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Listed and Sensitive Plants along the Buffalo River - Educational Resources

Explore educational resources on conservation and Arkansas natural history provided by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, including lesson plans and activity guides. Learn about globally rare plant species in Arkansas.

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Listed and Sensitive Plants along the Buffalo River - Educational Resources

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  1. Listed and Sensitive Plants along the Buffalo River

  2. Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission • Tools for Teaching • The Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission offers a wide variety of educational resources, such as lesson plans, a classroom guide to Arkansas natural history, and more. Our educational resources make the technical data interesting and easy to understand. Lesson plans and activity guides include correlations to Arkansas Science Curriculum Frameworks and resource lists for additional information. While many of the resources are designed with teachers and students in mind, they are also enjoyed by life-long learners who want to know more about their Arkansas heritage. We invite feedback on the effectiveness of our outreach materials. Please email us or call 501.324.9619. • Theo Witsell is contact for plants

  3. Download educational materials by following the links below: Download educational materials by following the links below

  4. Species Rank and Status Global rankings are assigned by a consensus of international conservation organizations to designate the range-wide rarity of a species. The rankings range from G-1 (extremely rare) to G-5(very common and secure globally), with additional rankings tied to historical data and possible extinction. State ranks are assigned in a similar manner to global rankings, with designations ranging from S-1 to S-5, but consider only factors within the boundaries of Arkansas. For example, a species that is endemic to Arkansas (found nowhere else in the world) would have the same global and state ranks, whereas a species that may be common in the western U.S. but only known from a few occurrences in Arkansas will have global and state ranks that differ.

  5. PanaxquinquefoliusGensing

  6. Jim Corbin South Carolina Dept. of Agriculture developed a marking system for ginseng

  7. The trace material has three prong defense • Color dye –Buffalo River is powder blue • Has chips that are fluorescent • Has magnetic chips

  8. Finding Ginseng plant

  9. Digging down to expose top of root

  10. Exposed root

  11. Spray root with adhesive and sprinkle with trace material

  12. HydrastiscanadensisGoldenseal

  13. CaulophyllumthalictroidesBlue Cohosh Global-G4G5 State S2

  14. PenstomencobeaShowy beardtongueG4 S3

  15. CallirhoebushiiBush’s poppy mallowG3 S3

  16. Stylophorumdiphyllumcelandine poppyG5 S3

  17. TrandescantiaozarkanaOzark spiderwortG3 S3

  18. Delphinium newtonianumMoore’s larkspurG3 S3

  19. Cypripedium calceolusyellow ladies slipper

  20. Cypripedium kentuckiensisSouthern ladies slipperG3 S3

  21. VeratrumWoodiiFalse HelleboreG5 S3

  22. Heucheravillosa var. arkansanaAlumrootG5T3Q S3

  23. Ozark CornsaladVallerianellaozarkanaG3-S3

  24. Ozark Chinquapin

  25. The Chestnut blight (Cryphonectriaparasitica) was introduced on the East coast by Chinese chestnuts. • It wiped out the Chestnut tree • By the 1950-60 it was affecting the Ozark Chinquapin

  26. Ozark ChinquapinCastaneaozarkana

  27. Yellville-Summit • Valley Springs • Currently involved in rearing chinquapins in an orchard and a campus tree setting

  28. The Ozark Chinquapin Foundation • Steve Bost • Internet site • History of Chinquapin • How to sprout and grow chinquapin trees

  29. What do you call a country that only drives pink cars A pink carnation

  30. What was green and and had her own talk show Okra Winfrey

  31. What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter Pumpkin Pi

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