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UvA Catalogue

University Library. UvA Catalogue. Combine search terms. next = click. Use the Boolean operators AND , OR and NOT to combine search terms. AND : all terms must occur (restrict). computers AND education. OR : at least one of the terms must occur (expand).

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UvA Catalogue

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Presentation Transcript

  1. University Library UvA Catalogue Combine search terms next = click

  2. Use the Boolean operators AND,OR and NOTto combine search terms AND : all terms must occur (restrict) computers AND education OR : at least one of the terms must occur (expand) computers OR education NOT : a term must not occur (restrict) computers NOTeducation green = search result

  3. sports health You arelooking for titles on the relation between sports and health Use AND to combine search terms (default operator)

  4. 22 hits Perhaps fitness is a better term than health here

  5. health OR fitness Use OR if either one of the terms must occur

  6. sports

  7. 31 hits Use NOT to exclude a term

  8. football NOT soccer

  9. Did you really filter out titles?

  10. football

  11. Yes, football NOT soccer had 78 hits

  12. Summary • Use AND to restrict the search result:all terms must occur • Use OR to expand the search result:at least one of the terms must occur • Use NOT to restrict the search result:a specific term must not occur

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