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Routing and Scheduling in Multistage Networks using Genetic Algorithms

This research explores the implementation of Genetic Algorithms in routing and scheduling for multistage networks, presenting analysis of testing results, simulation in Java Applet, and future work suggestions.

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Routing and Scheduling in Multistage Networks using Genetic Algorithms

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  1. Routing and Scheduling in Multistage Networks using Genetic Algorithms Advisor: Dr. Yi Pan Chunyan Ji 3/26/01

  2. Presentation Outline • Background and Motivation of this research • Genetic Algorithm • Analysis of Testing Results • Simulation Package in Java Applet • Conclusion and Future work • Demo

  3. Background and Motivation of this research • Multistage Interconnection Network • Network size N=2n (n is the number of stages) • N/2 switching elements in each stage

  4. Crosstalk in OMIN • Two ways to produce undesired coupling in a Switching Element

  5. Approaches to avoid crosstalk • 2N*2N regular OMIN to provide N*N connection • Routing traffic through an N*N OMIN to avoid coupling two signals within each Switching Element

  6. Legal path in SW at a time • Paths without crosstalk in SE:

  7. Omega Network • Each connection between stages is shuffle-exchanged • 000->000 • 001->010 • 010->100 • … • 111->111

  8. Routing in Omega Network

  9. Routing same ex. in 2 passes

  10. Routing same ex. in 2 passes

  11. The Window Method

  12. Conflict Graph

  13. Routing Algorithm • While (not end of messages list) • 1. Select one of the left messages; • 2. Schedule the message in a time slot with no conflict with other messages that have been already scheduled.

  14. Four Routing Algorithms • Sequential Algorithm: Choose a message in increasing order of the message source address. • Seq-Down Algorithm: Choose a message in decreasing order of the message source address. • Degree-ascending Algo: Choose a message in the order of the increasing degrees in conflict graph. • Degree-descending Algo: Choose a message in the order of the decreasing degrees in conflict graph

  15. Genetic Algorithm

  16. Chromosomes • Binary: 01011010 • Permutation encoding:21314231 • Index represents the node in the graph and the integer value represents the color of its corresponding node

  17. Operators of GA • Crossover • Mutation • Selection

  18. Crossover • Single Crossover: Parent 1: 2311242212341 Parent 2: 1232422311243 After crossover, Offspring 1: 2311242311243 Offspring 2: 1232422212341

  19. Operators of GA(cont.) • Double Crossover Parent 1: 2311242212341 Parent 2: 1232422311243 After double crossover, Offspring 1: 2312422312341 Offspring 2: 1231242211243

  20. Mutation • Offspring from the crossover: Offspring 1: 2311242311243 Offspring 2: 1232422212341 Offspring after mutation: Offspring 1: 2312242311243 Offspring 2: 1232322212311

  21. Selection • Fitness Function:number of colors • valid solutions • Betting fitting offspring (less number of colors) gets to be the parent of next generation

  22. Parameters of GA • Crossover Probability • Mutation Probability • Population Size • Number of Generations

  23. Example

  24. Sequential Algo. Coloring

  25. Degree-descending Coloring

  26. GA Coloring(MP=0.1,Gen=100)

  27. Analysis of testing results

  28. Color-exchanging Mutation results

  29. Generations affects GA

  30. Generations(MP=0.1)

  31. Generations(MP=0.01)

  32. Generations(MP=0.3)

  33. Generations(MP=0.4)

  34. Generations(MP=0.001)

  35. Analysis • Best Mutation Probability: 0.1---0.3 • Generations:100---300 • Population size:4--8 • Crossover Probability used: 100% • In this research, maximum colors reduced by GA: 2

  36. Maximum passes reduced by GA in this research

  37. Single vs. Double Crossover

  38. Comparisons of 5 algorithms

  39. Java Applet

  40. Sequential Algo.(128*128)

  41. Sequential Down Algo.

  42. Degree-ascending Algo.

  43. Degree-descending Algo.

  44. Genetic Algorithm

  45. Comparisons of 5 algorithms

  46. Conclusion and Future work • Genetic Algorithm can be used as a optimizing tool • Disadvantage:time consuming • Perform GA in parallel • Other complicated GA techniques to improve the results

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