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Moving Forward – Planning for 2008 - 2009 Dr. Barbara Laughon Secretary, Working Group on New TB Drugs. Proposed Biennial Work Plan 2008-2009. Priority Area 1: Support Global R&D for New Drugs Promote research coordination to advance the global TB drug pipeline .
Moving Forward – Planning for 2008 - 2009 Dr. Barbara Laughon Secretary, Working Group on New TB Drugs
Proposed Biennial Work Plan 2008-2009 Priority Area 1: Support Global R&D for New Drugs • Promote research coordination to advance the global TB drug pipeline. Convene Annual Symposia at IUATLD on TB drug development; Publish R&D activity mapping project. Update annually. • Support development of clinical trial site capacity. Assess funding needs for clinical trial site capacity building.
Proposed Biennial Work Plan 2008-2009 Priority Area 1 (Continued): Support Global R&D for New Drugs • Promote development of biomarkers, surrogate endpoints, animal models. Publish contracted review on the state of the art of biomarkers; Organize/co-sponsor a symposium on these topics. • Identify strategies to evaluate new drugs for MDR- and XDR-TB Sponsor and help organize meetings of the MDR/XDR Task Force; Sponsor publication of MDR/XDR Task Force documents; Support other activities of the MDR/XDR Task Force.
Proposed Biennial Work Plan 2008-2009 Priority Area 2: Promote harmonized regulatory guidelines for TB and MDR-TB Drug Development Organize and co-sponsor Open Forum on key regulatory issues – New Delhi May 5-6, 2008 Priority Area 3: Promote engagement with affected-community representatives Sponsor travel to annual meetings, symposia, Open Fora; Provide support and training to facilitate participation in meetings and WGND activities.
Proposed Biennial Work Plan 2008-2009 Priority Area 4: Maintain communication and collaboration Convene annual WGND meetings; participate in Partnership meetings; Update the Strategic Plan; Convene a core group to oversee implementation of the Strategic Plan; Support the activities of the Retooling Task Force; Publications: e.g. brochure, newsletter, annual reports WG website: update drug projects information
Working Group Mission Translational Basic Research Projects
Working Group Mission Discovery Stage Projects (page 1 of 2)
Working Group Mission Discovery Stage Projects (continued)
Working Group Mission Preclinical Stage Projects
Clinical Stage Projects Working Group Mission