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Last Digestion & Absorption Target

2. Use dialysis tubing to model absorption of digested food in the intestine. Last Digestion & Absorption Target. What is the point of digestion? T-P-S an answer to this question, using carbohydrates as a example. WWK : Dialysis tubing (aka visking tubing ).

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Last Digestion & Absorption Target

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  1. 2. Use dialysis tubing to model absorption of digested food in the intestine. Last Digestion & Absorption Target What is the point of digestion? T-P-S an answer to this question, using carbohydrates as a example.

  2. WWK: Dialysis tubing (aka visking tubing) a type of semi-permeable membrane tubing used in separation techniques that facilitates the removal or exchange of small molecules from macromolecules in solution based on differential diffusion  a form of passive membrane transport

  3. Design a method to use dialysis tubing to model absorption of digested food in the intestine. In a group of 3, create a diagram of your model. Materials: • 1% starch solution • 1% amylase solution • Glassware • Dialysis tubing • Glass thermometers • Biuret’s solution • Benedict’s reagent • Vernier temp. probes • Iodine • Water bath kept at 40*C • Tap water • Hot plates - 3 • Distilled water

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