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Translation is always performed in a given direction ‘from’ a Source Language (SL)‘into’ Target L anguage’ (TL). There are some different writers define ‘translation’ in different ways.

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  1. Translation is always performed in a given direction ‘from’ a Source Language (SL)‘into’ Target Language’ (TL). There are some different writers define ‘translation’ in different ways. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalenttextual material in another language (TL) (Catford, 1969:20). Translation is made possibly by an equivalence of thought that lies behind its different verbal expression. (Savory, 1969:13) Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nida, 1969:12). Translation is aprocess of finding a TL equivalent for an SL utterance (Pinchuck, 1977:38). Translation is the rendering of a source language (SL) text into the target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted. (Mc Guire, 1980:2) Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/ or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language (Newmark, 1981: 7). DEFINITION

  2. If you pay attention to the underlined words, you will learn that: • The word ‘equivalent’ is used by Catford, Savory, Nida, and Pinchuck. While Mc Guire uses the word ‘Similar”. • Textual Meaning (Catford) SL text (Mc Guire), written message (Newmark), and SL message (Nida)  something to be translated into TL. • Replacement (Catford) and reproducing (Nida) derive from ‘replacement’ and ‘reproduce’ which are synonymous. The word ‘replace’ is used by Newmark.

  3. Noted Equivalent, SL text (message) and replacement are the three important elements in translation. The others are meaning, style, craft, and process.

  4. Elements of Translation Source Language Meaning/Message Target Language

  5. Translation Equivalence • Word for word Child : Anak • Phrase for phrase Security system : Sistimkeamanan • Sentence for sentence Kakakku (lk) seorangpenasehat : My brother is a counselor

  6. Words sometimes have more thanone meaning. Their translation equivalent could be a problem unless they are used in context (phrase, sentence, or paragraph). • E.g Chair…? Chair punishment …? He took as a chair in our meeting…)

  7. A word used in the idiomatic phrases would puzzle you even more • Cat : kucing To bell the cat: melakukansesuatu yang berbahaya. • To let the cat out of the bag : membukarahasia. • A cat and a dog life: kehidupan yang penuhdenganpertengkaran. • Rain cats and dogs: hujansangatlebat.

  8. The mice will play when the cat is away Bebassekalikalautidakadamajikandirumah • The enemy played cat-and-mouse with the prisoners Musuhmempermainkantawanannya.

  9. Translation is the transfer of meaning (Pinchuck, 1977:35) words are a vehicle of communication and express meaning. • The rules of grammar govern the manipulation of words and certain principles determine the use of vocabulary items. • The understanding of the these which is often intuitive is necessary in order to carry out a transfer of (replace/reproduce) the content of a message (written material/ SL text) from one language (SL) to another language (TL)

  10. Linguistic Factors • Subject matter of the text • Objective of the originator of the text • The author • The intended readers • Time and place

  11. Text Translation • Unity Idea, wording, coherence, unity (meaning), context. • Meaning and Vocabulary Lexicon (meaning based), diction, register, cultural content, and contextually-based, expression, idiomatic expression. • Style Scientific  Formal, Informal  Informal Short story, drama, poetry, literary work  ancient words, informal, slang. • Structure Grammar (words, phrases, clauses, text, discourse)  Cohesive relation Translator must know  Structuring rules

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