1. The National Anti-Fraud Network NAFN Geoff Jennings
3. What is NAFN? NAFN is:
The largest “shared service” in the country
Non-profit making shared service run by & for its members which include
334 Local Authorities
5 Housing Associations
Managed by an elected Committee – includes Peter Farrow
All staff are LA employees
4. NAFN Vision “NAFN will be recognised by members and standard setters as a centre of excellence in:
Providing data and intelligence that supports Local Authorities in their protection of the public purse and
Assisting members in their provision of effective corporate and financial governance”.
5. Who can use NAFN services? ALL teams:
Housing Benefit Fraud Teams
Trading Standards
Internal Audit
Debt recovery
Council Tax
6. What do we do? 3 core services:
Data acquisition:
We specialise in legally obtaining data;
Includes all available open sources
And from “closed” sources (where your powers permit)
Data sharing
Processes & systems
Outputs & products
Sharing best practice
Policies & procedures
Investigation Framework
7. Benefits of using NAFN Legality
8. Legality Our processes:
comply with the law & best practice
We aim to achieve ISO accreditation in November 2009
Our staff are fully trained & accredited:
Intelligence officers
SSFA Authorised Officers
We remove the risk of inexpert staff breaching data protection
9. Efficiency Our unit costs are below in-house costs
We free up staff time to focus on core work
On-line submission of requests via secure web-site:
4 levels of security
Penetration testing
Strict “Chinese walls”
Manager can authorise & track all requests
Quarterly recharging of Information Provider charges by team saves individual contracts & administration charges
10. Effectiveness NAFN works with:
Government Departments & Agencies
To develop national services
Information Providers
To improve availability of data
Speed of response
Standard setters
On training, policies, & procedures
11. Service update & developments Existing services – quick review
New services – improving the VFM
12. Existing services Slide 12: Credit Files
Credit Files –
Experian & Equifax,
SBA (£30.00)Slide 12: Credit Files
Credit Files –
Experian & Equifax,
SBA (£30.00)
13. New Services DVLA
RIPA Telecommunications Service
Foreign Vehicle Enforcement Service
14. DVLA NAFN has been approved by the DVLA as the preferred route for enquiries
We are jointly developing a strategy which will provide much more efficient & effective data retrieval than could be achieved by individual members
DVLA strategy is to link across EU
NAFN will link members with that strategy
15. RIPA SPoC Telecommunications Service Home Office & IoCCO are actively supporting NAFN to develop a secure, central RIPA SPOC service
Will retrieve telecommunications data electronically through on-line connections to information providers
Centrally designed processes designed with IoCCO
Hope to launch service at the end of this year
16. NAFN Foreign Vehicle Enforcement Service Primarily for enforcement of traffic violations
Trace & recovery of penalty (no win, no fee)
Negotiated rates (25% discount), Trial completed successfully
National launch from May 2009
Central service will provide intelligence on:
Repeat offenders
Hot spots
Country of origin
Just agreed that service can be used where there is a criminal investigation
Slide 24: eBay and Paypal
Generally need to do eBay check prior to Paypal, as Paypal request more information.
Can be incredibly useful
Slide 24: eBay and Paypal
Generally need to do eBay check prior to Paypal, as Paypal request more information.
Can be incredibly useful
17. Fraud:Key players National Fraud Strategic Authority
National Fraud Reporting Centre
CIPFA “Red book” training
Audit Commission – NFI
Data Services
Investigation Framework; library of legislation, policies, forms, processes etc
Intelligence/risk management systems
18. How do we assess risk? Within teams?
Blue badge
Employee vetting
Within organisations?
19. Recording & analysis Ensure that data is able to be used
“Your data will be used to prevent fraud …”
Common recording of risk types, classifications
Common forms & demographics
IT systems enable data to be merged/compared/analysed
20. Intelligence:What is it? Analysis of data producing
Strategic Risk Assessment
Ranking risks for stakeholders
Securing support for tactical response
Securing & managing resources
Tactical response:
Resource allocation
Targets/subjects – open or closed
21. Key points NAFN ensures that data is obtained legally, efficiently & effectively
We provide efficiency savings which outweigh the cost of membership
We work with key partners to develop national services
We will support you to develop effective data recording, data sharing & intelligence/risk management systems which meet national standards & requirements
22. Thanks for listening: Only able to skim the surface of our services
Please contact me for more information:
Geoff Jennings
01509 219962
07917 172519