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The Bookmarks Project aims to promote the importance of school libraries as information centers and cultural hubs. Students create bookmarks and exchange them with partner schools, fostering multicultural diversity and artistic creativity.
INTERNATIONAL PROJECT OF SCHOOL LIBRARIANS AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS • AIM : • to makestudentsawareofimportanceof a schoollibrary as a place wherestudents are prepared for life andtheprocessoflifelonglearning, as wellastheinformationandcultural centre ofschool; • promotingmulticulturaldiversity; • developingartandliteralcreativityinstudents
Waysofimplementation: • studentsin groups andindividuallymakebookmarks for theircolleaguesabroad on givensubjectthroughoutOctoberinworkshopsorganizedintheschoollibrary, • theymakebookmarksabouttheirschool, town andcountrywhichwesent to ourcolleaguesabroad; • they plan anexhibitionwiththeirEnglishteacherandthelibrarianinwhichtheyexhibitinformationaboutthe partner-schoolandtheir work
Project coordinators: Main project coordinator is Ms. Breege O'Brianfrom IASL (Northern Ireland) CoordinatorofBookmarks project inourschool is Melisanda Masnica, a schoollibrarian Collaboratorinthe Project is VanesaFicko Berić, anEnglishteacherand her 7A classandmembersofBook’s FriendClub
Timelineofactivities: • September:application, selectionandagreementofschoollibraries all overthe world abouttheirinvolvementinthe project andtheircollaborationthroughthemaincoordinatorBreege O'Brianfrom IASL. • September-October: 1 Planningandmakingofbookmarkers ( Croatianethnomotives, in a shapeofatieand Croatia, Licitar hearts, 2 Work on a Powerpointpresentationandwrittenpresentationaboutourcountry, town andschoolwith th accent on oursubject : 3 Traditionandcustomsofourcounty; writing a letter to ourcolleaguesabroadinEnglish; makingofflyersabouttheschoolinEnglish 4 Making a video aboutour project( teachers Miroslav Matić, Ivica Lalić and Domagoj Pešut)
Timelineofactivities: • 24th October: to markInternationalDayofSchoolLibrarieswe exchange bookmarkswithShentonCollege, Perth, Australia; sendingofconclusionreport on carriedoutactivitiesinthe project withphotographsand a video to themaincoordinator • Connectionwithour partner-schoolviaSkypeandtalking to themafterbookmars exchange • December: presentationofthe project on a parentalmeeting • February:Presentationofthe project inourTeacher’s meeting
ŠKOLA PARTNER:PARTNER-SCHOOL:SHENTON COLLEGE ShentonCollege is a co-educationalpublicsecondaryschoollocatedinShenton Park, a suburbofPerth, Western Australia Shenton College was established in January 2001 through the amalgamation of Swanbourne and Hollywood Senior High Schools at a cost of $23.5 million. 23 studentsaged 12-13 TheirlibrarianBrendaClover
First workshopinourlibrary • Thursday, 6th October 2016 • LibrarianMelisanda Masnica, 7.a studentsandEnglishteacherVanesa Ficko Berić • BOOKMARKS PROJECT – general information • To informthestudentsandtheteacherabout project aimsand a wayofcarryingoutthe project, • 869 schoolsfrom all overthe world appied for this project • Duration time– October 2016- themonthofSchoolLibraries • Partner-school( we are 460 – our partner 697) - , SHENTON COLLEGE 227 STUBBS TERRACE– SHENTON PARK WA 6008, AUSTRALIA, (WesternAustralia, Perth) • Contact: BRENDA CLOVER, e-mail: bclover@shenton.wa.edu.au • 43 studentsaged 9-13 • How to presentourschool, town, countyand Croatia? • Write a letter (e- mail) inwhichwe are going to presentourselvestoourAustralianpartners Three groups ofstudents: 1 Presentyourclassandschool (inEnglish) 2 Presentout town andcounty 3 Present Croatia: sights, history, tourism… • Students’ textsformin a letter(V.Ficko Berić) • Photographof us • Writing e- mail withthe photo of us • Announcingcreativeworkshops for nextweek – makingofbookmarkersfor exchange withour partner-school • Techniques: crayons, felt-pen, coloredpencils,collage
Ourstudents’ letter: Hellofrom Novska! Wego to the 7th grade andwe are mostlythirteen-year-olds. Wego to Novska's Elementaryschool. Ourschool is thebiggestschoolinourcountyandwehavethehighestnumberofstudents, as well. Ourschool is alsotheonlyelementaryschoolinourtown.Allchildren 7-15 go to ourschoolandthisyearwehave 825 students. Novska is a small town with a beautiful park inits centre, a nearby lake andoakforests all around it. Novska is in a partof Croatia called West Slavonia, in Sisak-Moslavina county. Ourcounty is best-known for our Nature reserve “Lonjsko polje“. There is a famousEuropeanstorkvillagecalledČigoč (Chigoch) in “Lonjsko polje“ . ThebiggestCroatianriverflowsthroughourcountyand it is calledthe Sava. Croatia is a country at thecrossroadsof Central Europe, SoutheastEurope, andtheMediterranean. We are membersofthe EU since 2013. Our capital city is Zagreb. There are a lotofbeautifulsightsinourcountry, manyofthem are protectedby UNESCO. Wealsohave a lotof national parksand nature reserves, one ofthe most famous are The Plitvice Lakes. Dubrovnik withitsWalls, Split withDiokletianpalace, Pula withAmphitheatreandourgorgeous Adriatic coastwitharoundthousandislands are just some ofthereasonswhy Croatia is special. Wewillshow to you some ofoursymbols on ourbookmarks. Best regards! Yourfriendsfrom Croatia, Novska!
E-mail from Australia From: BrendaClover <bclover@shenton.wa.edu.au>Date: 2016-10-24 6:06 GMT+02:00Subject: ISLM - Bookmark Exchange Project 2016To: "rosa67.lind@gmail.com" <rosa67.lind@gmail.com> • HelloMelisanda Masnica • We are a metropolitanhighschool on the west coastof Australia (inWesternAustralia). • ThestudentsparticipatingintheBookmark Exchange are 12-13 years old and are veryexcited to • beswappingbookmarkswithyourstudents. • This is our first yeartakingpartinthis project. • OurSchoolWebsite: http://www.shenton.wa.edu.au/ • I look forward to hearingfromyou. • Thanks, Brenda • BrendaCloverTeacherLibrarian • ShentonCollege • 227 StubbsTerrace • Shenton Park WA 6008 • Phone: 9488 2100 • www.shenton.wa.edu.au Phone: 9488 2100 www.shenton.wa.edu.au
The presentation of the reportprepared • coordinatorofBookmarks project inourschool: • Melisanda Masnica, librarian at the Elementaryschool Novska, Croatia Translation of the reportintoEnglish: Vanesa Ficko Beric, teacher of English in Elementaryschool Novska, Croatia