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The Right Kind of Man with the Right Sacrifice. Men’s Meeting 2013. ISAIAH 66:1-2
The Right Kind of Man with the Right Sacrifice Men’s Meeting 2013
ISAIAH 66:1-2 Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.
HE.WAS.TO.PASS.THAT.WAY_ TACOMA.WA SATURDAY_ 57-0727 “ You know how you like to minister and to do good things to your children, how much... That very strain of fatherhood, of parent to your children comes from God (That's right.), 'cause He's the Father of us all; and He--He loves us, and He wants to do for us. If He can just get us lined up with the blessings and so forth, He can trust us, then there's just... The heavens is open to all of us.”
RESPECTS_ JEFF.IN V-13 N-4 SUNDAY_ 61-1015E “And when you respect God, you fear God. You fear that you might displease Him in some way; you fear lest you would do something wrong. You wouldn't want to...I fear my mother. I fear my--my wife. I fear my church. I fear all of God's servants, unless I should put a stumbling block somewhere in their way. I--I fear the people. I fear the people of the city, unless I should do something wrong that would cause them to think that I wasn't a Christian. See, you've got, before you can have respects, you've got to have fear. And God demands it, He demands respects. God does; He demands it. And fear brings it. And we know that fear brings respects.”
An Absolute; , "I--I dreamed that I was building a building up in--in New Albany, and the man left me the blueprint. He went to Florida. And he had, on this blueprint, he had a bay window. And I said, 'That man don't want a bay window out there,' so I just left it off. And said, "When the man come back, he said, 'I will not pay you for this building until you tear it down and rebuild it according to this blueprint.'"
EL.SHADDAI_ LA.CA THURSDAY_ 59-0416 • E-3 Brother duPlessis, I have knowed him now for some years. He's known me longer than I have known him, for he would be in the meetings and I--I wouldn't know it. But I know his family, and they're all fine Christians. • When I was in South Africa, his brother was my interpreter, a fine Christian gentleman. And I like David's spirit. Now, he's gone, so he don't hear me. But I like his spirit, that gentle, right straight to the point, compromising for nothing; but yet, gentle with it. I like that. • You know, Jesus wasn't a sissy by no means. He wasn't just a feminish type person; He was man. But yet, He could speak right straight to the point, but yet, with gentleness. And I see a person can do that, I just think of the Spirit of Christ being in them.
JEHOVAH.JIREH_ CHARLOTTE. I can imagine. It was on Sunday afternoon when He spoke to him maybe. On Monday morning how's he going to do? Poor little Isaac, he looks at him. Oh, he loves him. But I can't look at that. I got to think of obeying of God. So he couldn't tell Sarah. 'Cause, you know, the ladies are the weaker vessel. So you sometime you have to watch. "So I--I can't tell Sarah 'cause she wouldn't understand."
QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD SUNDAY_ Now, what did I tell you awhile ago when I first started? When you see any--a car coming down the road ninety miles an hour, get out of it's way. That's right. When you see the first twist in anything like that, get away from it; stay away from it. And just... That's the ground you should not be on. Satan will present something to you that'll wreck your soul and send you to hell. Stay away from it. Shun the very appearance of evil. That's right.
Be a man; be a woman, like... I'm going to take up for the women a minute. That's unusual, isn't it? But they--they say, "Oh, the woman caused it. Oh, it was the woman's fault. If she hadn't got out of her place, well, the man wouldn't got out of his." That's true. That... We'll say that's right. She gets out of her place. A man can't be bad 'less there's a bad woman; but remember there can't be a bad woman without being a bad man. That's right. And you who claim to be a son of God, where is your principles? If the woman ain't out of her place, aren't you a son of God? Aren't you the one that's a higher, stronger vessel? As the Bible says she's weaker, then if she's weaker, then show yourself a man of God.
Tell her, say, "Sister, you're in the wrong." That's right. I've done it, and other Christians has done it. And you'll always do it as long as you're a Christian, but show yourself. You're a son of God. You're--you have more power over yourself than the woman does. If she is weaker, recognize her to be weaker. Understand her mistakes, and things like that, and try to correct her. Say, "Sister, we are Christians; shouldn't do that." See? Be a real man; be a son of God, and watch the women. And there's where the great fall begin at the beginning. It was Satan with Eve. That's what brought the whole downfall of the human race is through that. • And if you're a son of God, be strong; be a real man. If you're not that way, stay at the altar till you become that.
Israel and the church #2 There they are, going down to Egypt. And now watch how neglectful a man can get. In the end God met him down here in the end, and would've slayed him, and Zipporah went and took a sharp rock and circumcised her two children with a sharp rock, and throwed the foreskin before Moses, and said, "You're a bloody husband to me," only saved Moses life. What was Moses doing? Moses got in such a hustle and bustle of the day, till he was in such a--a place to go down there, he forgot the seal of circumcision.
THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE_ JEFF.IN V-3 Notice that Jesus said, John 14 now, "go and prepare a Place. Oh, what will it look like? Did you ever think now, Bride, what it will look like? It is prepared and designed by the Divine Architect. What will that City look like? Now, we're going to talk about it for a few minutes. The Divine Architect has prepared it, designed it. And, look, He has designed it with tender hands, for His beloved Bride. What's it going to look like? 300 Could you imagine a man marrying a wife, that's able, how he builds and puts every little thing just exactly to her touch, just what she would like? Amen. Now, the Divine Architect has designed the New City, where He will live with His Bride, just to Her touch.
PAINTED.FACE.JEZEBEL_ CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 56-1005 • E-27 …. But you little weakling man. I'm ashamed of you as Christian brothers, will let your wife do such a thing as that; it shows what you are made out of. That's right. • Now, women, you ought to say, "Amen" after fussing at you like that 'cause he's the ruler. That's right. And the way he let you live, it's his fault. God's going to hold him responsible for it. That's right. If you ain't man enough to take up and put your own house in order, God be merciful to you. That's right. 'Cause the Bible said in the very beginning, that, "He shall rule over thee." • Now, she's not a door mat now; she's your sweetheart. See? But you should set down and talk to her, and reason it with her, and tell her, and read the Bible, and pray together. These things wouldn't be in the church then, if you done that.
YE.MUST.BE.BORN.AGAIN_ GREENVILLE.SC THURSDAY_ 58-0619B And you, woman, that take another man in your arm, you've marred the mold that you were taken from. Remember that. When you act like a man, you're out of your place. And when man begins to get sissy too, and babying and this, that, and the other, he's out of his place. He's boss; he's ruler. Not... Now, I don't mean a floor mat; I just said a ruler, a helpmate. Not to kick women around, they're not... But the Bible said... God said in the creation, "You shall rule over you." Not to be a boss, but to be a helpmate, part of you. She's sweet, and kind, and tender; you should lead her around sweetly, because she's part of you. You go to mistreating her, then you're mistreating yourself. And a man mentally right won't do that.
Scriptures Used In Mens Meeting Isiah 66:1-5 Ecc. 3:3 Hosea 6:1-2 I Cor 3:10-15 Psalms 51:16-19 Rev. 5:1-12 I Peter 2:13-23 I John 2:14 I Cor 16:13 I Peter 3:7 I Tim 5:8 Ex 4:24