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Children are the best gift one can receive, it is our responsibility to nurture them with our utmost offerings. This is the right platform for those who are looking towards getting access to the best international schools in Bangalore for their toddlers and ever-growing child.
WHAT TO EXPECT FROM KINDERGARTEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NELAMANGALA? Childrenarethebestgiftonecanreceive, it is our responsibility to nurture them withourutmostofferings.Thisistheright platform for those who are looking towards getting access to the best international schools in Bangalorefor their toddlers and ever-growingchild.
HIGH-QUALITY TEACHING Achildremembersawonderfulteacherfor lifelongasheorsheisawareofhowthe teacherhashelpedthemindifficulttimes suchasbymakingthemunderstandcomplex conceptsandhelpingtheirskillssharpen.A high-qualityteacheristheonewhoknows thestrengthsandweaknesses ofevery studentandworksaccordinglyinmaking themthebest-skilledone.Apassionate teacherclarifieseachtopictothemaximum, beitwiththehelpofvideos,images, flowcharts,orelaborativediscussion.
COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM WhetheritisKindergartenorhigher grades,studentsgetacclimatizedwith whatistaughtrightfromthebeginning. Havingacomprehensivecurriculum coveringallsubjectsandgreatmethodsof teachingassiststudentstolearnbetterand getagoodgraspofoveralltopics.Schools withintensiveexposureinvariedsubjects includingScience,MathematicsandEnglish helpinmakingthebasicsstrong.
EXTRACURRICULARACTIVITIES Getting involved in extracurricular activities helpsstudentstoworkinateaminunity,learn noveltyandshowcasethehiddentalent.Every activity taken outside the classroom like debates, singing, dancing, plays, painting, drawing, etc. helps a child to think out of the boxandrejuvenatehis/hermind.
CHILDREN’SINVOLVEMENT Thisisamajorconcernthatachildshould be happily attending the classes and activities with a sense of enjoyment. This facilitates greater learning if a child loves what he/she does. Also, the child will happily listen to teachers and take disciplinary actionspractically.
PEACEFULATMOSPHERE A calm environment to study, with classmates and knowledgeable teachers, will helpstudentsmakethebestout of school curriculum. Neat and clean rooms with spacious librariesandlabswillkeepthem attracted andcurious.
MANDATORYSPORTS For a healthy lifestyle and fitness, one should be involved in sports activities. Sportsisagreatwaytohelpstudentsget indulged in physical exercise. This is great for overall personality growth, gaining confidence, activate body cells and keep diseases away. So, besides studies,itisbesttoinculcatesportsinthe regularroutine..
PHNO 7090600002,7090000300, 9972115128,9972113802 ReachUs EMAILID info@emeraldinternationalschool.in VISITUS www.emeraldinternationalschool.in