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Name: David Goodlet Student Number: 11362463 ITC 105, Assignment 2 Scuba Diving Living the Adventure Part A This web site is designed to provide information based primarily on my personal experiences with the sport of scuba diving. Part B Web site URL:
Name: David Goodlet Student Number: 11362463 ITC 105, Assignment 2 Scuba Diving Living the Adventure Part A This web site is designed to provide information based primarily on my personal experiences with the sport of scuba diving.
Part B Web site URL: http://csusap.csu.edu.au/~dgoodl01/index.html • Intended Audience. The site is designed to cater to people who are either looking to start scuba diving, or a novice to the sport. • Site Goals, • To provide information about scuba diving at a novice level, based on my own experience as a diver. • Excite and stimulate interest in the sport. • Provide some light hearted amusement and entertainment. • Promote scuba diving as a sport for almost anyone.
Site Map Dive Log W3C Validate P/Point Pres Dive sites index Plunge site Flash game learn costs references equipment FAQ Ebay Cost equipment dangers references Cost equipment learn references learn equipment dangers references Cost learn dangers equipment Cost learn dangers references
Report: index (home page) The home page has been designed so that subsequent pages could follow it’s plan. This is because the site is aimed at new or beginning divers, and it is not guaranteed they are experienced with web pages. This creates consistency of design throughout the site. The main content is kept short, so the user gains some insight into the writer, but is not inundated with information. It is centered in the screen, highlighting it’s importance, so the user knows that the information provided is the main function of the page. Headings are well represented, with different sections having different size headings, depending on their level of importance. Images of underwater scenes were added not only to help facilitate goal 3, to excite and stimulate. They are a visual prompt to raise the users interest. The dive logo image has been added so that the site can instantly be recognised as a scuba diving site immediately upon loading. Layout is a simple design, with a header and logo at the top of the page, a menu on the left side, and main content in the middle. This makes for ease of navigation and appeals to a wide scope of users, with varying degrees of web experience. The menu contains links to all pages of the site, Each link changes colour after it has been used, to let the user know where they have been (this applies to all links in the site). The Dive Log link has been added to both inform and raise interest in the sport. The function of the index page is to provide the user information pertaining to the writer, giving some insight into what experience has been had within the context of the sport. By providing this information the user gains a greater understanding of the mindset of a diver. Some elements of the page, such as the power point link, are strictly information for the assignment.
Learnto Dive • This page, as do all pages, lends it’s general layout from the index page. Thus facilitating ease of use and navigation. • There is three images found below the main heading on each page. This serves as a graphical horizontal rule, a separator between the main heading and the main content. • The main content draws the user into it by centering it in the middle of the page. The information it contains is kept succinct, so as to inform but not bore the reader. • Links within the information include a sample site of a diving school, and a flash game. The point of these links is to meet some of the goals set at the outset of the design, to provide information, as well as entertain. The game was added as a little amusement, but also to give the user some feeling of the physics of scuba diving. • This page’s main purpose is not designed to be a master class in scuba diving, but to relay information on what the new diver can expect when setting out into the sport. Also, by passing on anecdotal insight the reader knows what is expected of them. • Return to top of page link is included at the bottom of the page to not only let the user know the page is at the bottom, but to give him/her a quick way of returning to the beginning of the page. This link is found on all other pages in the site.
Costsof Diving • This page, as do all pages, lends it’s general layout from the index page. Thus facilitating ease of use and navigation. • A cartoon image has been included in this page, to break up what is essentially just information. The information is very important to a new diver, but n a web site, a page such as that can appear dry, and levity can relieve this. • Links on this site include: • Certification, which takes the user to the “learning to Dive” page of the site. This is where more detailed information on getting certification is found. • Padi, a link to www.padi .com, which is the official PADI site. Included so the user can obtain more information on the subject if desired, without including it in the site, if it is not necessary. • Ebay, link to the home page of www.Ebay.com, included to give users an example of where to obtain lower priced equipment. • The function of this page is to provide information to the user on what costs they are likely to incur when they begin diving. By adding a cartoon and links to other sites, a page of static information becomes much more interesting, and fulfils the goals of relaying information an entertaining format.
Equipment • This page, as do all pages, lends it’s general layout from the index page. Thus facilitating ease of use and navigation. • The information for this page has been laid out in a definition list, so as to clearly define the name of the equipment and it’s use. • Carton image, is included to add some levity to the subject of equipment. No information web site for scuba diving would be complete without providing a list of equipment needed by a diver. A topical cartoon adds life to the contents subject. • In addition to the list of equipment, images of some of the pieces of equipment have been included. This gives the user some idea of what the equipment looks like, and raises the level of interest in the page. They are also designed to fuel the users imagination, raising the level of their excitement for the sport. • The function of the equipment page is to allow the target audience (beginners to the sport) an outline of the basic equipment they will need, and how they are used.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) • This page, as do all pages, lends it’s general layout from the index page. Thus facilitating ease of use and navigation. • This page is set out as a group of definition lists, which is the best approach when laying out sets of questions and answers. • The definition term is set between <strong> and </strong> tags, which makes the text bold in most browsers, to differentiate the question from the answer. • The role of the FAQ page is to provide a source of information for queries that are most commonly sought by new divers. The extra “bells and whistles”, such as images, etc, have been excluded from this page, as it has been designed purely for quick access to information, without distractions.