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Friday February 15 th , 2013

Friday February 15 th , 2013. PDN: Reading Checks on pages 165 and 167 . Topic: Protections of the Bill of Rights Today’s Objective: Given a presentation on the Bill of Rights, students will be able to identify freedoms not available in totalitarian governments. . Agenda:

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Friday February 15 th , 2013

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  1. Friday February 15th, 2013 PDN: Reading Checks on pages 165 and 167. Topic: Protections of the Bill of Rights Today’s Objective: Given a presentation on the Bill of Rights, students will be able to identify freedoms not available in totalitarian governments. Agenda: Collecting Section Assessment 6.2, 1-4b Checking Vocabulary Homework 6.2 Protections of Bill of Rights Presentation Rights in Korea and China/Abuse of Rights Chart (Will be collected at the end of class)

  2. Protections in the Bill of Rights • PA Academic Standards and Anchor: 1. Standards: • 5.1.9A: Apply examples of the rule of law as related to individual rights and the common good. • 5.1.9.D: Compare and Contrast the basic principles and ideals found in significant Documents: Constitution. 2. Anchor: • R11.A.2.1 – Identify and apply meaning of vocabulary in non-fiction. TEST: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 2013

  3. Review • Define Amendment Process. • What is a right? • What are the three main categories the Bill of Rights fall under? • How many amendments are there in the Bill of Rights?

  4. A. Protections of Individual Freedoms • Freedom of Religion • Separation of Church and State • Freedom of Speech • Freedom of the Press • Freedom of Assembly • Freedom of Petition

  5. Where is Romania?

  6. A. Protections of Individual Freedoms • Freedom of Religion • Separation of Church and State • Freedom of Speech • Freedom of the Press • Freedom of Assembly • Freedom of Petition

  7. B. Protections Against Abuse of Power • Second Amendment • Gun Ownership • Open to Interpretation • ThirdAmendment • No Quartering of Soldiers

  8. B. Protections Against Abuse of Power • Fourth Amendment • No unreasonable searches and seizures • Warrant and probable cause • Eminent Domain • Public land can be bought for government use.

  9. C. Protections of the Accused • Due process of law • Fifth Amendment • Miranda Rights • No double jeopardy

  10. C. Protections of the Accused • Sixth Amendment • Right to a trial by Jury • Speedy, public, and fair trial • Right to legal advice • Right to know accusations • Right to see your accuser in court • Seventh Amendment a. Right to a trial by jury in civil cases over $20

  11. C. Protections of the Accused 5. Eight Amendment • No cruel and unusual punishment • No excessive Bail • No excessive fines • No physical punishments

  12. D. Protections of Other Rights • Not all future rights could possibly be included and thought of. • Ninth Amendment • Rights are not limited to the first 8 Amendments. • Tenth Amendment • The powers not given to Congress belong to the States and the People.

  13. Protections in the Bill of Rights • PA Academic Standards and Anchor: 1. Standards: • 5.1.9A: Apply examples of the rule of law as related to individual rights and the common good. • 5.1.9.D: Compare and Contrast the basic principles and ideals found in significant Documents: Constitution. 2. Anchor: • R11.A.2.1 – Identify and apply meaning of vocabulary in non-fiction.

  14. Comparison Chart

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