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Rotirajuće njihalo ili Priča o svemirskom liftu (space elevator). Ranko Artuković Gimnazija Jurja Barakovića Zadar e-mail: rankoartukovic@yahoo.com Primošten, 10. ožujka 2010. 20.000 $/kg. Prednosti i namjena svemirskog lifta.
Rotirajuće njihalo iliPriča o svemirskom liftu(space elevator) Ranko Artuković Gimnazija Jurja Barakovića Zadar e-mail: rankoartukovic@yahoo.com Primošten, 10. ožujka 2010.
Prednosti i namjena svemirskog lifta • Jeftin, masovan i kontinuiran prijevoz (u oba smjera) ljudi i roba • Ekološki čist pogon, ne zagađuje okoliš • Mogućnost gradnje mnoštva liftova s ekvatora (prvi najzahtjevniji, ostali lako), te naseljavanje Mjeseca i Marsa, Jupiterovih i Saturnovih satelita…..baze… • Odlaganje radioaktivnog otpada u Svemir • Solarni kolektori u Svemiru, transport jeftine struje na Zemlju • Osvjetljavanje nekih zona noću (zrcala) • Jeftine (potpuno besplatne) telekomunikacije (radio, tv, internet, mob.) • svemirski turizam (Clarkeov pojas – GSO) • Preseljenje nekih industrija i tehnologija u svemir (bestež. stanje) • Oživljavanje Venere i stvaranje uvjeta za život….. • itd….
Moj doprinos projektu svemirskog lifta • Originalna diferencijalna jednadžba koja opisuje kako se debljina kabela mijenja s visinom iznad Zemlje • Matematička formula koja opisuje način gradnje prvog kabela i sami način gradnje koji je jedini moguć i vrlo originalan • Proračun utjecaja plimne sile Mjeseca na stabilnost konstrukcije i dokaz da je taj utjecaj na hazard lifta zanemariv • Fizikalni opis širenja transverzalnih valova uzduž konstrukcije • Formula za kabel s površine Mjeseca i za kabel s druge nevidljive strane Mjeseca • Formula za balastnu ili kompenzirajuću masu na kraju kabela • Matematički proračun energije uzduž kabela na sinkronoj osi • Odvajanje tijela od kabela;matematički proračun padanja i putanje
Dear Ranko Artukovic: Thank you for the note. I have accessed your web site and forwarded theaddress to others in our group that are interested in space elevators. Ihope one of them will be able to look it over soon. If not, I will later.Please feel free to drop me a note in a few months if you have not heardfrom us otherwise. At present, there is not a program or project in NASA focused on spaceelevators.Thank you, David Smitherman NASA/Marshall's Advanced Projects Office
Dear Ranko Artukovic, • I originated the Single Stage To Tether idea while consulting for Dr. Forward in early 1997. I of course did not call it that, and my first stage was a Hypersonic vehicle, not a rocket. The idea grew from multiple discussions with a friend of mine who resides in Raleigh,NC. • The reason for this e-mail is to let people know to protect their IP (Intellectual Property), instead of freely discussing it over the phone, when they believe it to be covered by an NDA. An NDA protects the company that you are consulting to, and not the consultant. • I (and my friend) also have other advanced aerospace ideas not previously discussed, and hope some day to market/bring these concepts to fruition. All we need is investment capital to make that happen. If anyone is interested, please let me know. • I have a 20 year background in space tethers through working with Kevlar and Spectra-1000 earlier in my career as a working cable engineer. I built the engineering materials database for Tethers, Inc.(i.e. Dr.Forward), when he knew nothing or very little about the specifics of tether (cable) design. Currently, my name is in the hat with the HighLiftSystems folks as a lead engineer, should they be successful in obtaining funding for their space elevator concept. I remain interested in any and all concepts that dramatically lower the cost of access to space. • Regards,Timothy J Cash Senior Systems EngineerUSAF Cape Canaveral