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Global Seismographic Network

Explore the advancements and collaborations within the Global Seismographic Network (GSN) and GEOSS to improve seismic data sharing globally. Learn about the integration of new technologies and networks in monitoring geohazards.

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Global Seismographic Network

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  1. GSN is composed of 152 stations: 129 Core stations and 23 Affiliate stations. Global Seismographic Network 7 New sites since FDSN Perugia, Italy

  2. 97% of GSN stations have real-time communication links GSN Telemetry since FDSN Perugia, Italy

  3. GSN Next Generation System(based on Q330HR) • ASL and IDA Integration complete • 14 upgrades thru 2008 • (9 USGS - 5 IDA)

  4. Focus on Greenland

  5. GreenLand Ice Sheet monitoring Network ( G L I S N )Real-time, Open Data • IRIS $2M MRI Proposal to NSF • International Partners • GEUS Denmark & Greenland • IRIS USA • GEOFON Germany • Swiss Seismological Service • INGV Italy • NIPR/PACIFIC21 Japan • NORSAR Norway • Natural Resources Canada

  6. GEO & GEOSSSeismology has a seat at the table 2004 GSN in GEOSS F-Net & Japanese Networks FDSN joins GEO 2005 GEOSS Washington workshop GEOSS seismology tasks defined FDSN on GEO key Committees 2006 DI-06-02 GEO Seismology Task, GSN/FDSN Lead Eleven other related tasks GSN/FDSN participate in GEO/GEOSS meetings and Tasks 2007 DI-06-02 GEO Seismology Task broadened in 2007-9 workplan FDSN Participation in GEOSS Interoperability Task AR-07-01 Seismology established as key in situ system GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium, Seismology focus AGU Special Session in Mexico on Operating High-Performance Seismic Networks 2007-2008 FDSN as GEO Early Achievement, IEEE GEOSS paper, contribution to GEO Full Picture FDSN lead in CODATA/GEO data statement: data should be transmitted on a real-time basis whenever necessary or practicable. ISC joins DI-06-02 Transition to Task DI-09-01b

  7. GEO & GEOSSDI-09-01: Systematic Monitoring for Geohazards Risk AssessmentDI-09-01b: Seismographic Networks Improvement and Coordination Improve the capabilities of global seismographic networks such as GSN, FDSN (including regional and global components), GNSS networks and new ocean bottom networks such as VENUS, NEPTUNE and ESONET. Facilitate sharing of data and event products among GEO members. Expand and coordinate efforts to provide access, using GEOSS interoperability methods, to real time and archived seismological data and products. Develop a portal that will interlink distributed seismological data centers and provide seamless access to other GEOSS components. Broaden the scope of this activity to identify and build upon synergies across in-situ observing network types (e.g. seismological, GNSS, hydrological). Synergies could range from the use of the same best practices and operational approach, to the use of a common part of the infrastructure for collection and dissemination, and co-location of in-situ instruments. Leads:China (CENC), EC (EMSO, EuroSITES), USA (USGS), FDSN, ISC

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