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TeamForge. Andrew Nelson, Bishop Wilkins, Ky Le, and Yoshito Kosai. What is TeamForge?. An online real-time document collaboration service. Non-Goals. Other file formats such as: Microsoft Word, Power point, etc. An instant messaging application. The User Interface:. Home Page

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TeamForge Andrew Nelson, Bishop Wilkins, Ky Le, and Yoshito Kosai

  2. What is TeamForge? • An online real-time document collaboration service.

  3. Non-Goals • Other file formats such as: • Microsoft Word, Power point, etc. • An instant messaging application.

  4. The User Interface: • Home Page • Registration • Project List • Friends List • TeamForge Interface

  5. The “Provider’s” (Admin) Specs: • Transmit up-to-date files to users currently logged on. • Stability and Dependability of server. If Homer Simpson is working on a vital document for the Springfield Power Plant and he needs this to get this turned in but the server is down, this may result in power-failure for a whole city. Therefore we need to do regular maintenance preferably daily. • Performance of server. Keep up with the latest technology.

  6. System Diagram

  7. Flow Diagram

  8. Class Diagram

  9. Sequence Diagram

  10. Testing Methodology • Daily Smoke Tests with Build • Code Unit Tests Before Coding Components Under Test

  11. Preliminary Test Cases (by Category) • Installation Tests • Login/Registration Tests • Project List/Creation Tests • Test Case Categories Still to be Developed • File Browser Pane Tests • Plug-in API Tests • Repository I/O Tests • Example Text Editor Plug-in Tests

  12. Documentation • Development of a SIMPLE tutorial that shows all of the features of TeamForge

  13. Team Structure • Andrew • Communications, Documentation and Plug-in Functionality Lead • Bishop • Testing and Ruby on Rails Lead • Ky • User Interface Development Lead • Yoshito • Database Lead

  14. Schedule • 7/19 – Get core functionality running • 7/26 – Have Beta 1 ready for user review • 8/2 – Have our revised Beta 2 released • 8/9 – Final version public release

  15. Risks • Real-time multiple text editing in a web application has not been done in this way. • Creating an easy interface for the plug-ins • How to implement our file management.

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