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How does TDM support safe routes to School

How does TDM support safe routes to School. Association for Commuter Transportation of Canada Canadian TDM Summit October 20, 2008 Ken Reashor, P.Eng. Manager and Traffic Authority. Transportation & Public Works Services Traffic & Right-of-Way Services. What is TDM?.

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How does TDM support safe routes to School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How does TDM support safe routes to School Association for Commuter Transportation of Canada Canadian TDM Summit October 20, 2008 Ken Reashor, P.Eng. Manager and Traffic Authority Transportation & Public Works Services Traffic & Right-of-Way Services

  2. What is TDM? • A tool used to influence travel demand through the encouragement of alternative modes of transportation and reduce the number of single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips made for utilitarian purposes. • A method to more efficiently use the existing transportation network.

  3. TDM Policies and Programs • Regional Planning Policies • Active Transportation Plan • Encouraging Alternative Modes • Incentives • Commuter Trip Reduction Program

  4. Active Transportation Plan

  5. Encouraging Alternative Modes • Transit • Car & Van pooling • Pool Cars 59% of rideshare and transit patrons consider Guaranteed Ride Home important in their decision of travel mode • Cycling & Walking

  6. Multi Purpose Infrastructure

  7. Bike Infrastructure

  8. Removing Barriers

  9. Crosswalks • Crosswalk treatment About 43 % of the public do not realize that there is an official crosswalk at every intersection whether marked or unmarked

  10. Pedestrian & Cycling Safety Education Partnerships are important tools Travel Behaviour Safety is everyone’s responsibility Think & Act Safe

  11. Crosswalk Safety – The Basics Types of Crosswalks Roundabouts The Law Safety Tips Safety Quiz

  12. Questions?

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