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Biodiversity indicators: Review of the EEA Set of Indicators . Katarzyna Biała , European Environment Agency. EEA indicator review. EEA indicator review initiated as a reflection on the use of indicators for SOER 2010 &
Biodiversity indicators: Review of the EEA Set of Indicators Katarzyna Biała, European Environment Agency
EEA indicatorreview EEA indicator review initiated as a reflection on the use of indicators for SOER 2010 & request from the Management Board to bring clarity to the scope and purpose of EEA indicators
EEA indicatorreview Main objectives: • Removing redundancies and duplications • Mapping the indicators re. their technical, conceptual and political context • Continuing the indicator-based state of environment reporting in member countries • Reviving the annual publication of an indicator-based, cross-cutting assessment
EEA indicatorreview Over 700 indicators reduced to ca. 250
EEA Core Set of Indicators (CSI) Main objectives of the ‘refresh’: • Establishing a set of EEA indicators which allow to assess progress towards key environmental policy priorities (2012 COM ‘Improving the delivery of benefits from EU environment measures’, 7th7th7th7th7th Environmental Action Programme) • Multi-Annual Work Plan (MAWP) 2014-18.
EEA Core Set of Indicators (CSI) source indicator sets: SEBI: Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators AEI: Agri-Environmental Indicators
Report published in July, received very significant media coverage, with over 750 articles in many of Europe’s leading media outlets.
EEA biodiversityindicatorreview the review is also aligned with EU and global 2020 biodiversity targets and respective frameworks for assessing progress towards these targets:
EEA biodiversityindicatorreview • Global level: • 17th SBSTTA mtg (14-18 Oct, Montreal) • delivered a set of recommendations, incl. • Annex I • CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES identified by parties • Data, monitoring, observation systems and indicators • There is a need to continue and enhance the dialogue between policymakers and the earth observation community with a view to enhancing the collection and access to data for monitoring progress in achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and associated national targets and indicators.
EEA biodiversityindicatorreview • Global level: • 17th SBSTTA mtg (14-18 Oct, Montreal) • delivered a set of recommendations, incl. • SBSTTA also requested the Executive Secretary of the CBD to: • In line with decision XI/3, paragraph 16,toreport to the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties on progress in carrying out the requests in decision XI/3, and taking into account the progress made and the use of indicators in the fifth national reports and the fourth edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook, to prepare, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting, possible elements for the terms of reference for a meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020;
EEA biodiversityindicatorreview • Conclusions: • Proposal for the theme ‘Biodiversity and ecosystems’ • structured according to a comprehensive framework of focal areas, taking into account relevant biodiversity policies & targets • in line with the principle of streamlining environmental information and indicators, and avoiding duplication of efforts fully integrated with proposals for other themes
EEA biodiversityindicatorreview Conclusions: ‘Outer core’ biodiversity indicators SEBI set remains operational and will continue to be updated both in terms of methodological improvements AND geographical & temporal coverage
More information, or comments? Thank you! Katarzyna.Biala@eea.europa.eu