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Privacy, Security and Integrity of Data

Privacy, Security and Integrity of Data. Data Security and Integration. The Scenario. Use online banking. Pay Electricity Phone & Water bills online. Purchase things online. Communicate with people online make online phone calls. Mr. X The man of technology. Book his travel

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Privacy, Security and Integrity of Data

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  1. Privacy, Security and Integrity of Data

  2. Data Security and Integration The Scenario Use online banking Pay Electricity Phone & Water bills online Purchase things online Communicate with people online make online phone calls Mr. X The man of technology Book his travel Tickets/hotel accommodation online Check his Health Records by connecting to Hospital’s Database online Check children‘s progress report online He is happy about technology and is proud about his skills

  3. Data Security and Data Integration This happiness did not lost for long time… problems started to happen one by one. • The hospital asked him to bring the hard copy of his medical history back because they lost all the information • He found 1000 rials missing from his bank account. • Someone phoned him to send 10000 rials to their account otherwise they will use his personal details for illegal purposes • He often gets scary emails from unknown people. • Found his documents in his computer is corrupted cannot open the files anymore.

  4. Data Security and Integration Data used in computer systems need to be protected, Privacy of data and its integrity should be maintained…….

  5. Privacy vs. Security DATA about a person held /stored on a computer system SECURITY PRIVACY Protecting data from damage / theft No one has the right to have /access to the personal details of others held in public systems or circulated without the knowledge or permission of the person Security protects our privacy!! How your personal data goes to public systems?

  6. Key threats to data stored in public systems Data can be • lost by physical damages to system (fire, flood, earthquakes ,war, terrorist activities etc. • lost or damaged during a system crash • corrupted as a result of faulty disks or disk drives, or power failures. • lost by accidentally deleting or overwriting files Unauthorized access & misuse • lost or become corrupted by computer viruses. • Hacked by unauthorized users and deleted or altered. • deleted or altered by people wishing to make money or seek revenge on others.

  7. Data Protection Methods • Authentication • Authorization • Encryption • Frequent backups • Use of Anti Virus programs • Use of Firewall • Use of spamware

  8. Authentication • Using User ID and passwords to access computer systems • The system administrator creates an User ID for each user in the server • The user access the computer system using a an assigned or self-declared password Disadvantages ??

  9. Authorization • process of giving users permission to access a system or a file for information . • In network computer systems, a system administrator defines for the system which users are allowed access to the system and what privileges of use (such as access to which folders, hours of access, amount of allocated storage space)

  10. Data Encryption • Encryptionis encoding data to unreadable meaningless codes. • Requires an encryption key/software to encrypt • Results in data which is not understandable/readable • Decryption: Decoding the encoded data using a key or program • Requires a decryption key/encryption software to decrypt • Advantage -Protects sensitive data from being understood if it falls in to the wrong hands

  11. Backups Making a copy of the file or Safe storage of important files stored on removable storage medium and lock them in a fireproof and waterproof safe.

  12. Can be removed by using an antivirus program usually affects .exe files copies itself Usually downloads to a computer through emails as attachments deletes files on a hard disk Is a program Computer Viruses, Worms and Trojan Computer Virus virus

  13. Computer Worms Trojan Horse • Small programs • Reproduces rapidly and spread throughout the system. • Does not corrupt data but fills the hard disk and internal memory until the whole disk fills up • Makes the system crash • A program which pretends to be some important thing but actually not • It will load instead of expected program and steal the password or credit card number • Like viruses and worms trojan horses do not duplicate themselves

  14. Firewalls A combination of specialized hardware and software designed to keep unauthorized users from accessing information. How a firewall works??

  15. Hacking • Unauthorized access to computers and network resources is called as hacking. There are ethical hackers and non ethical hackers.. Who are they?? • A hacker can make 3 main offences: • Stealing information to commit fraud • Altering programs and data • Deleting information • What other measures can be taken to prevent hacking

  16. Data Integrity Data integrity relates to the correctness & completeness of data The data entered into a system should be error free , valid meaningful and complete

  17. Data integrity Common causes of errors in data are: Mistakes in data capture (faulty barcode reader) Transmission errors (over the internet etc) Transcription errors (typing errors)

  18. Ways of checking data integrity • Verification is checking data which has been copied from one place to another to see if that it is still the same. • How to verify data entered? • Verification of keyed data by reading it again. • Double-entry verification involves 2 people keying in the same data and then comparing the data for differences.

  19. Ways of checking data integrity • Validation is checking data before processing to see that it is acceptable for the processing. • Usually data is validated by a program • Various validation methods are used • Type checks (e.g. numeric or alphanumeric) • Length checks (right number of characters) • Range checks (days between 1-31; months 1-12) • Presence Check: whether data is entered in a field

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