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Vollara’s. Wholesale Customer And Business Partner Program. The Baker Family. The story starts here with the Baker’s 12 Grandchildren ages 1-14. The #1 Disease killer of Children ages 1 – 14 is now Cancer. CDC. Research Reveals Shocking Health Issues Across America.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vollara’s Wholesale Customer And Business Partner Program

  2. The Baker Family The story starts here with the Baker’s 12 Grandchildren ages 1-14. The #1 Disease killer of Children ages 1 – 14 is now Cancer. CDC

  3. Research Reveals ShockingHealth Issues Across America • American Cancer Institute says that it has gotten so bad that 1 in 2 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. • Younger Women Being Diagnosed With Advanced Breast Cancer Increasing At An Alarming Rate. Journal of American Medical Association • A study by the American Heart Association found that people are eating too much fat, salt and sugar and not eating enough fruits and vegetables. • Health Issues of the Elderly such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, stroke, digestive disorders and heart disease are now effecting people in their 20’s, 30’s,at an alarming and increasing rate for the first time ever. MD’s • Poor nutrition helped account for more than 75% of deaths in the U.S. Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop

  4. Science Recommends • Over 4,000 published scientific studies state; the #1 deterrent for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, colds, flu, asthma, etc. is a higher intake of Fruits & Vegetables. • CDCand Harvard School of Public Health say, for basic health everyone should have a least 5-13 servings of Fruits & Vegetables EVERYDAY. • Dietary habits and lifestyle choices contribute to the development of many human cancers, says Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center director William Nelson. Our experts recommend a balanced diet as a way of reducing cancer risk.  • The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas A. Edison • “Fruits & Veggies – More Matters” is a national public health initiative from Produce for Better Health Foundation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  5. Why We Don’t Get 5 – 13 Servings of Fruits & Vegetables Everyday! • It cost at least $240-$300 per person each month to buy enough fruits and vegetables to get 5–13 servings per day. • It is recommended that you eat 85% raw. • Ain’t happening! Too busy. Unhealthy food taste too good. • Plus, when you cook vegetables you lose 50%-80% of the nutritional value which also destroys the digestive enzymeswe all need to digest our food. • A 40 year old cancer survivor who made some health choices says the problem with grocery store and restaurant food is that it was picked too early, shipped too far, stored too long, and cooked too much. • The key is not to be a cancer survivor, but to prevent cancer

  6. Question: How Can We Get 5 – 13 Servings of Fruits & Vegetables Everyday? • Health conscious people and professional athletes have experienced great health and all day energy for over the past 12 years by supplementing their regular diets with Vollara’s Essentials for Life Fruit & Vegetable supplement Re:Fuel. • Major League Baseball players have been using Re:Fuel since 1996 because it works and it is NSF certified. • Because of what Adults and Children are eating every day and their super busy lifestyle we all live, I found that the only realistic answer for my family was to recommend they supplement their meals and snacks with Vollara’s Re:Fuel; the all natural Fruit & Vegetable supplement fortified with natural Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics, K2 & D3, Antioxidants, and Fat Digestive Enzymes.

  7. Re:Fuel Contains Real Whole Food Each capsule has 25 Fruits & Vegetables Question: Are you getting 5-13 servings of Fruits and Vegetables Every Single Day??? Eliminate the Guesswork. Now You Can Know For Sure With Re:Fuel. Acerola Fruit Extract Vegetarian Yeast Kelp Rutin Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Safflower Oil Powder Spinach Leaf Beet Root Blackstrap Molasses Chlorella Algae Cranberry Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers Quercetin Alfalfa Juice Powder Blueberry Fruit Carrot Root Ginger Rhizome Grape Seed Extract Green Pepper Fruit Olive Leaf Extract Raspberry Juice Powder Shiitake Mushroom Spirulina Sweet Potato Tuber Turmeric Rhizome Extract Olive Extract Pine Bark Extract Resveratrol

  8. Re:Fuel Science Red Blood Cell Test Before Re:Fuel After Re:Fuel 2 Hours Later Separated Red Blood Cells Clumped Red Blood Cells • Increases oxygen ( brain). • Increases nutrients. • Increases circulation. • Decreases plaque build-up. • Decreases work on heart. • Decreases oxygen ( brain). • Decreases nutrients. • Decreases circulation. • Increases plaque build-up. • Increases work on heart.

  9. We surveyed over 300 people across the USA and 90% answered YES to all 4 questions! How would you answer these questions? 1. Do you ever think about or are you ever concerned about the food you and your family eat? 2. Do you ever think that you and your family need to eat more fruits and vegetables? 3. Do you ever find yourself feeling sluggish, out of energy, or fatigued, especially in the afternoon? • If there was an easy, simple, convenient, and inexpensive way to get your Fruits and Vegetables plus have all day energy every single day would that be of interest to you?

  10. The I Feel Great! Wholesale Customer Program* is… $49.99 “There is a simple, easy, convenient, and inexpensive way to help us get our daily 5-13 servings of Fruits and Vegetables plus all day energy.” OR $59.99 + Re:Fuel includes Natural Whole Food Fruits and Vegetables in each capsule. Re:Vive includes Fruits & Vegetables along with natural energy and mental focus producing nutrition in each pack. * The Wholesale Customer program is a Free Membership which includes a wholesale buying privilege on all nutritional products and participation in the 3 and Free program!

  11. Testimonies “I understand my family and I need to eat more fruits and vegetables, but with our hectic life, it’s hard to do. I am so thankful for Re:Fuel. Now I know that my family is getting good nutrition.” Elizabeth Kelly – Wife and Mother “I feel awesome and I have so much energy since I started the ‘I Feel Great Challenge’. WOW, what a difference Re:Fuel and Re:Vive have made in my life.” Amy Fiscus – Wife and Mother “I drink Re:Vive every morning because of the all day energy it gives me and how clear my thinking has become. It has become my beverage of choice instead of coffee. “ Dr. Steve Beaty “Re:Fuel is the most complete supplement I have every seen. I take it every day.”Dr. Ernie Ordonez “Since I have been taking Re:Fuel and Re:Vive I have mental clarity again and energy that I have not had in years. I absolutely love it and would not be without these products daily.” Amy Madsen – Wife and Mother “Re:Fuel definitely has a place in the daily routine of a professional athlete seeking optimal performance” Frank Velasquez, Jr. – Strength and Conditioning Coach – Pittsburg Pirates “Once we began to compare Re:Fuel to the competition, Vollara clearly stood above the rest in all categories.” Ty Hill – Strength and Conditioning Coach – Kansas City Royals

  12. Why You Should Become a Wholesale Customer and Take the 90 Day “I Feel Great” Challenge • 100% Money Back Guarantee – You can’t lose! • We all need more Fruits & Vegetables. • You get Fruits & Vegetables in every capsule. • When you take Re:Fuel with your meals and snacks you get 300% more nutrition from your food. Re:Fuel help digest your food. • NSF Certified – Only product in it’s category to meet the stringent guidelines for approval. That’s why Re:Fuel is used by MLB players • Saves you money - $49.99 vs $240+. • 6 products in 1. Replaces most supplements you are now taking. • Includes CAeDS which makes sure your cells get Re:Fuel nutrition. • You get Wholesale Prices on all nutritional products. • No monthly purchase requirements. Cancel or change at anytime. • Start as a Wholesale Customer. Sign up online: www.ifeelgreat.myvollara.com/___ • If you said yes to one of the 4 questions, let’s go ahead and signup.

  13. If you are interested in making some extra money go to the next slide.

  14. Become a Vollara Business Partner & Create the Lifestyle You Want To Live! • Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't.

  15. Everyone Has 3 Core Desires In Common • Good Health • Strong Relationships • Financial Well Being and Time Freedom • The Vollara Business Partner Program makes all 3 Possible • The Timing is perfect – McDonald’s in 1960’s vs Vollara in 2014. • 90% of everyone is looking for what we have-the Survey proves it! • Vollara is a strong, successful, and debt free company. • As a Business Partner with Vollara you own your own Online Health, Wellness, and Green Technology Wholesale Business. • The Rewards of building a Vollara business… • Associate and work with the people you enjoy being around! • Create financial independence for you and your family. • Better Health • Freedom to live life the way you have always dreamed of living.

  16. Vollara The Right Company To Partner With! • Vollara is a division of Aerus Holdings • Multi-national company – Currently in 22 countries. • 85 year history of excellence and success in the business world • Vollara is the #1 Health, Wellness, Green Technology, and Home Based Business Opportunity company in the USA. World Headquarters - Dallas, TX Operations /Manufacturing Facility - Bristol, VA

  17. Health & Wellness Products Over 30 Specialized Nutritional Products • All natural and completely vegetarian. • Contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, chemical preservatives and no lactose, MSG, gluten, fillers or sugar. • Exclusive CAeDS nutrient cellular delivery system. • Over 60 Technical and Research documents. • Over 30 years of Science and Research. #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 www.myvollara.com/jkb

  18. Green Technology Products • State of the art exclusive Green Technology products giving Vollara a huge advantage over other companies. • All products are Best in Class • All products protected and patented NEW! FreshEra HEPA Vacuum #1 #1 #1 LaundryPure FreshAir Surround SteadyPower LivingWater SafeHearth For details on each product go to www.vollara.com

  19. Now Let’s Stop for a Moment! • As a Business Partner you will earn up to 35% commission on every Nutrition and Technology product purchased online by anyone and everyone in your Membership Group. This is HUGE! • Vollara handles all the sells including: • Taking the orders. • Collecting the money. • Shipping the products. • Customer Service. • You just refer Members & build your Membership group. • This is better than owning a McDonald’s franchise.

  20. How To Get Started • Become a Vollara Business Partner. It’s FREE. • Enjoy Wholesale prices on all Nutrition & Technology products. • Select a Business Partner Starter Pack and personally start using and experiencing for yourself the benefits of using your own products. • Determine what you want to earn per month. $_____________ . • Think about “Why” you want to build your own Business. Here are the Benefits of Building a Vollara Business… Recruit 7* Business Partners who duplicate what you are doing and you will earn: $19,000+** per month and a Free Car. Refer 3 “I Feel Great” Wholesale Customers and Your “I Feel Great” products are FREE. Recruit 5* Business Partners who duplicate what you are doing and you will earn: $5,000+** per month and a Free Car. * You are not limited to 5 or 7 Business Partners. The more you find that duplicate what you are doing, the more money you make. ** These amounts are based on each Wholesale Customer or Business Partner using only one 40 PV product per month and developing 4 generations. Once your Wholesale Customers and Business Partners start buying other products you income increases dramatically.

  21. Use This Opportunity to... • Get out of debt • Get a free car from Vollara – your choice • Pay off college loans • Enjoy Small Business tax deductions. Average family of 4 with a $65K annual income saves $3K-$6K per year in reduced taxes. • Build a retirement income with residual income for life. • Stay at home with your children • Build Financial and Time Freedom for you and your family • Enjoy all expense paid Travel to exotic locations. • Personal Development Training – Be All You Can Be! • Help others become more healthy and financially free. More information: www.ifeelgreat.myvollara.com/___ www.myvollara.com/___ www.ifeelgreatnow.com If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build their dream. Handouts: Proof Book & Income Testimonies.

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