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Diversity & Disability In the New World

Diversity & Disability In the New World. Chris Simler CEO Integrated Behavioral Systems, Inc . Corporate Disability Consultant Social Coaching Institute, Inc. Myths, Facts, & Fears.

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Diversity & Disability In the New World

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  1. Diversity & Disability In the New World Chris Simler CEO Integrated Behavioral Systems, Inc. Corporate Disability Consultant Social Coaching Institute, Inc.

  2. Myths, Facts, & Fears

  3. a) There are almost 153,000 people with disabilities in the United States.False. There are over 56 million (1 in 5)

  4. b) 37% of people with severe disabilities are unemployed.False. Most experts place the number between 66% and 73%.

  5. c) Hiring people with disabilities tends to drive up insurance and medical costs.False. Dole Foundation, DuPont, and Chicago Business Leadership studies all concluded that insurance and medical costs do NOT rise.

  6. d) Employees with disabilities have 2.4% more absences than other employees.False. A 30-year DuPont study showed that workers with disabilities had fewer absences.

  7. e)People with disabilities have lower turnover rates than their non-disabled coworkers.True.

  8. f) Aggregate annual income of people with disabilities is $1 trillion. True. And $220 billion goes toward discretionary spending.

  9. g) Workers with disabilities perform less well than their non-disabled coworkers.False. A 30-year DuPont study concluded workers with disabilities tended to have above-average performance.

  10. High ROI

  11. Hiring people with disabilities makes good business sense! • Large, untapped labor pool • Lower turnover • Reduced recruiting costs • Fewer absences • Good performance • Good safety record • No impact on medical & insurance costs • An ethical, socially responsible thing to do

  12. Support Services • Diversity Training • Human Resource Mentoring • Recruiting/Screening/Training Support • Disability Management • ADA Consultation and Training • Visual management • Job Accommodation/Modification • Rehabilitation/Assistive Technology • State and Federal Financial Incentives • On the Job Training and Job Tryouts • Job Coaching • Marketing Collaboration

  13. Look Again • Look again at the fastest growing labor and customer niche market in this country = the disability community • Look again at the last untapped labor pool in the country to prepare your company to successfully find workers as the economy bounces back • Look again at the cost savings and incentive creation through strategic recruiting in the disability community • Look again at enhancing your diversity & supplier diversity programs by adding people with disabilities to the mix • Look again at a community that contains 1 in 5 Americans

  14. Business “New World” • Labor Market Realities • Diversity Niche Market • Customer Niche Market • Staffing Industry • We got “next”

  15. “Brand Partners” OfficeMax, Walgreens, Best Buy, Lowe’s, TIAA-CREF, Hyatt, AMC Theatres, Rising Tide

  16. OfficeMaxMaxing Out Diversity Three Lanes to Employment: • Direct Hire • Transitional Work Group • Pre Training

  17. OfficeMax Pre Training Centers:

  18. NPRM to Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

  19. Purpose • Prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities to gain, retain, and advance in employment with federal contractors and subcontractors. • Enact Affirmative Action standards for federal contractors and subcontractors to increase the employment of individuals with disabilities in the workforce. • Incorporate changes into the regulations necessitated by the ADAAA- Bringing 503 into line with the ADAAA will expand the definition of disability and protections to mirror those offered under the ADAAA, which now includes an estimated 1 in 5 Americans. • Clarify confusing language that exists in current 503 regulations to clearly identify the sections that are mandatory and to specify the timeframe for the conduct of required reviews.

  20. Hiring Goal • The NPRM proposes that federal contractors set a hiring goal of 7% of their employees to be workers with disabilities. This goal will be across job groups as are reported in the contractor’s written affirmative action plan. While a contractor would be violating the law by not meeting the goal; there will be no penalty assessed by OFCCP for non-compliance. However, non-compliance will prompt a more in-depth review of the contractor’s personnel policies and practices.

  21. Contact: Chris Simler CEO Integrated Behavioral Systems, Inc. integratedbehavioralsystems.com Corporate Disability Consultant Social Coaching Institute, Inc. socialcoachinginstitute.com christoble@sbcglobal.net 630-548-4733 http://www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-simler/15/a77/b30

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