NOT A CHORE…!!! Simple day-to-day tasks can relieve you on stress in just 20 minutes- even if it’s something as simple as cooking a pudding or doing some gardening. www.atees.in
COLOUR THE WORLD…!!! Surrounding yourself with calming colours is an easy way of changing your state of mind. www.atees.in
TAKE A BREAK…!!! If you feel like you’re about to boil over take a 15-minute break where you leave your work station and do some simple stretches. www.atees.in
RETUNE YOUR MIND…!!! Professional pressures can overcome the best of us, but psychologists tell us that just a few simple exercises can rewire your brain to short-circuit stress no matter how intense your work load. www.atees.com
CHANGE YOUR EXPECTATION…!!! If you expect a co-worker to always be nice and they continue to be cranky you’ll be disappointed. www.atees.in
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT…!!! Looking directly at the task you are working to accomplish right now instead of worrying about your whole to-do list will work wonders for your level of anxiety. www.atees.in
EAT AWAY YOUR WORRIES…!!! Go for foods which encourage the body to boost your dopamine and serotonin levels and improve your mood through calibrating your body and chemistry. www.atees.in
DON’T BE A PERFECTIONIST…!!! No one is perfect, so give yourself a break by deciding what must be done correctly now, what can be put off, what can be delegated and with which projects you can ask for help. www.atees.in
DON’T TEKE THINGS SO PERSONALLY…!!! Part of what creates stress is thinking that what other people do is something that is being done to us, or is a reflection of us or our actions. www.atees.in
EXPRESS YOUR NEEDS…!!! Deciding to take responsibility for meeting your own needs is liberating. Without this decision, you lose time and energy waiting for others to figure out what you need and how, expecting them to deliver. If you need to hear compliments, say so. If you need to have more explanation, say so. It's up to you to get your own needs met and no one will know what they are better than you www.atees.com
MSDs develop as a result of the effects of repetitive, forceful or awkward movements on bones, joints, ligaments and other soft tissues. Workers may experience symptoms such as discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, weakness and restricted movements. HOWTO REDUSE WORK STRAIN…!!! Tips to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress