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GEIA – ACCENT Open Conference, 26 – 28 October, 2009, Oslo, Norway. Greenhouse and other Pollutants Regional Production Responsibility on the Basis of comparing in Situ and Mean Atmosphere Concentration Data following a CO2 Case Study. S. Cht. Mavrodiev 1 , L. Pekevski 2 , B. Vachev 1
GEIA – ACCENT Open Conference, 26 – 28 October, 2009, Oslo, Norway Greenhouse and other Pollutants Regional Production Responsibility on the Basis of comparing in Situ and Mean Atmosphere Concentration Data following a CO2 Case Study S. Cht. Mavrodiev 1, L. Pekevski 2 , B. Vachev1 1 Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 2 Skopje University, Skopje, Macedonia Abstract The methodology for other greenhouses and pollutants production responsibility is proposed based on the method developed for estimation of regional CO2 production responsibility. The comparison of CO2 local emissions production data with world CO2 atmosphere data will permit to judge for overall effect in curbing (reasons for) global warming as well as chemical pollutions. Theoretical basis The investigation of the hidden (heuristic) dependences and correlations between Space, Sun and Earth ecosystem parameters can help to estimate the reliability of different physical models as well as to give the basis for different time and space scales predictions ( Mavrodiev, Ries, 2006). Estimation of regional CO2 production responsibility The estimation is based on comparison of the annual mean CO2 atmosphere concentration and regional in situ measured CO2 concentration. The description of annual mean CO2 atmosphere concentration is present in the next figure. The explicit form of the fit model was discovered under the assumption (Mavrodiev, Ries, 2006) that the CO2 atmosphere concentration depends on Sun spots number, Sun irradiation, CO2 natural (ocean and terrestrial) and anthropogenic production World map of the GAW and SIO in situ stations for measuring the CO2 atmosphere concentration. The circles are the coordinates of 139 CO2 stations: World Data Centre for Greenhouses Gases http://gaw.kishou.go.jp/wdcgg/; Carbon Dioxide Research Group, SIO, http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/CO2/sio-keel.htm Application for estimation of the regional CO2 production responsibility by the value of linear fit parameter, different for every stations The CO2 Th Atm (yr) behavior asfunction of CO2AnthroProduction, SunSpots and SunHeat. Data source - Mauna Loa and Global CO2 data: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ppmv) derived from in situ air samples collected in Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, C.D. Keeling, T.P. Whort, Carbon Dioxide Research Group, SIO; Global CO2 Emissions from fossil-Fuel Burning, cement Manufacture and Gas Flaming: 1751 – 2002, March, 10, 2005; Gregg Marland, Tom Boden, Robert J. Andres, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory The possible estimation of regional CO2 production responsibility for Monte Cimone, Schauinsland and Mauna Loa Stations. The blue curve is the mathematical model (fit) of CO2 atmosphere concentration CO2Atm(yr), (Mavrodiev, Ries, 2006) Data source: World Data Centre for Greenhouses Gases http://gaw.kishou.go.jp/wdcgg/ The explicit form of connection between local station and mean atmosphere CO2 concentration was investigated using the Tichonov - Alexandrov inverse problem method and finally was received the next parametrization with physically clear dependences: linear for regional responsibility and exponential for altitude of the stations. CO2Local(yr) = a(ilocal) exp(-b*altitude) CO2Atm(yr), where a(ilocal), ilocal = 1,…,Number of Stations and b [m-1] The value of parameter b= 6.7e-6 [m-1] is illustrated in the next figure The altitude dependences exp(-b*Altitude) of CO2 [ppm] atmosphere concentration, where b=6.71e-6[m-1], altitude [m] Data source: World Data Centre for Greenhouses Gases http://gaw.kishou.go.jp/wdcgg/; Carbon Dioxide Research Group, SIO, http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/CO2/sio-keel.htm The estimation of regional CO2 production responsibility on the basis of in situ data CO2 atmosphere concentration for all period of monitoring The correlation between local temperature and CO2 behavior for Monte Cimone, Schauinsland and Waldhof monitoring stations Estimation of regional CO2 production responsibility on the basis of in situ data CO2 atmosphere concentration. The circles are 139 CO2 stations. The description of the annual CO2 data station is performing with function: CO2Station (yr) = a(iplaces)+exp(b*Altitude)*CO2Earth(yr), where a(iplaces) and b[1/km] are fit parameters and CO2Earth(yr) is the function describing the CO2 atmosphere concentration. The bars are differences (a(iplaces) – 0.9700)*1000, which is relative estimation of the CO2 regional production with mean CO2 atmosphere concentration.Data source: World Data Centre for Greenhouses Gases http://gaw.kishow.go.jp/wdcgg.html ; Carbon Dioxide Research Group, SIO, http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/CO2/sio-keel.htm Conclusion In an obvious way the regional CO2 and other greenhouse and pollutant gases can be estimated for different time periods.The including of the analysis of the regional data for industry, agriculture, transport and cities infrastructure can permit to create not only a model for regional pollution responsibility but also models for helping the decision makers planning and control. 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Deliyergiyev, The Schrodinger - Chetaev Equation in Bohmian Quantum Mechanics and Diffusion Mechanism for Alpha Decay, Cluster Radioactivity and Spontaneous Fission, arXiv:0810.2860 (October 2008) Acknowledgments Authors are very thankful to contributors and responsible for data persons from different station, for possibility to use data published in the respective data bases of World Data Centre for Greenhouses Gases http://gaw.kishow.go.jp/wdcgg.html and Carbon Dioxide Research Group, SIO, http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/CO2/sio-keel.htm: AmstIsl (LSCE, NOAA/GMD), Ascension Island (NOAA/GMD), Assekrem (NOAA/GMD), Cape Point (SAWS), Crozet (NOAA/GMD), Izana (INM), Tenerife (NOAA/GMD), Mt. Kenya (NOAA/GMD ), Gobabeb (NOAA/GMD), Mahe Island (NOAA/GMD), Anmyeon-do (KMA), Bering Island (MGO), Ochi-ishi (NIES), Mt. Dodaira (Saitama Prefecture), Hateruma (NIES), Hamamatsu (Shizuoka University), Issyk-Kul (KSNU), Kaashidhoo (NOAA/GMD), Kisai (Saitama Prefecture), Kotelny Island (MGO), Gosan (METRI), Kyzylcha (MGO), Sary Taukum (NOAA/GMD), Plateau Assy (NOAA/GMD), Minamitorishima (JMA), Ryori (JMA), Tae-ahn Peninsula (NOAA/GMD), Tsukuba (MRI), Takayama (AIST), Urawa (Saitama Prefecture), Ulaan Uul (NOAA/GMD), Waliguan (CAMS), Mt. Waliguan (NOAA/GMD), Yonagunijima (JMA), Easter Island (NOAA/GMD), Tierra del Fuego (NOAA/GMD), Alert(EC,NOAA/GMD,CSIRO), St. Croix (NOAA/GMD), St. David's Head (NOAA/GMD), Tudor Hill (NOAA/GMD), Barrow (NOAA/GMD), Cold Bay (NOAA/GMD), Cape Meares (NOAA/GMD), Cape St. James (MSC), Estevan Point (CSIRO), Grifton (NOAA/GMD), Key Biscayne (NOAA/GMD), Park Falls (NOAA/GMD), Mould Bay (NOAA/GMD), Niwot Ridge (NOAA/GMD), Olympic Peninsula (NOAA/GMD), Point Arena (NOAA/GMD), Ragged Point (NOAA/GMD), Sable Island (MSC), Southern Great Plains (NOAA/GMD), Shemya Island (NOAA/GMD), Trinidad Head (NOAA/GMD), Wendover (NOAA/GMD), Baring Head (NIWA), Bukit Koto Tabang (NOAA/GMD), Cape Ferguson (CSIRO), Cape Grim (NOAA/GMD,CSIRO,BoM/CSIRO), Christmas Island (NOAA/GMD), Guam (NOAA/GMD), Cape Kumukahi (NOAA/GMD), Sand Island (NOAA/GMD), Mauna Loa (NOAA/GMD,CSIRO), Macquarie Island (CSIRO), Tutuila (NOAA/GMD), Terceira Island (NOAA/GMD), Baltic Sea (NOAA/GMD), Brotjacklriegel (BA), Black Sea (NOAA/GMD), Monte Cimone (CAMM), Deuselbach (UBA), Puszcza Borecka/Diabla Gora (IOEP), Fundata (NMH), Dwejra Point (NOAA/GMD), Hegyhatsal (HMS,NOAA/GMD), Heimaey (NOAA/GMD), Kollumerwaard (RIVM), K-puszta (HMS ), Waldhof (UBA), Lampedusa (ENEA), Mace Head (NOAA/GMD, LSCE), Neuglobsow (UBA), Pallas-Sammaltunturi (FMI,NOAA/GMD), Zugspitze/Schneefernerhaus (UBA), Shetland (CSIRO), Sonnblick (UBA), Schauinsland (UBA), Ocean Station Charlie (MGO), Ocean Station 'C' (NOAA/GMD), Ocean Station 'M' (NOAA/GMD), Summit (NOAA/GMD), Teriberka (MGO), Sede Boker (NOAA/GMD), Wank Peak (MK-IFU), Westerland (UBA), Zeppelinfjellet (ITM), Ny-Alesund (NOAA/GMD), Zugspitze (UBA), Zingst (UBA), Zugspitze (IMK-IFU), Halley Bay (NOAA/GMD), Jubany (ISAC), Mawson (CSIRO), Palmer Station (NOAA/GMD), South Pole (NOAA/GMD), Syowa Station (NIPR,NOAA/GMD), Alert NWT (SIO), Barrow (SIO), La Jolla Pier (SIO), Mauna Loa (SIO), Cape Kumukahi (SIO), Christmas Island (SIO), American Samoa (Cape Matatula) (SIO), South Pole (SIO). Discussions about co-authorships are following.