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How does an eCommerce Payment Gateway Function for the Firm

An eCommerce Payment Gateway allows your business to process online payments right on your website. With eMerchantProu2019s expert services it becomes quite easy.<br>

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How does an eCommerce Payment Gateway Function for the Firm

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  1. HowdoesaneCommercePaymentGatewayFunctionfor theFirm? An eCommerce Company requires expansion of business around the globe. However, it won’t be possible if the business has no path to accept online payments. Therefore, it needs a channel that processesonlinepaymentswithease.TheeCommercePaymentGatewayisaFinTechsolutionan eCommercemerchant needs. It processes the payments on the website or application and offers multiple solutions to the merchants as well. Furthermore, a payment gateway recreates the payment experience for the consumers,givingaboosttothebusiness.Therefore,manyserviceproviders offertheirservicesto eCommercebusinesses. HowdoesthePaymentGatewayprovideasolution? Apaymentprocessingsolutionisnottheonlysupportthatapaymentgatewayprovides.Apayment gatewayoffers morethanthat.Thefeaturesthatapaymentprocessingchannel offers themerchant andconsumers make it more profound. CardonFile Oneoftheprimefeaturesofthepaymentgatewayisthecardonfilefeature.Itallowstheconsumers to save their transaction details and use it for future payments seamlessly. The primary part of the featuresaddsvalue tothe paymentexperience andenhances theover brandimage.

  2. Ifaconsumerhastoenterthepaymentdetailsagain,itmighthamperthecompleteexperiencefor thebusiness.Therefore,the featuresfor merchantsensure thebest solutions. EasyCheckout The second most important feature of the payment gateway is to offer a seamless payment experience. Payment Redirects create a massive hassle to the payment experience and break the flow.Furthermore,reportssuggestthatconsumerstendtoabandonthepaymentiftheyfacemultiple redirects. Therefore,oureCommercePaymentGatewayhasanactiveeasycheckoutfeature.Itprovidesa one-windowpayment processing withoutany redirects. Security Security, innodoubt,isoneofthecrucialpartsofabusinessandpayments.Therefore,thepayment processingchannel isPCI DSSCompliant, with multiplesecurities addedto it. A3-Dsecurepaymentgatewayoffers thebestauthenticationforprocessingpayments.Itworkson two-foldsto provide the bestpayment protection. Furthermore,therearemanyotherpassivelyworkingsecurityfeaturessuchastokenisation,P2PE, deviceidentification, etc., to offer the bestsolution for yourbusiness. MultiplePaymentMethods A single mode of payment limits a business to a limited consumer base. On the other hand, having multiplepaymentmethodsallowsabusiness,especiallyaneCommercebusiness,toreachaglobal consumerbase. Therefore,eMerchantProhasmanymodesofpaymentintegratedintothepayment gateway.Debit and Credit Card Processing, Bank Transfer, eWallets, eChecks, ACH, Cryptocurrency, etc., are somepayment methods. Multiple-CurrencySupport Reaching a global audience requires multiple-currency support. If there is no convenience to the consumers,thebusinesscannotwithstandit.Hence,theeCommercePaymentGatewayaccepts all the major currencies worldwide. It ensures that your business can easily reach your target and provideconvenience to the consumers. We can process all the major currencies such as USD, GBP, JPY,AUD, and much more. Consumers canpay in their most preferred currencyseamlessly. Real-TimeTransactions

  3. Anactiveandprominentfeatureofthepaymentgatewayisreal-timetransactionsandreporting.It will be chaos if there is no timely reporting to the financial institutions. Therefore, the real-time transactionsensure thatthe payment processis in real-timefor every consumer. Thepaymentgatewayactivelyworkstokeepthefinancialinstitutionsupdated. WhatarethebenefitsofchoosingthecorrectPSP? Agenuinepaymentserviceprovideristheonethatprovidesyoubestsolutionforthebusiness withoutanyhassle.Therefore,therearemultiplebenefitstochoosingthepaymentserviceprovider foryour business. CompleteMerchantAssistance Unlike other service providers, eMerchantPro offers complete merchant assistance to integrate the eCommerce Payment Gatewayto the website or application, understand your requirements for the payment gateway, andresolveyourqueriesandmuchmore.Ourprofessionalandexpertexecutive connectswithyour businessto provideyou withadetailed solutionfor yourbusiness. EasyIntegration eMerchantPro has multiple integration methods to help your business to get a payment gateway active.TheeCommercePaymentGatewayhasAPI,HPP,SDK,andPluginsupportforseamless payment gateway integration to your website or application. These capable ways offer better solutionstoyourbusinessandmake theintegrationprocesshassle-freefor yourbusiness. FraudPreventionSystems A dynamic system that offers fraud prevention on the payments is necessary. And with eMerchantPro’s eCommercePayment Gateway,the toolsare workingboth activelyand passively. These are providing a suitable and secure payment environment and offering essentials to the merchants. eMerchantPro uses Address Verification System, CVV Checker, Device Identification, Geolocation Tracking,andFraudScoring.Otherthanthis,multi-factorauthenticationworksasafraudprevention tooltoo. ChargebackProtection Chargebacks are annoying for a business and hit the revenue and financial image hard for a business.Hence,eMerchantProprovidescompletechargebackprotectiontosaveyoureCommerce businessagainst chargebacks upto a certain threshold. UnlikeotherPSPswho offermanagementtools,weprovideyousolutionthatismorefeasible.

  4. 24x7Support Lastly,theafter-salessupportwiththeeCommercePaymentGatewayholdsnobarsforproblem resolving.Therecanbeabarrierinpaymentprocessinganytime.Thus,ourexpertteamisalways ready to help you with it. Merchant Support is the priority of our business. Therefore, we keep expertsposted on your business. TheTechnicalSupportisalwaysreadywiththeanswertoyourquery.Furthermore,weresolveany problemthat comes your way. WhatdoeseMerchantProofferyoureCommerceBusiness? eMerchantPro offers acompletesolutionforyourbusinesstoprocesspaymentsseamlessly.There aremultiplefeaturesfor yourbusinessas wellthatensures thattheprocess streamlines. Furthermore,additionalservicesarealsopresentdependingupontheneedsofthemerchant. eCommerce is a high-risk business and requires special attention for payment processing. Thus, eMerchantProhasexpertiseinthehigh-riskindustry, offering dedicatedsolutionstotheeCommerce businesses. Addressing the dynamic requirements of multiple modes of payment, currencies, paymentexperience, etc., are made easy. Lastly,merchantassistanceandtechsupportallowyourbusinesstoreachusanytimewithyour problemsandcomplaints.Wewill makesurethatyourbusiness becomesactiveASAP! Shallwebringittoaclose? Well,thatbringsthecontenttoaclose!TheeCommercePaymentGatewayworksasthecomplete solution for your business. Providing dedicated solutions to your business is what we do best. eMerchantPro offers payment processing solutions that are not only reasonable but makes the processstreamlined. Makingthecompleteworkingofyourrevenuegenerationeasyiswhatmakesabusinessprofoundin the eyes of the consumers. eCommerce is quite a consumer-centric corporation. Therefore, it requires expertise from the service providers too. eMerchantPro has been in the market of high-risk businessessuch as eCommerce fora long time now. Thus, our payment services work around the merchant’s requirements. eMerchantPro provides firm solutions from setting up the payment gateway, adding the features, and providing after-sales support.Allofwhichismadetostreamlinetheprocessofpaymentprocessingand offer solutionsto themerchant.

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