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Customizing SpatialDirect Ken Bragg, Safe Software, Vancouver, BC

Customizing SpatialDirect Ken Bragg, Safe Software, Vancouver, BC. v. FME Worldwide User Conference - Vancouver. Sep. 21-22, 2006. Customizing SpatialDirect. Goals Provide a brief overview of SpatialDirect customization

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Customizing SpatialDirect Ken Bragg, Safe Software, Vancouver, BC

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  1. Customizing SpatialDirectKen Bragg, Safe Software, Vancouver, BC v FME Worldwide User Conference - Vancouver Sep. 21-22, 2006

  2. Customizing SpatialDirect Goals • Provide a brief overview of SpatialDirect customization • Provide attendees with a starting point for doing your own customization

  3. Architecture Diagram Web Front End Mapping File Development RemoteFetchUrl Interface Custom Client

  4. SpatialDirect Components Management Components • SpatialDirect Manager • Process Monitor Production Components • Web Front End – Order Form etc. Custom Webpage Development • Translation Servlet RemoteFetchUrl Interface • QServer Custom Client Using QServer API • FME Server Mapping File Development

  5. Web Front End Default Order From • Dynamically Generated by TranslationServlet • Provided as Sample

  6. Web Front End Customized Order Form with ArcIMS Integration City of Kamloops

  7. Web Front End Data Extract Wizard for Geocortex IMF (Latitude Geographics)

  8. Web Front End • Shopping Cart Approach (State of Arkansas)

  9. Web Front End • Shopping cart approach (State of Arkansas)

  10. Example Order Form Template • Add email address to order form for result notification • Send email address to QServer for email notification We need to add a text box for the email address to the form and add this email address to the remoteFetchUrl This is the page we edit: <Web Public Root>\safeViewerHTML\fetchDefault.htm

  11. Editing Order Form Template 1) <tr> Email Address: <input type="text“ value="" name="notificationemail“ size="55“ ONCHANGE="updateRemoteFetchURL(document.spatialQuery);“/> </tr> 2) Add this the function updateRemoteFetchURL(f) in the section that builds the remoteFetchUrl + "&notificationEmailAddress=" + f.notificationemail.value

  12. TranslationServletRemoteFetchUrl Interface Web Front End Mapping File Development RemoteFetchUrl Interface Custom Client

  13. Translation Servlet Remote Fetch URL Interface • Example Remote Fetch URL http://localhost/SpatialDirect/translationServlet ?SSFunction=remoteFetch &queryMethod=dbUnits &lowerLeftX=-124.756 &lowerLeftY=45.553 &upperRightX=-122.141 &upperRightY=47.2785 &userSelectedThemes= Volcanoes_wa_shp+states_wa_shp &enableAutoThemeSelection=true &format=2gif.fme &pixels=350 &coordsys=BCALB-83 &fmeParams=--Tolerance+10

  14. QServer Client Web Front End Mapping File Development RemoteFetchUrl Interface Custom Client

  15. QServer QServer - Configured Using SDManager • Prepares jobs for FME and queues them • Load balancing • Dynamic resource addition • APIs for Java, C++, C#

  16. QServer – Client • QServer has APIs for Java, C++, C# for making your own QServer Client • FME Server Client is an example made here at Safe

  17. Mapping File Development Web Front End Mapping File Development RemoteFetchUrl Interface Custom Client

  18. Mapping Files • Allows SpatialDirect to leverage the full range of FME feature processing functions and factories • Allows transformation and customization of output based on user input, themes, attributes etc

  19. Mapping File Sequence

  20. Mapping File Sequence

  21. Mapping File Sequence

  22. Mapping File Customization • First Mapping File is always Exporter for example 2autocad.fmi • Can include your own by adding an include statement eg INCLUDE <path>\Generalize.fmi • Use Factories and Functions to capture stream of data

  23. Mapping File Example Generalize Suppose you want a particular theme generalized for download • A good place to do this might be PreProcess.fmi • You need a factory to capture the features - use workbench to get the syntax and copy into PreProcess.fmi after the first sampling factory

  24. Mapping File Example Notes: • The theme is named by the datasource_themeName • The TOLERANCE parameter is a macro you can set in the remoteFetchURL Example. …&fmeParams=--TOLERANCE+2 • Don’t forget to set the default macro in the mapping file

  25. Queriers • Query factories can be used in mapping files to query a database • Allows us to leverage powerful database query capacity

  26. Queriers • ArcSDEQuerier & OracleQuerier get syntax from FME Workbench

  27. Oracle Querier Example

  28. Workspaces & Custom Formats • Can use a Workbench Custom Format as a datasource • Can use Workspace as a destination

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