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Feeling-based location privacy protection for LBS. Location privacy. Location privacy leak in LBSs A person’s whereabouts may imply private information Potential abuse of users’ location data collected by service providers. Location privacy protection.
Location privacy • Location privacy leak in LBSs • A person’s whereabouts may imply private information • Potential abuse of users’ location data collected by service providers
Location privacy protection • Simply using pseudonym is not sufficient. • a user’s location may reveal her real identity • Reducing location resolution • Cloak a client’s location with a spatial region, called cloaking region
Location privacy protection • Location cloaking techniques • Anonymous use of LBSs • Ensure each cloaking region contains a number of users • Prevent adversary identifying the service client • Location privacy protection • Ensure each cloaking region has been visited by a number of users • Prevent adversary deriving who is where at what time
Problems (1) • Privacy modeling • Users need to specify a K value • Privacy is about personal feelings • Difficult for users to choose a K value • What is the difference between K=20 and K=19? • Users have no idea how much K should be in order to make them feel safe enough. • A user may choose a very large K, but it leads to poor cloaking resolution
Problems (2) • Robustness • Just ensuring each cloaking region have been visited by K people may NOT provide protection at level K. • Robust only when the users’ footprints are uniformly distributed • Dominant users are more likely be the service client
Problem (3) • On-the-fly cloaking • Current cloaking technique needs a client submit her route before a travel • In many cases, the moving route is not predetermined • Cloaking should be in an on-the-fly fashion
Basic idea • Let a client specify her privacy requirement by a spatial region, called public region • A spatial region is considered public by a user if the user feels comfortable that the region is reported as her location • E.g., a user can specify a shopping mall as her safe region
Feeling-based privacy model • A user u specifies a public region Ru instead of K • The user feels that Ru is public enough, reporting Ru is safe for herself. • Challenge: • How to measure the privacy level that such region can provide to the user
Popularity (1) • Use entropy to measure the popularity of a region • Let R be a region, S(R)={u1, u2,…,um} be the set of users who have visited R. • Entropy of R is E(R) = • Popularity of R is P(R) =
Popularity (2) • E(R): the amount of information needed for the adversary to identify the client • P(R): actually indicates the number of users among which the client is indistinguishable • 1<P(R)≤m • P(R) is lower if footprint distribution is more skewed • From a client’s perspective, a spatial region is a public region as long as its popularity is no less than P(Ru)
Public trajectory (1) • Continuous LBS – a sequence of location updates • Location updates are not independent • Simply ensuring each cloaking box is a public region is not enough • T={R1, R2, …, Rn} • Adversary may identify S(Ri), and then join all S(Ri). • As a result, the privacy level is reduced
Public trajectory (2) • We must use the common set of users to compute the popularity • Let U ={u1, u2,…,um’} be a sub set of S(R) • The entropy of R with respect to U is • The popularity of R with respect to U is • Goal: the popularity of each cloaking box in the trajectory with respect to a common set of users is no less than P(Ru) ----- P-Public Trajectory (PPT)
On-the-fly trajectory cloaking • System overview • Clients communicate with LBS providers through a location depersonalization server (LDS) • To receive a LBS, a client needs to submit • Public region Ru • Travel bound B • Location updates repeatedly during her travel • In response, LDS • Generates a cloaking box for each location update • Ensure the sequence of cloaking boxes form a PPT
Data structure • Grid-based pyramid structure • 4i-1 cells at layer i • Cells at the bottom layer h keep the footprint index • Footprint table, stores the footprints in this cell • Cell table, stores the number of footprints each user has in the cell
Generating PPT • Given public region Ru, calculate Pu=P(Ru) • Each cloaking box in a PPT • Contains footprints of a same set of users, called cloaking set • Popularity with respect to the cloaking set is no less than Pu • Challenge: • How to find the cloaking set which can generate PPT with fine resolution
Selecting cloaking set • Simple solution • Cloak the client’s first location using the footprints closest to it • Record the corresponding users as cloaking set • Cloak the client’s rest location updates using the historical trajectories of the users in cloaking set • Disadvantage • First cloaking box is small, but the rest will become larger and larger as the client moves
Basic idea • Observation • Popular user: has visited many places in the client's travel bound • Using her historical trajectories to cloak tends to have a fine cloaking resolution, no matter where the client moves • Idea • Find the most popular users for cloaking
Popular level • Measure how popular a user is in B, based on her footprints in B • l-popular : the user has visited all cells at layer l overlapping with B • l is larger, the user is more popular • If a user is l-popular, she must be l’-popular for any l’<l • Example • u1, u2, u3 : 2-popular • u2, u3 : 3-popular • u3: 4-popular
Cloaking set selection algorithm • From bottom to top of the pyramid • Find the l-popular users in terms of B for each layer l, say Sl (l from h down to 1) • Calculate the popularity of B with respect to Sl • If for some l, the popularity is no less than Pu, Sl is set as the cloaking set candidate
Refine the cloaking set • Sl needs refinement if PSl (B) > Pu • Overprotect • Larger cloaking set may downgrade the cloaking resolution • Find a subset of Sl • Remove some users who are l-popular but not (l+1)-popular, i.e., S’=Sl - Sl+1 • A user is more popular • if visited more cells at layer l+1 • if visited cells are closer to the client’s start position • Measure a user u in S’ with • C’l+1 is the cells at layer l+1 overlapping with B • dc is the distance between a cell c and the cell containing the client’s start position
Cloaking client’s location • Let S be the cloaking set, p be the client’s location, we cloak p by • 1) find closest footprints to p for each user in S • 2) compute the minimal bounding box of these footprints, say R • 3) calculate PS(R) • If PS(R) < Pu, expand R by merging its neighbors, goto 2) • If PS(R) ≥ Pu, R is reported as the client’s location
Performance • Evaluate the impact of the cloaking technique on the quality of LBSs • Metric: cloaking area, average area of cloaking boxes in a PPT • Comparison • Baseline: determine the cloaking set based on the closest footprints to client’s start position • Advanced: the proposed technique
Effect of privacy requirement • Our technique has better performance • The cloaking resolution on more popular roads is finer
Conclusion • We proposed a feeling-based model for location privacy protection • Allow users to configure their privacy preference based on intuitive feelings ---- public region • Borrow the concept of entropy to measure the privacy level of a cloaking box • Based on this model, we developed algorithms for on-the-fly trajectory cloaking