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Classics Club

Dive into mythical creatures, explore monster tales, learn present tense verbs in Latin and English, and tackle quick vocab quizzes!

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Classics Club

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classics Club ii – Beasts, monsters and things that go bump in the night

  2. Today’s session 1. Home tasks and recap Word order and Quick Quiz 2. Topic for today: Beasts & monsters video quiz, myths: what's the point? 3. Language: animals in action The present tense, worksheet with partners 4. Recap & Home tasks

  3. 1. Recap: language – English word order v. Latin word endings word order English shows meaning by ……………………. e.g. Boy eats fish, fish eats boy Latin shows meaning by ……………………… e.g. “-e” = command (imperative) (tace! fuge!) word ending

  4. 1. Home tasks L.O. • check completion of home task 1. Quick vocab quiz 2. Gold star tasks – modern object

  5. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters L.O. • learn about mythological creatures • Consider reasons for myths video quiz – can you name the mythical monsters? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5OERqTniro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpB3sOtmkhU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_kJOFLsR-Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzGw_4sCjfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBfe9uX0Xk0

  6. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters 8 volunteers to be monsters, rest of you are 'sorters', sorting into following categories: Explaining behaviour/phenomena Controlling other people Teaching a moral lesson Confront deepest fears

  7. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters We are the Taraxippi. You can’t see us, you can’t hear us, but we are the ghosts who spook your horses when we least expect it. I am a mermaid. I was spotted by the crew of a sailing ship that had been at sea for eighteen months, had very little to eat or drink, and, quite frankly, hadn’t seen a woman in a year and a half.

  8. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters I am Polyphemos the Cyclops. I don’t like company and I certainly don’t give a warm welcome to strangers. I am also a little bit on the stupid side but I make up for it by whacking everyone I see. I, Jabba, was powerful and mighty and all around me did my bidding. I ended up suffering one of the grisliest fates in the universe.

  9. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters I am Mormo. As I'm sure your parents have told you, if you're naughty, I'll come and get you in the dead of night. I am Father Christmas. If you’re good, you’ll get plenty of presents. But if you’re naughty, you’ll get nothing.

  10. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters I am Medusa the Gorgon. I’m actually quite beautiful, despite having snakes for hair, but if you dare to look at me, you will turn to stone. I may also viciously kill you. I was just driving through the forest when I saw a bright light in the sky. I got out to have a closer look and I saw a UFO hovering in the sky. It somehow pulled me up in its beam. Next thing I remember clearly was lying on the forest floor. I don't know what happened but I have a sense of being watched by strange creatures – grey, big eyes.

  11. 3. Language: present tense verbs L.O. • understanding of function of present tense in English and Latin • Recognise 3rd person sing & plural terrminations When? Now! In English = (1) I talk (2) I am talking In Latin – look at the end of the word for a 't' or 'nt'

  12. 3. Language: the present tense equuscurrit canis spectat Jabba ridet Vocabulary to help spectat – he/she looks ridet – he/she laughs currit – he/she runs

  13. 3. Language: the present tense canes currunt leones spectant gallinae rident Vocabulary to help spectant – they look rident – they laugh currunt – they run

  14. 3. Language: the present tense (verb) Jabba ridet -t SINGULAR gallinae rident -nt PLURAL

  15. 3. Language: the present tense (verb) Partner up and take a worksheet. Fill in the blank space with the correct verb then translate the sentence. [worksheet]

  16. To recap Now you…. … have seen some delightfully grisly Greek myths … understand why myths arise in ancient and modern cultures … know how to recognise the present tense by looking at the end of a Latin verb … are going to have a chance to exercise your creative skills....

  17. Home tasks vocab list Verbs (‘doing’ words) currit/currunt he*/they run(s) spectat/spectant – he*/they watch(es) ridet/rident – he*/they laugh(s) (*=or she or it, but it's a hassle having to type “he, she or it” every time.) Adjectives (‘describing’ words) stultus – stupid/dumb scelestus (pronounced “ske-les-tus”)– wicked/evil saevus (pronounced “sy-wus”) - savage/uncivilised Nouns (‘thing’ words) canis (canes) – dog (dogs) equus – horse leo (leones) – lion (lions) gallina (gallinae) – chicken (chickens)

  18. Mythical Top Trumps Complete a TT card – you’ll need to research the monster, give it scores and find/draw a picture for it.

  19. Wisdom 40 Strength 80 Cunning 70 Magic 95 Lamia

  20. Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Cerberus Nessus Asbolus Chiron Empousai Onocentaur Chimera Charybdis

  21. Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic The Graeae Stheno Euryale Medusa Ichthyocentaur Hippalectryon Hippocampus Harpy

  22. Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Mormo Manticore Minotaur The Kobaloi The Furies Lycanthrope The Vrykolakas Hydra

  23. Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic Wisdom Strength Cunning Magic The Sirens Pholus Scylla & Charybdis Charon The Telekhines The Taraxippi

  24. 2. Topic: beasts & monsters L.O. • learn about mythological creatures • Consider reasons for myths [video quiz – can you name the monsters?] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5OERqTniro (Cyclops) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpB3sOtmkhU (Scylla & Charybdis from 2:50) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_kJOFLsR-Q (Cerberus 1:30-1:57) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzGw_4sCjfc (centaur) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBfe9uX0Xk0 (Medusa)

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