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Internet, Graphics Hans Choe, Susan Linn, Jenny Townes TCP/IP Internet Protocol ( IP ) IP is the address— where to connect based on hosts and networks. IP forwards packets based on 4 byte addresses, each unique. Here is the structure of an IP address (8 bits = 1 byte).
Internet, Graphics Hans Choe, Susan Linn, Jenny Townes
TCP/IP Internet Protocol (IP) IP is the address—where to connect based on hosts and networks. IP forwards packets based on 4 byte addresses, each unique. Here is the structure of an IP address (8 bits = 1 byte).
The first two groups indicate the network. The second two groups indicate the host on the network. For example, 152.2 is the UNC network. 152.2.81 is ILS on the UNC network. 152.2.81.### would indicate a specific machine. The host name is a translation of an IP address, for example: 152.2.81 = ils.unc.edu.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP verifies the correct IP address—how to connect. It is the protocol for disassembling and reassembling packets. TCP verifies the correct delivery of packets by automatically triggering retransmission if there is a problem. TCP groups data as a packet of bytes and assigns each packet a header and a trailer.
Packets Packets are files translated into binary code. Each packet is 1,000 to 1,500 bytes.
Unidirectional Protocol (UDP) UDP is used to send very large packets, such as those used for sound or video. While TCP packets are 1,000-1,5000 bytes, UDP packets can be up to 64 kilobytes in size. Unlike TCP, delivery of UDP packets is not ensured.
Graphics • Pixels vs. Vectors • GIF vs. JPEG • PSD • PNG
How to acquire graphics • Clip art • Scanning • Save As
Audio Format • MIDI • MP3 • WAV
Video Format • AVI - .avi • MPEG - .mpg .mpeg • QUICK TIME - .mov • REALVIDEO - .rm .ram • FLASH - .swf
GRAPHICS CREATE YOUR OWN • CorelDraw • Adobe Illustrator • Word Draw/Paint GRAPHICS PROGRAMS • Fireworks • Adobe Photoshop • Flash
IMAGE FILE TYPES • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group *.jpg or *.jpeg) used for photographs & images with higher definitions • GIF (Graphics Image Format *.gif) used for logos, cartoons, less definition • *.tiff, *.bmp, *.pict, *.qt, etc require browser plug-ins, so not recommended/used as much
BASIC HTML CODES • Backgrounds <body background=”filename.gif”> • Insert picture into web page <img src=”filename.jpg”> • Thumbnails (display thumbnail while larger file is loading) <img src=”filename.jpg” lowsrc=”filename2.gif”> • Alignment and Border <img src=”filename.jpg” align=”center” border=”2”> • Rollovers (two images that change from one to another when scrolling over) onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image7','','images/filename.jpg',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"><img src="images/filename2.jpg">
HTML IMAGE CODING TIPS • Save the image to the same directory as your existing HTML file and include in coding where the file is located (ex. www.unc.edu/~slinn/inls102/images/filename.jpg) • Use an image tag to describe your image for a textual description (some browers are text-only) <alt=”attribute“>
IMAGES • Creating a new file • Opening an existing file and editing
IMAGE EDITING • Save a copy of original before you begin! • PLAY! Best way to learn in Photoshop • Basic Tools (Drawing, erasing, gradient, eyedropper, clone, etc.)
ADDING TEXT • Type tool ( ) from toolbox • Type layer automatically created • Rasterizing – once it’s rasterized (compressed to one layer) you can no longer change the text
CROPPING & ZOOMING • Crop tool ( ) from toolbox, adjust using handles on the edges • Press enter to crop • Zooming is a good way to make changes on a pixel by pixel level
LAYERS • Initially only one layer • Useful for editing images & creating special effects • Increase file size • Save as *.psd format for changes • Save as *.jpg or *.gif for web
WEB IMAGING TIPS • Save for Web • Size Size Size (goal for load time for websites is 3 seconds) • Reduce the size of image (cropping, resolution, color depth, resizing) • Goal is a file size of 30K for image • 72ppi is good for web • Quality • Save JPEGS at medium to low quality for web graphics • (For printing purposes, you would want to have a higher resolution 150-250ppi)