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Agenda. Alberta Provincial Stroke StrategyTelestroke in AlbertaHyperacute Case Examples. The Facts About Stroke In Canada. Stroke is the number 1 cause of acquired long-term disabilityStroke is the 4th leading cause of deathMost common neurological condition requiring admission to hospital20% fatal75% of survivors live with some level of disability.
1. Telestroke in Alberta Dr Thomas Jeerakathil
Sharlene Stayberg
3. The Facts About Stroke In Canada Stroke is the number 1 cause of acquired long-term disability
Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death
Most common neurological condition requiring admission to hospital
20% fatal
75% of survivors live with some level of disability
4. Alberta 5,500 new stroke case per year
25,000 stroke survivors
Cost $200-$300M per year
Stroke incidence increases with age
1-2% increase in the occurrence of stroke per year for the next ten years
5. Current State Major advances in stroke care over the past decade
Acute management
Significant gap between what is known about best practice and actual practice
6. Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy Close the gap between best practice and current practice
Create systems of care that span geopolitical boundaries
Health Regions, Heart and Stroke Foundation and AHW working in partnership to enhance service delivery across the province
Alberta Stroke Council reporting to Minister of Health
$20M 2 Year Grant Funding
7. Stroke System in Action Provincial Network Model
Optimal stroke care accessible to residents of all health regions regardless of where they live
Enhanced clinical relationships - referrals/information flow/knowledge transfer/consultation support
An organized and standardized approach to stroke care through the adoption of best practices, protocols etc.
Performance measures to allow continual evolution and improvement in service delivery
8. APSS - Opportunity
Inter-regional Collaboration - Coordinate service delivery across geopolitical boundaries
Develop common provincial strategies to facilitate access to services and optimal evidence based care
Regions share information about stroke services (strengths, gaps, best practices)
9. Role of the Key Participants Regional Health Authorities (9)
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta
Department of Alberta Health & Wellness (Gov’t)
Together they form the Alberta Stroke Council
11. APSS Process
15. Pillars Span prevention, emergency and acute care, rehabilitation and community reintegration, evaluation and quality improvement
Best practices – Define and disseminate
Protocols and tools
Education Resources
Performance Measures
16. APSS Initiatives Provincial Health Care Provider Stroke Education Strategy
Provincial Telestroke Working Group – facilitate telestroke access to education and clinical consultation
Integration of stroke protocols in regional Electronic Health Records systems
17. Telestroke Working Group Regional representatives
Stroke Neurologists
ER physician
Other Pillar Representative
Project Manager APSS
AB DI IM/IT Representative
AHW Telehealth
Others as Required
Technical Consultant, APSS Evaluation Representative
18. Activities
Review of compilations of regions service + telehealth plans, discuss implementation issues and requirements
Funding applications
Technical analysis + recommendations for hyperacute
Review of technical requirements
Coordination of data collection to minimize duplication
19. Telestroke Questionnaire Regional telehealth plans re stroke
When plan to migrate to a telehealth model for hyperacute, other planned uses of telehealth re APSS, initial plans for ‘overlay’ applications
Technical plans
Proposed solution (technology requirements, technical approach for sharing images, integration with regional systems)
Implementation issues
Barriers, tools that can share, how privacy and security issues are being addressed, clinical workflow
Regional funding requirements
20. Learnings - Questionnaires Telehealth will support enhance delivery of stroke services, within and between regions
Supports all Pillars
Variable readiness
Telestroke/ Overlay
Different telestroke service priorities
Different resource requirements
Different technical solutions planned
The most technically complex service is hyperacute and involves DI and videoconferencing components. Other services use videoconferencing.
21. Canada Health Infoway Investment Scope – telehealth components: equipment, planning, implementation, change management, etc
Leverages APSS funding and other regional and AHW investments
Multiphased provincial scale project reflecting:
variable readiness to proceed stroke (e.g. re hyperacute,
variable readiness to proceed with overlay applications
Pillar I: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Primary prevention sessions focused on established disease risk factors for stroke and other cardiovascular disease
Secondary prevention clinic consultations for high risk individuals
Pillar 2: Emergency Response and Acute Care
Hyperacute stroke triage
Hyperacute care follow-up consultations
Other acute stroke services
Pillar 3: Rehabilitation and Community Reintegration
Rehabilitation consultations for assessment and treatment
Discharge / transitional planning sessions
25. Telestroke Services Cont’d Other Stroke Services (impacts multiple pillars)
Telementoring for staff
Public education sessions
Patient education sessions
Telestroke rounds and other provider education sessions
Initial Overlay Services – piloting of the overlay
Trauma consultations (1 region)
Occupational therapy consultations (1 region)
26. Integration/ Coordination Clinicians delivering hyperacute consultation services will depend on technologies that fall within the domain of the Alberta DI Information Management/ Information Technology (AB DI IM/IT) project (e.g. digitally moving CT images).
APSS Telestroke Working Group will retain a close association and awareness of progress in the AB DI IM/IT project.
Manager of the AB DI IM/IT project is a member of the Telestroke Working Group.
PACS specialist also a member of Working Group
Technical consultant works with RSHIP project
27. Hyperacute Services Clinical Needs
The first is a CT head scan (and image review by a stroke neurologist or a radiologist) to rule out other possible causes for the patient’s condition and/or maintain the patient’s eligibility for tPA.
The second is an interactive visual request/response session between a trained clinician (casualty officer and/or stroke neurologist) and the patient; that adheres to an internationally recognized protocol and degree of stroke scale (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale).
28. Remote/Local Requirements - Hyperacute
Multiple ways to complete clinical assessment:
Completely locally, using local expertise, (telehealth not required)
Completely remotely, using an on-call stroke neurologist and possibly radiologist;
A mixture of local and remote expertise (e.g. remote review of the CT head images by either a stroke neurologist or radiologist, combined with on-site neurological assessment by trained clinician),
Approach varies dependant on local staffing.
Recommended approach for regional centers: accommodate all options. This doesn’t preclude implementation of PACS component first.
29. Requirements - Hyperacute Both technologies will require, (and potentially use), the same high bandwidth wide area network infrastructure that connects the remote trauma site (PSC) to the Edmonton or Calgary Stroke Center (CSC).
The devices and components that enable the telehealth connection and the devices and components that enable the PACS connectivity are vastly different, and totally incompatible.
The only possible common component would be the display station at the CSC that the stroke neurologist would use.
30. Computed Tomography - Hyperacute Basic CT technology is adequate; CT angiogram may have future benefit but not necessary for hyperacute telestroke intervention
Display monitor
with 8 bits (256 levels) of gray scale. 1.3 or 2 mega-pixel resolution
Scroll feature.
Gray scale windowing (dynamic display range) and leveling (central display intensity).
Magnification of selected parts of an image and/or Zoom plus Panning of the entire displayed image.
Distance measurement, angle measurement.
31. TeleHealth Components – Hyperacute Either mobile or fixed configuration can work.
Multiple vendors meet criteria; AB - multivendor environment
High quality video camera, positioned at face level (patient sitting or supine).
Camera needs to have remotely operated zoom as well as remote panning and tilting capability.
Adequate room lighting, particularly for the facial area. There should be local (room) control of the individual light sources, including dimming capabilities.
High quality (directional?) microphone and speakers for good sound quality.
Background noise suppression (if possible).
Within 2 years, HD (high definition) video systems will be standard, and will necessitate the use of higher network bandwidth (likely > 1 Mbps).
32. Approaches for Sharing of CT Images Tactical
Solutions dependant on availability
Timelines of AB IM/IT DI project do not align with APSS
Creativity (existing networks, abandoned networks, SuperNet)
Med-term Tactical
Recommendation is use of AB IM/IT DI project infrastructure with images sent from local PACS station to telestroke/ unverified folder at RSHIP Shared Data Center
AB IM/IT DI project will have full data concurrency for PACS images by approximately 2009
35. Some Next Steps Finalize all funding agreements
Regions continue to implement telehealth services
Finalize technical analysis/ recommendations
Provincial DI architecture group June discussion of technical options
Establish new network connections
Confirmation/ address network, NAT issues
Finalize data collection processes
identify training requirements
Identification of additional ‘overlay’ services
37. Patient 1 70ish male enjoying his coffee at a local restaurant in rural Alberta– fell off of his chair
Unable to rise
EMS transported patient to a non-tPA hospital
ED physician noted right sided weakness, visual loss, inability to speak – acute stroke
Transfer to a Telestroke Centre hospital
Contact with UAH telestroke physician
38. Patient 1 (cont.)
40. Patient 2 70ish male resident of a lodge
Family unavailable for history or PMH
Witnessed to have speech problems (?sudden); using one side less than the other;
Confused behaviour, deficits fluctuating
? Stroke related language disturbance
Assessed at Telestroke Hospital simultaneously by stroke neurologist and ED physician
CT reviewed by PACS
41. Patient 2 On videoconferencing the visual appearance suggested delirium and not stroke
Delirium-related speech confusion without neologisms or paraphasic errors
No other focal neurological features
The appearance would be difficult to describe over the phone and distinguish from isolated aphasia
Decision – stroke mimic;
Final diagnosis – kidney infection.