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听啊天使唱高声 Hark! The herald angels sing, 报知耶稣今降生 “ Glory to the new born King; 天上荣光归于神 Peace on earth, and mercy mild, 地上平安人蒙恩 God and sinners reconciled!”. 世间远近大小邦 Joyful, all ye nations, rise, 皆当兴起同颂扬 Join the triumph of the skies; 天唱地和喜不胜 With th’an gelic hosts proclaim, 基督生于伯利恒
听啊天使唱高声 Hark! The herald angels sing, 报知耶稣今降生 “Glory to the new born King; 天上荣光归于神 Peace on earth, and mercy mild, 地上平安人蒙恩 God and sinners reconciled!”
世间远近大小邦 Joyful, all ye nations, rise, 皆当兴起同颂扬 Join the triumph of the skies; 天唱地和喜不胜 With th’an gelic hosts proclaim, 基督生于伯利恒 “Christ is born in Bethlehem.”
听啊天使高声唱 Hark! The herald angels sing, 荣耀归于新生王 “Glory to the new born King!”
基督本为永生王 Christ, by highest heav’n a dored, 天使敬拜齐颂扬 Christ, the everlasting Lord: 竟然虚己由天降 Late in time behold Him come, 生于童女成人状 Off-spring of a virgin’s womb.
至高上主成肉体 Veiled in flesh the God-head see, 住在人间恩无比 Hail th’in carnate Deity! 愿与世人同甘苦 Pleased as man with men to dwell, 乃我主以马内利 Jesus, our Emmanuel.
听啊天使高声唱 Hark! The herald angels sing, 荣耀归于新生王 “Glory to the new born King!”
美哉耶稣和平王 Hail the heav’n born Prince of Peace! 美哉耶稣为世光 Hail the Sun of Righteousness! 普遍照临万方人 Light and life to all He brings, 赐以永生引归真 Ris’n with healing in His wings.
谦卑放下天荣尊 Mild He lays His Glory by, 降生救人免沉沦 Born that man no more may die; 降生罪人能更新 Born to raise the sons of earth, 降生罪人与主亲 Born to give them second birth.
听啊天使高声唱 Hark! The herald angels sing, 荣耀归于新生王 “Glory to the new born King!”
万国救主万国王 Come, Desire of Nations, come! 愿祢来住我心中 Fix in us Thy humble home: 魔鬼权势全败坏 Rise, the woman’s conq’ring seed, 使我胜过诸罪恶 Bruise in us the serpent’s head.
听啊天使同声唱 Adam’s likeness now ef face, 竭力同颂新生王 Stamp Thine image in its place: 天上荣光归于神 Second Adam from above, 地上平安人蒙恩 Rein state us in Thy love.
听啊天使高声唱 Hark! The herald angels sing, 荣耀归于新生王 “Glory to the new born King!”