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35,000 BC

Explore the genetic journey of male haplogroups R1a and R1b from Central Asia to Europe, uncovering their distribution and subclades. Learn about key markers like M343, M173, and SNPs, and how they define ancestry. Discover the geographic origins of R1b subclades like R1b1c and R1b1c9 through genetic testing. Follow the migration paths of these ancient lineages and their impact on modern Western European populations.

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35,000 BC

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  1. About 35,000 years ago, one branch of the M9 clan moved north into Central Asia in pursuit of the game animals that abounded there and begat the M45 lineage. This marker is carried on the Y-chromosomes of men of both the R haplogroup (principally European and Indian) and the Q haplogroup (mostly Native American). M45 M175 M9 M20 35,000 BC NEXT

  2. M168 M130 M91 M304 M96 M60 M201 M175 M9 M45 M170 M52 M89 NEXT

  3. Around 30,000 years ago a mutation occurred in a M45 man and produced the M173 lineage, which traveled westward into Europe at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic Period. More than 40% of European men, as well as many men from Iran and India, carry the M173 marker and belong to haplogroup R. M173 M45 30,000 BC NEXT

  4. M168 M130 M91 M304 M96 M60 M201 M173 M9 M45 M170 M52 M89 NEXT

  5. yDNA Haplogroup R

  6. Burgundy = the geographical distribution of haplogroup R. NEXT

  7. M168 M130 M91 M304 M96 M60 M201 M173 M9 M45 M170 M52 M89 During the early Upper Paleolithic members of haplogroup R settled throughout Europe, from Ukraine to Spain, but during the height of the glaciation (18 - 14,000 BC) the western population became isolated from the eastern population, producing two major subgroups of haplogroup R. R1a R1b NEXT

  8. At the southwestern end of haplogroup R’s range a mutation developed soon after the M173 lineage entered Europe. This marker, M343, defines the most common male haplogroup of western Europe, haplogroup R1b. R1b men carrying the M343 marker are known to have expanded northward from Iberia at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (14,000 to 11,000 BC). The R1b lineage dominates modern western European populations and their ancestors may have responsible for the famous Ice Age cave art of sites such as Lascaux and Altamira. M173 M45 M343 30,000 BC NEXT

  9. M168 M130 M91 M304 M96 M60 M201 M175 M9 M45 M170 M52 M89 M173 50.7% of the men in our current CSUEB Y-chromosome sample belong to haplogroup R1b, or one of its subclades such as R1b1c. Genetic studies conducted in England show over 70% there, while figures in Spain and Ireland rise well above 90%. M343 R1b NEXT

  10. Notice the heavy concentration of R1b men in western Europe and their relative scarcity in countries of eastern Europe. Here’s just a few of the R1b men in our museum sample. NEXT

  11. Of course, learning that just about every other European man that you meet belongs to the same R1b haplogroup as you do is not all that satisfying, if you are interested in finding the specific geographic origins of your ancestors. ? ? ? So, geneticist have been working very hard to break down the R1b haplogroup into smaller sub-groupings, referred to as sub-clades. ? ? NEXT

  12. They have found, for instance, that a very large percentage of R1b men belong to the subclade called R1b1c, and that within R1b1c there are at least 10 additional subtypes, some of which possess very specific geographic distributions. Basque A R1b man seeking to determine if he belongs to one of these more specific subclades must undergo further testing to confirm if his Y-chromosome DNA shows any of the markers (SNPs) shown here as blue and green numbers. Northern Spain Ireland British Isles Jutland NEXT

  13. Anton Switzerland Willie Germany James England Ken Ireland Breck England? Brent England? David Mexico Bill England Grant England Bob Mexico Robert England In December, 2006 eleven R1b men from the CSUEB Group were tested by the Ethnoancestry laboratory in London for the possible presence of the four SNPs (S21, S26, S29, & S28) that would confirm their membership in subclades R1b1c9 or R1b1c10. Here are their results… NEXT

  14. Anton Switzerland Willie Germany Anton Revenaugh (born in Switzerland) and Willie Nieman (with a German paternal ancestor) tested positive for S21, placing them in subclade R1b1c9*. 20 to 25% of all R1b men belong to this subclade, which is primarily a contin- ental marker believed to have developed in northern Germany or in Frisia (northern Holland) over 5000 years ago. NEXT

  15. Grant England Grant Cherrington (with an English father) tested positive for S29 placing him in subclade R1b1c9b. This subclade has been found only in the British Isles and is believed to have originated in pre-Anglo-Saxon times, rather than being a product of recent historic invasions from the continent. NEXT

  16. Breck Parkman (with probable English ancestry), James Hawkins (with English ancestry), and William Chunn (with a known pedigree going back to Berkshire, England) tested positive for the S28 SNP, which places them in subclade R1b1c10. This subclade occurs almost exclusively in a belt just north of the Alps from Greece through Poland, Alpine Germany, Italy, Switzerland and west to the Bay of Biscay and Britain. Breck England? James England NEXT Bill England

  17. This distribution pattern coincides almost perfectly with the range of the Iron Age La Tène culture that dominated Central Europe from about 450 BC until the time of Roman conquest about 100 BC. Some researchers identify S28, therefore, as an Alpine Celtic marker, which later spread well beyond the Celtic homeland. NEXT

  18. In England haplogroup R1b1c10 (S28) is documented principally along the east coast from East Anglia in the south to Northumbria in the north, and running inland as far as Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire in the East Midlands. This is the region known as the Danelaw, which was settled by Danish Vikings in the 9th and 10th centuries. NEXT

  19. One of the main staging areas for the Danish invasion of England was in the northern Jutland Peninsula in an area controlled by a Celtic tribe called the Cimbri. Some scholars believe that many of the Danish Vikings that settled in Britain were of Cimbri blood who had come centuries before from the Alps. NEXT

  20. the route that their earlier Viking ancestors took across the North Sea from Denmark, and… So, thanks to the identification of the S28 marker Breck, James,and Bill now know the likely area of England where their forefathers lived during the Middle Ages, … their probable roots among yet more ancient Celtic tribes of southern Germany and the Swiss Alps. NEXT

  21. Ken Ireland Bob Mexico David Mexico Brent England? Robert England Ken Duffy (Irish ancestry), Bob Cuellar (Mexican ancestry), Robert Norton (English ancestry), David Mendivil (Mexican ancestry) and Brent Wilcox (English ancestry) tested negative for all four of the ‘S’ SNPs. They were inferred, therefore, not to belong to either haplogroup R1b1c9 or R1b1c10 and assigned instead to the overarching R1b1c* subclade common across all of western Europe. In the future each of these men probably could be identified as belonging to one of the other specific subclades of R1b1c (such as R1b1c6), but that would require further SNP testing to identify markers such as M153, M167, or M222. NEXT

  22. The End

  23. A kiosk presentation prepared for the exhibition March 2 to June 15, 2007

  24. For more information visit our web site: http://class.csueastbay.edu/anthropologymuseum

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