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Presentation Outline. I. BackgroundA. What are the RACs?B. When are the RACs coming to Georgia? C. RAC Focus AreasII. Case StudiesIII. How to Prepare for RACsIV. GHA Initiatives. What are RACs?. Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 created a 3-year demonstration projectRecover Medicare overpayments and identify underpayments
1. Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs) Preparing for RAC Audits
3. What are RACs? Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 created a 3-year demonstration project
Recover Medicare overpayments and identify underpayments—payment mistakes
RACs are paid on a contingency fee basis
3 states selected for the demonstration project based on highest per capita Medicare utilization—NY, FL, and CA
4. What are RACs? The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 required DHHS to make the RAC program permanent and nationwide by no later than January 1, 2010.
The RAC program does not detect or correct payments for Medicare Advantage plans (Medicare Part C) or for the Medicare prescription drug benefit (Medicare Part D)
5. Why Congress Believes RACs are Necessary… The Improper Medicare FFS Payments Report for November 2007 estimates that 3.9% of the Medicare dollars paid did not comply with one or more Medicare coverage, coding, billing, or payment rules.
This equates to $10.8 billion in Medicare FFS overpayments and underpayments annually.
6. RAC Demonstration During FY 2007, RACs identified and corrected $371 Million dollars of Medicare improper payments in the demonstration states
Over 96% were overpayments
About 85% of overpayments were from inpatient hospital providers
About 6% of overpayments were from outpatient hospital providers
7. How Do RACs Choose Cases for Review? Data mining techniques
RACs used the findings of OIG and GAO reports to help target their review efforts
Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) reports http://www.cms.hhs.gov/CERT/CR/list.asp
Experience and knowledge of RAC staff
8. Overpayments by Error Type in Demonstration Project 42% Incorrectly coded
32% Medically unnecessary service or setting
9% No/Insufficient Documentation
17% Other
9. Average Overpayment Amounts FY 2007
10. Permanent RAC Program RACS can review claims for:
Inpatient hospital
Outpatient hospital
Skilled nursing facilities
Physician, ambulance, and lab services
Durable medical equipment
11. Permanent RAC Program Look back period is 3 years
RACs cannot look for any improper payments on claims paid before October 1, 2007
RACs can review claims during the current fiscal year
Each RAC must use certified coders
12. Permanent RAC Program Mandatory limits set by CMS on medical record requests
Mandatory discussion with the RAC Medical Director regarding claim denials if requested by providers
Frequent problem area reporting is mandatory
RACs must pay back contingency fee if their decision is reversed on any level appeal
13. Permanent RAC Program Each RAC must have a web-based application that allows providers to customize addresses and contact information or see the status of cases
External validation process is mandatory and it is a uniform process
14. Permanent RAC Program CMS will announce the permanent RACs for the four regions around July 31, 2008
16. RACs Focus on Hospitals In the three demonstration states, 89% of improper payments were from hospitals
17. RAC Review Process RACs use proprietary automated software programs to identify potential payment errors
Types of payment review
Duplicate payments
FI errors (i.e. claims paid using an outdated fee schedule)
Medical necessity
Coding errors
No documentation or insufficient documentation to support the claim
18. Types of RAC Reviews Automated Review
Proprietary software algorithms used to identify clear errors that resulted in improper payments
Complex Review
Medical records requested to further review the claim
RACs must use Medicare coverage, coding or billing policies in effect at the time when the claim was adjudicated
19. Automated Reviews Excessive Units Audit—two or more identical surgical procedures for the same beneficiary on the same day at the same hospital
Use of incorrect discharge status codes
Medically unbelievable situations (i.e. prostate procedure on a female)
20. RAC Focus Areas in Demonstration States Excisional Debridement
Back Pain
Outpatient vs. Inpatient Surgeries
Transfer Patients
Inpatient Rehab, especially knee and hip replacements
Joint replacement patients and patients in inpatient rehabilitation facilities that should have been treated in a lower intensity setting such as a SNF
Wrong diagnosis or principal procedure codes
21. DRGs Scrutinized in Demonstration States 079 Respiratory infections and inflammations age >17 w CC
416 Septicemia age >17
468 Extensive OR procedure unrelated to principal diagnosis
475 Respiratory System diagnosis with ventilator support
477 Non-extensive OR procedure unrelated to principal diagnosis
483 Tracheostomy with mechanical vent—96+ hours
217 Wound debridement
397 Coagulation disorders
124 Circulatory disorders except AMI w Card Cath & Complex Diag
076 Other respiratory system OR procedures w CC
415 OR Procedures
082 Respiratory Neoplasms
148 Major Bowel
22. Outpatient Hospital Areas of RAC Focus Colonoscopy
Speech Language Pathology Services
Infusion Services
Neulasta (boosts white blood cell counts to reduce chance of infection in patients undergoing chemotherapy)
23. Short Stay Claims Validate whether the admissions met Medicare’s medical necessity criteria
One-day stays by chest pain patients were targeted by RACs in demonstration states
Many three-day stays were denied because they were inappropriately extended in order to qualify for Medicare Part A coverage of post-acute skilled nursing care
24. Some Case Examples from the Demonstration States
25. Excisional Debridements Hospital coder assigned a procedure code of 86.22 (excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn)
In the medical record, the physician writes “debridement was performed”
26. Excisional Debridements Coding Clinic 1991 Q3 states “unless the attending physician documents in the medical record that an excisional debridement was performed (definite cutting away of tissue, not the minor scissors removal of loose fragments), debridement of the skin that does not meet the criteria noted above or is described in the medical record as debridement and no other information is available should be coded as 82.26 (ligation of dermal appendage).”
27. Excisional Debridements The RAC determines that the claim was incorrectly coded and issues repayment request letter for the difference between the payment amount for the incorrectly coded procedure and the payment amount for the correctly coded procedure.
28. Inpatient Rehabilitation An inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) submitted a claim for inpatient therapy following a single knee replacement
Medical record indicated that although the beneficiary required therapy, the beneficiary’s condition did not meet Medicare’s medical necessity criteria for IRF care (HCFA Ruling 85-2 and Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Section 110)
29. Inpatient Rehabilitation Entire claim was denied by RAC
The RAC determines that the service was medically unnecessary for the inpatient setting and issues repayment request letters for the entire claim
30. Wrong Principal Diagnosis Principal diagnosis on claim did not match the principal diagnosis in the medical record
Example: Respiratory failure (code 518.81) was listed as the principal diagnosis but the medical record indicates that sepis (code 038-038.9) was the principal diagnosis
31. Wrong Principal Diagnosis The RAC issued overpayment request letter for the difference between the amount for the incorrectly coded services and the amount for the correctly coded services
Most common DRGs with this problem:
DRG 475 Respiratory System Diagnoses
DRG 468 Extensive OR Procedure Unrelated to Principal Diagnosis
32. Wrong Diagnosis Code Hospital reported a principal diagnosis of 03.89 (septicemia)
Medical record shows diagnosis of urosepsis, not septicemia or sepsis; Blood cultures were negative
Did not meet the coding guidelines for “septicemia”. Urinary tract infection causes the claim to group to a lower payment DRG
33. Wrong Diagnosis Code RAC issued a repayment request letter for the difference between the payment amount for the incorrectly coded procedure and the correctly coded procedure
34. Neulasta In the past, the billing code for the drug Neulasta (Pegfilgrastim) indicated that providers should bill 1 unit for each milligram of drug delivered
Several years ago, CMS changed the definition of the billing code to indicate that providers should bill 1 unit for each vial of drug delivered
35. Neulasta The hospital billed for 6 units of Neulasta
The RAC determined that 5 units of service were medically unnecessary and issued a repayment request letter for the difference between the payment amount for 5 unnecessary vials
36. Colonoscopy The hospital billed for multiple colonoscopies for the same beneficiary the same day
Beneficiaries never need more than one colonoscopy per day. The excessive services are not medically necessary.
The RAC issued overpayment request letters for the difference between the billed number of services and 1.
37. Outpatient Hospital Speech Therapy The outpatient hospital billed for each 15 minutes of speech therapy
The code definition specifies that the code is per session, not per 15 minutes
The units billed exceeded the approved number of sessions per day. The excessive services billed are medically unnecessary
RAC issued overpayment request letters
38. Most Frequent Medically Unnecessary Errors
39. Coping with the RACs Comply with RAC medical record requests. If you don’t submit them on time, the RAC automatically classifies the claim as an overpayment and makes a recovery.
Develop an internal tracking system for medical records requested for review by the RAC
40. One-Day Stays Develop a system for clarifying unclear admission orders prior to admission
Implement the “admit to case management protocol”
Train utilization/case managers on how to determine medical necessity through the use of screening criteria
41. One-Day Stays Involve Case Management/Utilization Review staff early in the process.
Provide Case Management/Utilization Review staff to perform initial review of medical necessity for admission while the patient is in the emergency department.
Place UR staff at every point of entry into the hospital (ED, day surgery, centralized admission center, etc.)
42. One-Day Stays Develop condition-specific pre-printed order sheets that include the appropriate patient status.
Provide Case Management/Utilization Review staffing during weekends and after hours to ensure timely review for medical necessity.
43. One-Day Stays Train hospital staff (nurses, ED staff, unit clerks, day surgery staff and CM/UR staff) on Medicare’s requirements for appropriate documentation of medical necessity, the use of observation, requirements for changing patient status and use of Condition Code 44.
44. One-Day Stays Use documentation prompters, stickers on observation charts, and prompters and posters in physician dictation areas to remind physicians of appropriate use of outpatient observation.
Provide one-on-one education to physicians who consistently write unclear admission orders or consistently have inappropriate one-day stays.
45. Review Your PEPPER Reports Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Report (PEPPER)
Prepared by gmcf
Identifies claims patterns that are outliers relative to other hospitals in the state
“Top 20” list of DRGs that are prone to certain billing areas
Other problem areas which vary by state
46. Hospital Next Steps Look at potential areas of risk
Establish single point of contact for RAC
Establish RAC committee—include key hospital stakeholders (finance, UR, Case Management, compliance, legal, medical records, etc.)
Review records before sending to RAC
Support your claim
Understand the parameters
For Providers
For the RAC
47. Hospital Next Steps Plan to participate in the AHA’s RACTrac to report your hospitals experience with the RAC
Data will provide both the AHA and GHA the data they need to advocate on behalf of the hospitals and to identify trends in reasons for denials
Implement a system for charging RACs for copying costs of medical records (.12/page)
48. GHA Next Steps Establish RAC Task Force
Establish relationship with RAC—once RAC is announced for our region
Facilitate information exchange between CMS, RAC, and hospitals
Monitor RAC activities with Georgia providers
49. GHA RAC Task Force A multi-disciplinary cross-section of GHA members including CEOs, CFOs, legal counsel, compliance officers, case/utilization managers, medical records, and others
Task Force will provide guidance and feedback to GHA as we develop strategies and tools to assist members in dealing with RACs
50. RAC Resources http://www.cms.hhs.gov/RAC/