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PUNCTUATION. End Marks. PERIODS. A statement (or declarative sentence) is followed by a period. Barb asked who could give her a ride home. An abbreviation is usually followed by a period. J. R. R. Tolkien Mr. Inc. B.C. Ave. . QUESTION MARK.
PERIODS • A statement (or declarative sentence) is followed by a period. • Barb asked who could give her a ride home.
An abbreviation is usually followed by a period. • J. R. R. Tolkien • Mr. • Inc. • B.C. • Ave.
QUESTION MARK • A question (or interrogative sentence) is followed by a question mark. • What score did you get on the road test?
EXCLAMATION MARK • An exclamation is followed by an exclamation point. • Great shot! • Oh, no! Not again!
An imperative sentence is followed by either a period or an exclamation point. • Open the door. • Open the door!
Colons :
Use a colon to mean “note what follows” • Use a colon before a list (especially after words like as follows or the following items) • The only articles allowed in the examination area are as follows: pencils, compasses, rulers, and protractors.
Use a colon before a long, formal statement or quotations • Thomas Paine’s first pamphlet in the series The American Crisis starts with these famous words : These are the times that try men’s souls. ..
Use a colon in certain conventional situations. • Use a colon between the hour and the minute • 3:00 pm 7:25 am 11:55 pm
Use a colon between chapter and verse in biblical references and between titles and subtitles. • Hebrews 11:1 John 3:16 • Lord of the Rings : Two Towers
Use a colon after the salutations of a business letter. • Dear Sales Manager: • To Whom it May Concern: • Dear Mr. Gates:
My little sister’s favorite book is The Great Kapok Tree A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest by Lynn Cherry. • Sometimes the paper comes at 615 a.m., but other times it doesn’t hit the driveway until 700.
3) My little sister has several items embosses with Garfield’s picture a poster, a nightgown, a notebook, and clock.
4) In William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the general Caesar says of courage Cowards die many times before their deaths, The valiant taste of death but once.
Use a semicolon between independent clauses in a sentence if they are not joined by a conjunction. • Everyone else in my family excels in a particular sport; I seem to be the only exception.
Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by conjunctive adverbs or transitional expressions. • Leonor is planning to become an engineer; however, she is also interested in commercial art.
Common Conjunctive Adverbs • Accordingly • Besides • Consequently • Furthermore • However • Indeed • Moreover • Nevertheless • Otherwise • Therefore • Instead • Meanwhile
Transitional Expressions • As a result • In spite of • For example • In conclusion • For instance • In other words • That is • In fact
Where Does the Semicolon Go? • The carvings come from the Oaxaca Valley in fact, 90 percent of the two hundred families who make them live in three villages. • Carving has been a tradition among Oaxacans for hundreds of years only recently, however, have the artists sold their work outside the valley.
3) In many families the fathers and older sons do the actual carving meanwhile, the other members of the family sand and paint the figures. 4) The artists find inspiration for their creations in everyday life for example, religion and nature are rich sources of ideas.
5) Even those carvers whose works have won world wide acclaim have chosen to continue living in the valley their ties to their families and communities are very strong.
A semicolon may be needed to separate independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction if commas appear within the clauses. • June sat with Tony, Pat and me, and Josh sat with Flora, Zack, and Geraldo. • June sat with Tony, Pat and me; and Josh sat with Flora, Zack, an Geraldo.
Use a semicolon between items in a series if the items contain commas. • There are three home stations for the Goodyear blimps: Carson, California, Akron, Ohio, and Pompano Beach, Florida. • There are three home stations for the Goodyear blimps: Carson, California; Akron, Ohio; and Pompano Beach, Florida.
All of the Instruments in a symphony orchestra are divided into classes based on how they produce sound many musicians can play several instruments within a class.
Woodwinds, which include the flute, the clarinet, and the saxophone, were once made solely of wood but today they may be made of metal or plastic instead.
3) Kettledrums, or timpanis, are percussion instruments that can be tuned to a specific pitch most other kind of drums, the cymbals, and the triangle, however, cannot be tuned.
4) The goal of every conductor is to lead a major orchestra such as the ones in London, England Mexico city, Mexico Boston, Massachusetts or Chicago, Illinois.
Underlining • Use underlining when writing titles of: • Movies • Books • Magazines • News Papers • Long Poems
The Giver • the New York Times • Time • You’ve Got Mail • The Odyssey • What about titles with subtitles?
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl • Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers • When typing, what can you do instead of underlining?
“Quotation Marks” • You use quotation marks: • Song titles • Article titles • Short poem titles
“A Bird Came Down the Walk” • “At Last” • “Helen Keller: A Journey Through Her Life” • When else do you use quotation marks?
“Sue, go get your brother!” Mother yelled as she raced toward the car. I replied, “Yes, Ma’am.” We were running late as usual. It was 7:00 in the morning and Bryce still wasn’t out of bed. “Get up!” I yelled standing in his doorway. “I don’t wanna,” he grumbled his reply.
Rules for using quotation marks in dialogue: • If someone is speaking ALWAYS use quotation marks.
If someone new is speaking, start a new line. “Sue, go get your brother!” Mother yelled as she raced toward the car. I replied, “Yes, Ma’am.” We were running late as usual.
If the quote is a statement that should end with a period, and you have who said it following the quote, use a comma and then quotation marks. • “I don’t wanna,” he grumbled.
If the quote ends with a ? or !, place the quotes right after and start with a lower case letter. • “Let me sleep for 10 more minutes!” he yelled through the covers.
Use commas to separate items in a series. • The camp counselor distributed baseballs, bats, volleyballs, tennis rackets, and bandages.
When the last two items in a series are joined by and, you may omit the comma before the and if the comma isn’t needed to make the meaning clear. • John, Sue and Mary went fishing. • John, Sue, and Mary went fishing.
If all items in a series are joined by and, or, or nor, do not use commas to separate them. • We ran and walked and even limped to the finish line.
Independent clauses in a series are usually separated by semicolons. Short independent clauses, however, may be separated by commas. • We swam, we jogged, and we exercised.
Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives preceding a noun. • I’ve had a long, hectic, tiring day.
Use commas before and, but, or, nor, for, so, and yet when they join independent clauses. • Mara cleared the table, and Roland did the dishes. • Mara cleared the table and did the dishes.
Where does the comma go? • It is important to know first aid for an accident can happen at any time. • Many household products can cause illness or even death yet these products are often stored where small children can reach them. • An injured person should not be allowed to get up nor should liquid be given to an unconscious victim.
Always have someone with you when you swim or you may find yourself without help when you need it. • Car accidents are the leading cause of childhood fatalities but seat belts have saved many lives.