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Loehr book: “The New Mental Toughness Training for Sports”

Loehr book: “The New Mental Toughness Training for Sports”. Mental Toughness.  defined: the ability to perform near your highest level despite the competitive circumstances. Ideal Performance State (IPS):.

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Loehr book: “The New Mental Toughness Training for Sports”

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  1. Loehr book: “The New Mental Toughness Training for Sports” Mental Toughness

  2.  defined: the ability to perform near your highest level despite the competitive circumstances

  3. Ideal Performance State (IPS): what physical, mental, and emotional conditions enable you to perform at your optimal level? How does your preparation for competition help you reach your IPS? -sleep, diet, habits & rituals, mental rehearsal, warm up, etc. How do you get “psyched up”? Do you perform best when “psyched up”?

  4. Real Self vs Performer Self how much does one affect the other? can you prevent the negative real self from affecting performance and vice versa?

  5. Competitive Responses:Worst Response? 1. Tanking - giving up, making excuses, and blaming others(protection from the pain of failure)

  6. 2. Going Negative displays of anger/frustration/loss of control

  7. 3. Choking - anxieties caused by fear can inhibit performance

  8. 4. The Challenge Response • total emotional control • disciplined thinking and acting skills • positivity - “love of the battle” • physical fitness - energy and stamina is available

  9. How to achieve the IPS and/or proper challenge responses: • put mentally tough players in charge • talk about the proper emotional responses, use positive examples • simulate adversity/pressure in training • practice or rehearse begin mentally tough (Loehr, Chapter 15)

  10. Control of your thoughts helps you get control of your emotions • Negative Thought Control-control or change negative thoughts:never say “I can’t……” or “I hate…” • Positive Thought Control-think to yourself:“I’m going to win this ball”“I’m going to dominate this opponent”“I will not give up”“I will not surrender”“I love to compete, as much as I love to win” • Visualization-change the mental picture when things aren’t going well…….visualize positive outcomes • Think more positively about mistakes-“Next time I’ll do this…..”

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