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IEPs According to Dr. Seuss. Do you like these IEPs? I do not like these IEPs I do not like them, Jeeze Louise We test, we check We plan, we meet But nothing ever seems complete. Would you, could you Like the form?
IEPs According to Dr. Seuss Do you like these IEPs? I do not like these IEPs I do not like them, JeezeLouise We test, we checkWe plan, we meetBut nothing ever seems complete. Would you, could youLike the form? I do not like the form I seeNot page 1, not 2, not 3Another changeA brand new boxI think we allHave lost our rocks. Could you all meet here or there? We could not all meet here or there.We cannot all fit anywhere.Not in a roomNot in the hallThere seems to be no space at all. Would you, could you meet again? I cannot meet again next weekNo lunch no prepPlease hear me speak.No, not at dusk. No, not at dawnAt 4 pm I should be gone. Could you hear while all speak out?Would you write the words they spout? I could not hear, I would not writeThis does not need to be a fight.Sign here, date there,Mark this, check thatBeware the student’s ad-vo-cat(e). You do not like themSo you sayTry again! Try again!And you may. If you will let me be,I will try againYou will see. Say! I almost like these IEPs I think I'll write 6003. And I will practice day and night Until they say "You got it right!"
Kyra Wilcox-Conley Ballard CSD kwilcox-conley@ballard.k12.ia.us ITAG Conference October 16, 2012 GIEP Online
GIEP (Gifted Individual Education Plan) • What are some of the obstacles in creating an individual plan for gifted students? • Which software will work well to create a template? • How should files be maintained? • Does every student have one? • When will I find time to create and maintain? • Who is responsible for the plan?
Think-Pair-Share • Think of one (or more) of your students whose success concerns you. • Turn to a neighbor and share those concerns. • Share out.
Enter “8 To Be Great” http://richardstjohn.com/ • Passion • Work • Focus • Push • Ideas • Improve • Serve • Persist
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-R0MhI3K714http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-R0MhI3K714 http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=richard+st.+john+3+minute+video&mid=26176463654003136C7B26176463654003136C7B&view=detail&FORM=VIRE7
Ballard process • Analyzed the PEP templates of several districts as well as our own • Chose the elements to include in the GIEP • Received permission from the St. John Group to use the “8 To Be Great” materials/logos • Worked with Mark Conwell, from to create an online template which syncs with Infinite Campus • Continued to work to refine the “8 To Be Great” ideas—interview questions, rubrics, planning templates • Revise template, create PDF printable • Pilot GIEP—2012-13
BALLARD GIEP • http://edhesion.ballard.k12.ia.us/