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New York School of Poets. Presented by: Averill Labrador Michelle Mayo, Jefrille Jocosing , and Charlotte Rivera . Quick Activity. Discuss with your table what you think the New York School of Poets was. Raise your hands when you are ready to share your thoughts . New York School of Poets.
New York School of Poets Presented by: Averill Labrador Michelle Mayo, JefrilleJocosing, and Charlotte Rivera
Quick Activity • Discuss with your table what you think the New York School of Poets was. Raise your hands when you are ready to share your thoughts.
New York School of Poets • 1950’s -1960’s • Inspiration derived from surrealism and modernism • Surrealism -cultural movement which began in the 1920’s “Element of surprise”. • Modernism- A style or movement in the arts that aims to break with classical and traditional forms. • rejection of the dominant school of confessional poetry • deeply influenced by the action painters of the 1950s and 1960s, particularly Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Larry Rivers.
New York School of Poets cont. • Had commonalities with the beats. • Confessional frankness • Serious and ironic • Interest in surreal combination of high art and art illusions • Aesthetic mode • Urban aspects and modernism • Helped people see the world in different ways
Barbara Guest • Born in Wilmington, North Carolina, 1920 • Attended UCLA and UC Berkeley, graduated in 1943 • First generation writer for the New York School of Poets in her early career • Art News magazine in 1950s, continued to write articles and reviews for many art magazines. • Tension between the lyrical (or musical) and the graphic (or material) is a defining feature of her work, and her poetry often utilizes space as a way to draw attention to language.
Barbara Guest cont. • She received multiple honors in the poetry community • Died on February 15, 2006
Notable Works • The Red Gaze (Wesleyan University Press, 2005) • Miniatures and Other Poems (2002) • Symbiosis (1999) • Defensive Rapture (1994) • Fair Realism (1989) • Musicality (1988) • The Nude (1986) • Quilts (1980) • Biography (1980).
Echoes Once more riding down to Venice on borrowed horses, the air free of misdemeanor, at rest in the inns of our fathers. Once again whiteness like the white chandelier. Echoes of other poems...
Analysis • Title: Echoes: any repetition or close imitation (sounds, opinions, ideas, etc) • Paraphrase: Again, Going to Venice on horses that we borrowed/ There are no crimes or misbehavior that took place in the homes of our ancestors/ There is purity once more/ • Shifts: lines 2&3 • “Echoes of other poems…” • Figurative language: Symbolism, simile, repetition diction, personification
Analysis cont. • Attitude: Positive, relief, reassurance • Structure: • Free verse • Use of “…” • Title/Theme: Life is a cycle and misdemeanor is always followed by reoccurrence of peace and purity
AP Prompt #1 • After reading Barbara Guest’s, Echoes, analyze the ways in which she uses figurative language to portray a certain theme while discussing its relation to the New York School of Poets.
Quick! • What was a defining feature of Barbara Guest’s work?
Kenneth Koch • Kenneth Koch was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on February 27, 1925. • He studied at Harvard University, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree, and attended Columbia University for his Ph.D. • Originating at Harvard, where Koch met fellow students Frank O'Hara and John Ashbery, the New York School derived much of its inspiration from the works of action painters Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Larry Rivers, whom the poets met in the 1950s after settling in New York City. • Kenneth Koch had an obscure way of poetry
Kenneth Koch cont. • His numerous honors include • The Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry awarded by the Library of Congress in 1996 • As well as awards from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Fulbright, Guggenheim, and Ingram-Merrill foundations.
Notable Works • A Momentary Longing To Hear Sad Advice From One Long Dead • The Magic of Numbers • To My Father's Business • To Various Persons Talked To All At Once
To You I love you as a sheriff searches for a walnut That will solve a murder case unsolved for years Because the murderer left it in the snow beside a window Through which he saw her head, connecting with Her shoulders by a neck, and laid a red Roof in her heart. For this we live a thousand years; For this we love, and we live because we love, we are not Inside a bottle, thank goodness! I love you as a Kid searches for a goat; I am crazier than shirttails In the wind, when you’re near, a wind that blows from
To You cont. The big blue sea, so shiny so deep and so unlike us; I think I am bicycling across an Africa of green and white fields Always, to be near you, even in my heart When I’m awake, which swims, and also I believe that you Are trustworthy as the sidewalk which leads me to The place where I again think of you, a new Harmony of thoughts! I love you as the sunlight leads the prow Of a ship which sails From Hartford to Miami, and I love you Best at dawn, when even before I am awake the sun Receives me in the questions which you always
Analysis • Title: Thought of it to be a love poem to someone • Paraphrase: Kenneth Koch is telling all these examples of why he loves who he loves. • Shifts- Line 6/7, where it shows the intensity through repetition • Figurative Language- • Repetition (Line 6/7) “We” • Imagery • Simile • Metaphor • Diction
Analysis Cont. • Attitude (tone): The tone is shown that Koch is in love with this one person but he is willing to do anything and everything to be with his love. • Structure- He uses a unique way of grammar to show how he wants to perceive his love and within the structure is shows him creating new lines a certain points in language. • Title/Theme: The theme is that love can be seen as a journey of discovery of all the qualities of the one you love and loving them for who they are and how they can help you accomplish great things.
AP Prompt #2 • In Kenneth Koch’s, To You, he uses figurative language such as repetition, imagery, and diction. Discuss the ways in which he utilizes these techniques to relate to the poem as a whole.
Quick! • In what way did Kenneth Koch write his poetry?
John Ashbery • 1927- Present • Father – Farmer, mother – Biology teacher • Attended Deerfield academy • Wystan Hugh Auden & Dylan Thomas • Attended Hardvard graduated in 1949. • RecievesFullbright Fellowship. • During this time he becomes an editor of the 12 issues of Art and Literature • served as the art editor for the European edition of the New York Herald Tribune • 1963, Andy Warhol , known for pop art.
John Ashbery cont. • A Wave (1984) • Mirror (1975) • Three Poems (1972) • April Galleons (1987) • Shadow Train (1981) • The Double Dream of Spring (1970) • Turandot and Other Poems (1953)
The Painter Sitting between the sea and the buildings He enjoyed painting the sea’s portrait. But just as children imagine a prayer Is merely silence, he expected his subject To rush up the sand, and, seizing a brush, Plaster its own portrait on the canvas. So there was never any paint on his canvas Until the people who lived in the buildings Put him to work: “Try using the brush As a means to an end. Select, for a portrait, Something less angry and large, and more subject To a painter’s moods, or, perhaps, to a prayer.”
The Painter cont. How could he explain to them his prayer That nature, not art, might usurp the canvas? He chose his wife for a new subject, Making her vast, like ruined buildings, As if, forgetting itself, the portrait Had expressed itself without a brush. Slightly encouraged, he dipped his brush In the sea, murmuring a heartfelt prayer: “My soul, when I paint this next portrait Let it be you who wrecks the canvas.” The news spread like wildfire through the buildings: He had gone back to the sea for his subject.
The Paint cont. Imagine a painter crucified by his subject! Too exhausted even to lift his brush, He provoked some artists leaning from the buildings To malicious mirth: “We haven’t a prayer Now, of putting ourselves on canvas, Or getting the sea to sit for a portrait!” Others declared it a self-portrait. Finally all indications of a subject Began to fade, leaving the canvas Perfectly white. He put down the brush. At once a howl, that was also a prayer, Arose from the overcrowded buildings. They tossed him, the portrait, from the tallest of the buildings; And the sea devoured the canvas and the brush As though his subject had decided to remain a prayer.
Analysis • Title: Painter , artistic or abstract point of view. • Paraphrase: There is guy painting the seas portrait , he expects his subject to do one thing but it does something else while not having paint. Then chooses different subjects e.g. his wife. He ends up leaving the canvas white and throwing it into the ocean. • Shifts: lines 4&5 • Figurative language: • Imagery • Symbolism • Prayer- Wishes / Ambitions • Portrait- Negative memories of inflictions caused upon him • Sea- disposal of the negative feelings • Buildings- realties of the world
Analysis cont. • Attitude: worried / anxiety • Title: Interpretation hasn't changed. • Theme: Portraying yourself in hobbies can be a source of escape from the real world and a stimulant to achieveing dreams
AP Prompt #3 • In John Ashberry’sThe Painter Imagery and symbolism are used to portray how there are many escapes to reality. Choose any literary merit in which this symbolism and imagery portray a message.
Frank O’ Hara • Francis Russell "Frank" O'Hara • -March 27, 1926 • -Born in Baltimore, Maryland • -Grew up in Massachussetts • -studied piano at the New England Conservatory in Boston • -Served in the South Pacific & Japan War
Frank O’ Hara cont. • Harvard College: Music • Met John Ashbery • published poems in the Harvard Advocate • changed major • left Harvard in 1950 with a degree in English • One of the most distinguished members of the New York School of Poets • source of inspiration for his highly original poetry
Notable Works • A City Winter (1952) • Meditations in an Emergency (1956) • Lunch Poems (1964)
Lines to A Depressed Friend Joyous you should be, of all things sweet the most constant and most pure, eager for what might be obtained-- Luck and life and hideous certainty preventing, ease and certainty inclining to neglect, so that real world, blue in the eye! this umber sky about us drowns. And where emptiness appears bounding along, of unrest the most diligent athlete and keenest mate, remember the pleasure, even there, your beauty affords.
Analysis • Title: Advice to a depressed person from a caring friend. • Paraphrase: Stay hopeful for the future. No matter how much you can anticipate the negative things, always remember the beauty in everything. • Speaker: Author • Figurative Language: Personification- The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality. • "so that the real world, blue in the eye!"
Analysis cont. • Attitude: Caring & Understanding. • Shift: Sadness and uncertainty to optimism. • Title: Interpretation hasn't changed. • Theme: There's always going to be the ugly in our world. Cruelty is imminent. Finding the strength to attain beauty through everything will get you through anything.
AP Prompt #4 • Upon reading Frank O’ Hara’s, Lines to a Depressed Friend, discuss the ways in which he uses figurative language to portray a certain attitude and how it relates the poem as a whole.
Quick! • What made Frank O’ Hara one of the most distinguishable members of the New York School of poets?
Demonstrate Your Understanding • Now that our presentation is coming to an end, tell us what you have learned about the New York School of Poets. Discuss what many of the poems contained and what the poets were influenced by.
Sources • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_Guest • http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/677 • http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/19116 • http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/75 • http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/to-you-85/ • http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/kenneth-koch • http://books.google.com/books?id=J1evY4wjjy0C&pg=PA168&lpg=PA168&dq=lines+to+a+depressed+friend+by+frank+o'hara&source=bl&ots=IZuDALO8k_&sig=8JprfVJnuqiH4R1IU_8ysr65BRg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=_lrRUP7aF4vU2QWnz4CYAQ&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ashberry