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Overview of The Book of the REVELATION. THE SEVEN CHURCHES. 30 A.D. Revelation 2 & 3. 2nd Coming • EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100 • SMYRNA — Persecution Era — AD 100-313
THE SEVEN CHURCHES 30 A.D. Revelation 2 & 3 2nd Coming • EPHESUS — Apostolic Era — AD 34-100 • SMYRNA — PersecutionEra — AD 100-313 • PERGAMOS — Empirical Church Era — AD 313-606 • THYATIRA — Roman Papal Era — AD 606-1517 • SARDIS — Reformation Era — AD 1517-1750 • PHILADELPHIA — Missionary Era — AD 1750-1850 • LAODICEA — Democratic Church Era — AD 1850-?
THE SEVEN SEALS 30 A.D. Revelation 6 (The First Four) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming 1-2-3 4-5-6 • 1ST: WhiteHorse (conquering gospel going forth) • 2nd: RedHorse(worldwide wars & bloodshed) • 3rd: BlackHorse(famine & scarcity of food) • 4th: PaleHorse(pestilence, plagues & death) “the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)
THE SEVEN SEALS 30 A.D. Revelation 6 (The Fifth Seal - Martyrdom) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …….. 2nd Coming 1-2-3 4-5-6 • 1ST: WhiteHorse (conquering gospel going forth) • 2nd: RedHorse(worldwide wars & bloodshed) • 3rd: BlackHorse(famine & scarcity of food) • 4th: PaleHorse(pestilence, plagues & death) • 5TH:Martyrs (persecution & martyrdom) 7 Seals “the beginning of sorrows” (Mark 13:8)
1-2-3 4-5-6 • 6TH: Quake & Celestial Signs THE SEVEN SEALS 30 A.D. Revelation 6 (The Seal that hasn’t been opened) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …......... 2nd Coming Ch. 7 Seals “sign of the Son of Man”(Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ Yrs
1-2-3 Ch. 4-5-6 7 (parenthetical visions) • 6TH:Quake&Celestial Signs(Four winds of the earth restrained) (144,000 servants of God sealed) (Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period) THE SEVEN SEALS Revelation 7 (Parenthetical Visions) 30 A.D. Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …......... 2nd Coming 7 Seals Parenthetical Visions: 3 ½ Yrs
1-2-3 Ch.4-5-6 7 - 8 • 6TH: Quake & Celestial Signs (Four winds of the earth restrained) (144,000 servants of God sealed) (Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period) • 7TH: Silence & 7 Trumpets THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 8 (Silence in Heaven) 30 A.D. Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the …. 2nd Coming 7 Seals 3 ½ Yrs
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 • 6thseal: Quake & Celestial Signs (Four winds of the earth restrained) (144,000 servants of God sealed) (Future Martyrs in Great Tribulation Period) • 7thseal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets(Day of At-One-Ment) • 1stTrump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 8 (First Four Trumpets) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………………… 2nd Coming Parenthetical Visions: 7 Trumpets “sign of the Son of Man”(Mt. 24:30) 3 ½ YRS
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 9 (3 Woes & the 5th Trumpet – The Fallen Star) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the……………... 2nd Coming 7-8 9 • 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets(Day of At-One-Ment) • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump: The Fallen Star (1st Woe) 7 Trumpets Bride Ministry 3 ½ Years 9 Mos? Revelation Chapters 11-19
Fallen Star – Antichrist? 1. The staris a PERSON because he is given a key (either angelic or human). 2. The keyis symbolic of POWER & AUTHOIRTY w/ permitted by God to use. 3. The phrase “fallen” indicates this person is an APOSTATE. 4. This could possibly be the ANTICHRIST (fallen apostle, son of perdition). John 17:12 “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.” (NKJV) 2 Thess 2:3-4 – “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the fallingaway (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, …” (NKJV) Hebrew Tradition:12 Archangels, 1 Fallen (Lucifer) Old Testament:12 Sons of Jacob, 1 Fallen (Reuben) Gospels:12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Judas Iscariot — son of perdition) Revelation:12 Apostles, 1 Fallen (Antichrist — son of perdition)
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 9 (1st Woe & the 5th Trumpet – Locust Demons) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the……………... 2nd Coming 7-8 9 • 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets(Day of At-One-Ment) • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump: Locust Demons (1st Woe) 7 Trumpets Bride Ministry 3 ½ Years 9 Mos? Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 9 200 Million Demons slay 1/3rd of Mankind (The Second Woe) Seals stay open, intensifies, & consummates at the………. 2nd Coming 7-8 9 • 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets(Day of At-One-Ment) • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump:Falling star & demonic locusts(1st Woe) • 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3of man(2nd Woe) Ch. 7 Trumpets Bride Ministry 3 ½ YRS 9 MOs? Revelation Chapters 11-19
The “Unveiling” of JesusRevelation 1-10 Rev. 1-2-3 - High Priest Rev. 4-5 - Lamb of God with 7-sealed book Rev. 7:1-4 - Sealing Angel Rev. 8:1-6 - Angel-Priest Rev. 10:1 - Mighty Jehovah-Angel w/ open book
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 10 the Parenthetical Vision & The 7th Trump (The Little Scroll) 7-8 9 10 • 7th seal: Silence & the 7 Trumpets(Day of At-One-Ment) • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump:Falling star & demonic locusts(1st Woe) • 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3of man(2nd Woe) -Mighty Angel with little open scroll -John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days •7th Trump: “Begins to sound” (7 Bowls of Wrath) 2nd Coming 7 Trumpets Parenthetical Vision Bride Ministry 3 ½ Years 9 Mos? Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 11 During the “days of the sounding” of the 7th Trumpet (Church & Outer Court Saints) 7-8 9 10 • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump:Falling star & demonic locusts(1stWoe) • 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3of man(2nd Woe) -Mighty Angel with little open scroll -John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days •7th Trump:“Begins to sound”(7 Bowls of Wrath) 11-Church & Outer Court Saints are measured 2nd Coming 7 Trumpets Parenthetical Visions 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 11 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (Jerusalem Trampled Under) 7-8 9 10 • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump:Falling star & demonic locusts(1st Woe) • 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3of man(2nd Woe) -Mighty Angel with little open scroll -John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days •7th Trump:“Begins to sound”(7 Bowls of Wrath) 11-Church & Outer Court Saints are measured 2nd Coming 7 Trumpets Parenthetical Visions -Jerusalem trampled for 42 months 3 ½ Yrs - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 11 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (The Two Witnesses) 7-8 9 10 • 1st Trump: 1/3rd of the earth’s vegetation destroyed • 2nd Trump: 1/3rd of the sea becomes blood • 3rd Trump: 1/3rd of rivers & springs polluted • 4th Trump: 1/3rd of the day & night (no light) (3woes announced– last 3 trumpets) • 5th Trump:Falling star & demonic locusts(1st Woe) • 6th Trump: 200 mil. demons slay 1/3of man(2nd Woe) -Mighty Angel with little open scroll -John eats to prophesy details of events in 1260 days •7th Trump:“Begins to sound”(7 Bowls of Wrath) 11-Church & Outer Court Saints are measured 2nd Coming 7 Trumpets Parenthetical Visions -Jerusalem trampled for 42 months -Two Witnesses prophesy 1260 days 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days Revelation Chapters 11-19
Who Are They? What they do: • They prophesy for 3 ½ years • They send fire to devour their enemies • They shut up the sky so it will not rain for 3 ½ years • They turn the waters to blood • They strike the earth with plagues
Similarities Both: • Received divine revelation on a Mountain (Horeb & Carmel) • Saw divine fire on Mt. Horeb • Fasted 40 days and nights before God • Erected an altar (Mt. Sinai / Mt. Carmel) • Saw God’s fire consume the sacrifice (Lev.9:23-24 / 1 Kings 18) • Were sent to and persecuted by Kings (Pharaoh / Ahab) • One turned water to blood • The other stopped the rain for 3 ½ years • Used a sword against the worshipers of gods (Ex.35:25-28/1 Kgs18:40) • Divided the waters (Red Sea by his rod / Jordan River by his cloak) • Translated to heaven east of the Jordon River • Had a spirit-filled successor (Joshua / Elisha) • Both of their succesors divided the waters at the Jordan • Appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus (Mt.17:1-5) • Last two prophets mentioned in the Old Testament (Mal.4:4-6) THEY ARE EYEWITNESSES OF: • The TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus (Mt.17:1-3; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18; Mark 9:4). • The RESURRECTION of Jesus (“two men” — Luke 22:43). • The ASCENSION of Jesus (“two men” — Acts 1:9-10).
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 12 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (The Bride & the Manchild) 2nd Coming 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Church Measured 7 Trumpets -Jerusalem trampled for 42 months -Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 12-The Bride & the Manchild -Arrayed w/ Sun, Moon, 12 Stars -Dragon attempts to devour the manchild -Child snatched up to heaven 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
Theories on the Bride & Manchild 1. Various theories of who the WOMAN is in this passage: • Natural or National Israel • The virgin Mary • The Church of all ages and generations • The New Testament Church from Pentecost to the Second Coming • The last day Church, the living Bride of Christ 2. Various theories of who the MANCHILD is in this passage: • Jesus, and no other • The Jewish remnant • The 144,000 sealed ones of the tribes of Israel in chapter 7 • A select company of overcomers out of the Church • The true invisible Church • The offspring or result of the marriage of Christ to His Church 3. Various theories of who the REMNANT is in this passage: • The faithful Jewish believers • The saints who miss the “secret rapture” • TheTribulation saints who are martyred for their faith in Christ
Questions for Other Theories • If the Woman is Israel or Mary, when were they clothed with the sun, moon, and stars? • If the Manchild is Christ, how can it be snatched up to God at birth? • If the Woman is either Israel or Mary, when did either flee into the wilderness, and for 3 ½ years? • When was Israel or Mary protected from the serpent for 3 ½ years? • If the Manchild is Jesus, when were Satan and his angels cast out at his birth? • If the Woman is Israel or Mary, then who is the remnant of her Seed spoken of in verse 17?
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 12 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (The Dragon & the Remnant) 2nd Coming 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Church Measured -Jerusalem trampled for 42 months -Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 12-The Bride & the Manchild -Dragon attempts to devour the manchild -Child snatched up to heaven -War in heaven (Michael & Satan) -Satan & Angels cast out to earth (3rd Woe) -Woman taken to the desert for protection 3 ½ yrs. -Dragon makes war on her offspring/remnant time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
3 Feasts of Israel • The interpretivekey to unlock the significance of the 7th seal is the Feast of Israel. • Feast of Passover(Lev.23:4-14) — 1st month (Fulfilled historically in the Gospels) • Feast of Pentecost(Lev.23:15-22) — 3rd month (Fulfilled historically in Acts) •Feast of Tabernacles(Lev.23:23-44) — 7th month (Fulfilled experientially in Revelation) -Feast of Trumpets –1st day(a call to repentance & cleansing) -Day of Atonement – 10th day(the “sanctuary cleansing” from all sin) -Feast of Booths – 15th day(the final ingathering of souls)
3 Feasts in the Church Age Gospels Acts Revelation Passover(1st mo.)Pentecost(3rd mo.) Dry Season (4th-6th mos.)Tabernacles(7th mo.) Barley Wheat Famine Oil & Wine “Spring Rains Harvest” “Latter Rains Harvest” (normal portion) (double portion) Trumpets - DoA - Booths 1st 10th 15th-21st Church Age Passover = Salvation Pentecost = Baptism of the Holy Spirit Tabernacles = Redemption of our Bodies Day of At-One-Ment Bride meets Bridegroom
Types of the Bride in the Bible • Adam & Eve (Gen.1:26; 2:18-25; Eph.5:23-32; Rom.5:14) • Isaac & Rebekah (Gen. 24) • Jacob & Rachel (Gen. 29) • Joseph & Asenath (Gen. 41:37-45) • Moses & Zipporah (Ex.2:15-22) • Boaz & Ruth (Ruth 1-4) • Solomon & the Shepherdess (Song of Solomon 6:9-10) • The King & Queen (Psalm 45) • The High Priest & His Bride (Lev.21:10-15) • Esther (Esther 1-2) • Proverbs 31 Woman • The Five WiseVirgins (Matt. 25:1-10)
14 Virtues of the Bride 1. Devoted (a loyal heart to Christ, his Kingdom, and his Church) 2. Faithful (reliable, trustworthy, accountable, and under authority) 3. Generous (not self-serving; willing to sacrifice time & shared resources) 4. Humble (does not have or exhibit an arrogant or proud spirit) 5. Industrious (not afraid to work & multiply efforts for the cause of Christ) 6. Intimate (“first love” passion for Jesus in prayer and worship) 7. Intuitive (sensitivity to the voice & leading of the Holy Spirit) 8. Obedient (to God’s Word and principles; does not have a lawless spirit) 9. Overcomer (perseveres under pressure through temptations and trials) 10. Passionate (hungry & thirsty for God; found at the well) 11. Servant (sees their graces and talents as a gift designed to serve others) 12. Shepherdess (cares for and loves the sheep; goes to seek the lost sheep) 13. Submissive (a right spirit towards God’s delegated authority) 14. Virtuous (not stained or spotted by the world; not immoral)
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 13 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (The Antichrist & the False Prophet) 2nd Coming 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 7 Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet -Antichrist slain and resurrects from a fatal wound -One World Government Reign for 42 months -War against the Saints -False Prophet – False Signs & Wonders -One World Global Economy to survive judgments -Image of the Beast erected to worship -One World Religion (One World Church–Ch. 17) -Mark of the Beast implemented (6-6-6) time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 14 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (The 144,000 in Heaven with the Lamb) 2nd Coming 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 7 Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet 14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb -(1st angel admonishing the world with the gospel) -(2nd angel announcing Harlot Church’s fall) -(3rd angel warning against receiving the Mark) -(4th angel signals Christ to begin saint harvest) -(5th angel signals the grape harvest angel) -(6th angel gathers the ungodly to destroy) time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Revelation 15 7th Trumpet & the Parenthetical Visions (The Tribulation Saints & Seven Angels) 2nd Coming 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 7 Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet 14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb 15-Tribulation Saints, 7 Angels & 7 Bowls -sea of glass mixed w/ fire -victorious saints over the beast and his image -with harps and sang song of Moses -seven angels with seven plagues in the temple time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
THE SEVEN BOWLS Revelation 16 The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 2nd Coming Seven Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet 14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb 15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 1.Earth (painful sores) 2. Sea (all blood) 3.Rivers & Springs (all blood) 4.Sun (scorches people) 5.Throne of Antichrist (darkness) 6.Euphrates River dried up (Armageddon) 7. Great Earthquake & 100 lb. hailstones Seven Bowls time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 17 The Harlot Church (Babylon) 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 2nd Coming Seven Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet 14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb 15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 17-The Harlot Church (Babylon) Seven Bowls -One World Church (supported by the Beast) -External beauty, internally corrupt -Drunk with the blood of the saints (martyrs) -Turned on in the end by the 10 kingdom empire time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
The Theme of Two Women TRUE CHURCH FALSE CHURCH Sarah (Genesis 16, 21) Hagar Rachel(Genesis 29) Leah Harlot(1 Kings 3:16-18) Harlot Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-6) Peninnah Proverbs 31 Proverbs 7 Oholibah (Ezekiel 23:1-4) Oholah Woman/Lost Coin (Lk. 15:8) Woman/Leaven (Mt. 13:33) Woman Taken (Mt. 24:41) Woman Left Rev. 12 Rev. 17 The Bride of ChristThe Queen of Satan
Revelation 18 The Harlot Church (Babylon is Fallen) 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 2nd Coming Seven Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet 14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb 15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 17-The Harlot Church (Babylon) 18-Babylon is Fallen! Seven Bowls time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 19 The Rider on the White Horse 7-8 9 10 •7th Trump:“in the days of the sounding” 11-Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 days 2nd Coming Seven Trumpets 12-The Bride in the Wilderness 13-The Antichrist & the False Prophet 14-The 144,000 in Heaven w/ the Lamb 15-Tribulation Saints and 7 Angels with 7 Bowls 16-The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 17-The Harlot Church (Babylon) 18-Babylon is Fallen! Last Trump Christ Returns - 19 Seven Bowls Rider on a White Horse – King of kings & Lord of lords – Battle of Armageddon – Beast & false prophet thrown into fiery lake – time, times, and ½ a time 3 ½ Yrs - 1260 days - 42 Mos. Revelation Chapters 11-19
Revelation 20 The Christian Millennium • Resurrection of all the Saints • Rapture of the Bride from Desert • All remaining sinners destroyed • Satan bound for 1000 years • Earth purged by fire, Paradise Restored • Earthquake pulls continents together • No more islands or mountain ranges • All cities destroyed • Restored Paradise • Judgment of the saints (by reward) • Wedding Supper of the Bride 2nd Coming 10 Last Trump 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1000 years 3 ½ Yrs
Revelation 20 The Christian Millennium Satan loosed from chains & prison - Resurrection of all the Ungodly - Gog (Prince) & Magog (of the People) - Resurrected ungodly deceived by Satan - March Across the breadth of the earth - Come against God’s people - Destroyed by fire from heaven - Satan thrown into lake of fire - Earth & Heaven disappear - Great White Throne Judgment of Ungodly - 2nd Coming Events at the end of the 1000 years 10 Last Trump 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Great White Throne 19 20 1000 years 3 ½ Yrs
Revelation 21-22 The New Heavens & New Earth • New Jerusalem • No sea • No tears • No death • No sorrow • No crying • No pain • No sinners • No temple • No celestials • Pure river • Paradise • Tree of Life 2nd Coming 10 Last Trump 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Great White Throne Christian Millennium 19 20 New Heaven & Earth 21-22 1000 years 3 ½ Yrs