:nTerms,err) ylabel('Relative Error in Partial Sum.') xlabel('Order of Partial Sum.') title(sprintf('x = %5.2f',x)) figure semilogy(1:nTerms,err)%end The first monster: T(x) = e^x * log(1+e^-1) For x>30 a dramatic deviation from the theoretical value 1 is found. For x>36.7 the plotted value drops (incorrectly) to zero Here: x = linspace(0,40,1000); y = exp(x).*log(1+exp(-x));

  16. Pet Monster I

  17. III.MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS: (1) Setting ranges for axes, axis([-40 0 0 0.1]) (2) Superimposing plots: plot(x,y,x,exp(x),'o') (3) using "hold on/hold off" (4) Subplots: subplot(m,n,k)

  18. Summary • Roundoff and other errors • Multiple plots

  19. References • C. Essex, M.Davidson, C. Schulzky, “Numerical Monsters”, preprint. • Higham & Higham, Matlab Guide, SIAM • B5 Trailer; http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/

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