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ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy Oriented Measure SHORT-CYCLE HIGHER EDUCATION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE BULGARIAN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEMASSOC. PROF. TODOR RADEVINTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States” June 15-17 2009., Golden Sands resort “The project has been funded with the support of the European Commission in the frame of AtlantisProgramme, EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Training, project “Short-Cycle Higher Education in the US and Europe: Addressing Social and Economic Needs” , n. 2008-2434/001-001 CPT USPOLI. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy Oriented Measure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 WORLD TENDENCIES: • EXPANSION OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION • DIVERSIFICATION • LIFELONG LEARNING • CHANGING NATURE OF KNOWLEGDE AND SKILLS
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 POPULARIZATION OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION Practice examples : • Shortening the education duration; • Broadening the access to higher education. • Dimensions: • Number of students after completion of secondary school level in theage between 20 and 24 as a percentage of the whole population in this age: • EUROPEAN UNION /EU 25/ - 57%; • USA- 81%; • BULGARIA– 35%.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 • EXPANSION OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION • Conclusions: • There is a need for a change in the system – increase of the number of students who are granted an admissionand strengthening of the control during the studies in order to achieve better quality at the “exit”; • According to the Higher Education Actin the period between 2007/2008 and 2010/2011 a 100% increase of the places for admission in the higher education institutions is envisaged in compliance with their educational capacity.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 DIVERSIFICATON • Variety of different types and kinds of higher education institutions and programmes; • New structure and education degrees with different levels of qualification; • Different forms of study; Proves from the practice: Broadening the network of non-university higher education institutions.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 DIVERSIFICATION Dimensions: • In USA from 4200 higher education institutions more than 2200 are non-university higher education institutions; • In the Netherlands the number of non-university higher education institutions specialized in the applied sciences is higher than the number of the classic universities; • In Germany more there are more than 130 similar institutions (Fachhochschule); • In Austrian we recognize Universities of Applied Sciences; • In France there are more than 450 so called Technological Institutes; • In Bulgaria the professional higher education is represented and developed within the structure of the specialized higher education schools and independent colleges.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 DIVERSIFICATION Conclusions(1): • The variety of higher education institutions in Europe and across the globe provides better opportunity for social inclusion, broader access to education in different periods of life and wider choice of the type of education; • The different types of higher education institutions ensure the mobility possibility for the students; • In Bulgaria the higher education institution system is hierarchical and within it the professional colleges enjoy the lowest prestige.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 DIVERSIFICATION Conclusions (2): • The structure of the higher education institution system is not recently updated and does not respond to the present needs; • The higher education institutions have lost their traditional face -they offer a wide variety of programmes, for example interior design and law; • In the framework of the same university we can find elements of the professional and academic education at the same time; • The difference between the specialized higher education institutions is not clear and evident for the end consumer – the conditions for opening, validation, accreditation of a higher education institution and the education degrees which it offers are the same.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 LIFELONG LEARNING Examples from the practice: • The need of LL arises from the technological development; • LL provides opportunity for increase of the competitiveness and adaptability to labor market; • The universities have to rethink their position in the society and their links to the business.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 LIFELONG LEARNING Perspectives in front of Europe Up to 2030 (according to the statistics of EU): • Increase of the elderly population with almost 14 millions; • Decrease of the young population with approx. 9 millions; • Number of students within the education system decreases with 2 millions; • Approx. 72 millions Europeans have insufficient or even missing qualification.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 LIFELONG LEARNING Today’s situation Participation in the different forms of LL (in age between 30 and 34): • European Union - 4,1%; • USA - 7%; • Bulgaria – 1.6%.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 LIFELONG LEARNING Conclusions on the ongoing lifelong learning process in Bulgaria: • The higher education system in Bulgaria is traditional, closed, and mainly oriented towards the Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees; • The business has sporadic connection to the academic world and is not interested in short-cycle education programmes, because they are mostly unknown, do not seem to meet its requirements and the lifelong learning system is less developed; • The higher education institutions are not interested and motivated to develop short-cycle education programmes, because these programmes would require changes in the programmes and flexibility of the education;
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 LIFELONG LEARNING Conclusions: • The processes of lifelong learning require and demand essential changes in the higher education system; • The University of the 21. century has a new function and role – it should offer a wide variety of courses aiming at increase and improvement of the qualification in compliance with the needs and requirements of the business and individual consumers; • The lifelong learning processes open new horizons in front of the higher education institutions.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 • Changing nature of knowledge and skills • The universities should create and stimulate the development of new skills and abilities in the students; • Students should learn to study and work independently; • A new systematic approach should be acquired and applied; • New interactive forms of education should be applied in addition to the classical education forms in order to develop team spirit and other new skills in the students.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 HIGHER EDUCATION IN BULGARIA Until 1989 the higher education in Bulgaria is state, centralized, marked by a lack of public control and academic competition; At present in Bulgaria the dependence of the higher education institutions from the state continues – the state defines the budget, the number of students, the type of investments etc.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 • Harmonization of the Bulgarian higher education with the European Higher Education Area • European system for credit transfer and accumulation is introduced; • University systems for quality assurance are being developed; • Functioning education degrees – Bachelor and Master.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 • Qualification framework in the European Higher Education Area • Short-cycle(within the framework of the first level) – approx. 120 ECTS; • I cycle/level – 180 – 240 ECTS; • IIcycle/level – 90 - 120 ECTS; • IIIcycle/level – there is no system developed for credit transfer.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 Qualification framework - Ireland
BULGARIA Education system according to ISCE-97 0 Preliminary education Age - 3-6 years. Duration - 4 years. 1 PRELIMINARY EDUCATION OR FIRST LEVEL OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Level - I-IV; Age - 7-10 years. Duration - 4 years. 2А 2С POSTELEMENTATY EDUCATION OR SECOND STAGE OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION General education: Levels V-VIII Age - 11-14 years. Duration - 4 years Professional (after VI or VII level) – I degree professional qualification Age - 13 (14)-15 years. Duration 3 or 2 years. Vocational education for adults - I degree professional qualification (after VI level) Age – 16 or more years. Duration - min. 300 hours 3В 2В 4А No programmes No programmes No programmes 3С Vocational education – I degree Professional qualification (after completed elementary education) Age - 15-16 years. Duration – 1- 2 years. Vocational education for adults– II degreeprofessional qualification (after Х level) Age – 16 or more years. Duration - min. 660 hours 3А SECONDARY EDUCATION Secondary general educationIX-XII leves Age - 15-18; Duration - 4 year. Secondary general education (specialized programmes) VIII-XII levels Age - 14-18 г.; Duration - 5 г. Professional education – II degree professional qualification Age - 15-18 years, Duration - 4 yeasrs Professional education – III Level of professional qualification (IX-XIII level. or VIII-XIII level) Age - 15-19 or 14-19 years. Duration - 5 years. (after elementary education) Duration - 6 years. (after VII level) 4С 5А VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AFTER THE SECONDARY EDUCATION– IV degree Professional qualification Age - 19-20 years. Duration - 2 years. Vocational education for adults– III and IV degree Professional qualification (after completed secondary education.) Age – 19 or more years. Duration - min. 960 hours 5В HIGHER EDUCATION Qualification degree “Bachelor” Age - 19-22 years. Duration - 4 г. Qualification degree “Master” Age - 19-23 or 19-24 Duration - 5-6 years. Qualification degree “Master” Age - 23-23 (24) years. Duration - 1-2 years after the award of a “Bachelor” degree HIGHER EDUCATION Qualifiction degree “Professional Bachelor” Age - 19-21 years. Duration - 3 years. 6 Qualification degree “Doctor” Age - 24-26 years. Duration – 3-4 years.
4А No Programmes 3А Secondary Education 5А HIGHER EDUCATION Bachelor qualification degree Age - 19-22 Duration - 4 years Master qualification degree Age - 19-23 or 19-24 Duration - 5-6 years Master qualification degree Age - 23-23 (24) Duration - 1-2 years after a Bachelor degree 4С Vocational Education after Secondary Education 5В HIGHER EDUCATION Professional Bachelor qualification degree Age - 19-21 Duration- 3 years 6 Doctor qualification degree Age - 24-26 Duration – 3-4 years ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure BULGARIAEducation System in Accordance with The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCE)-97 International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 • Structure of degrees in Bulgaria • Within secondary professional education - from 1st to 4th qualification degree with ascending requirements towards skills, competences and knowledge; • In higher education there is no such a framework; • With the adopted changes in 2007 for higher education, the education structure turned into the following scheme 3+2+3, a lot preferred by the private higher schools, or 4+1+4, in the state universities.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure International Conference “Recogniton and Accreditation of Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Europe and the United States”, June 15-17 2009 • Why to introduce the SCHE in Bulgaria (1) • It facilitates the access to higher education; • The industry might mostly prefer such education, because it ensures the opportunity to shorten the period between studying and practicing; • The short cycle graduation and labor market entering would provide many people the opportunity to return to the higher education system and continue further on their education cycle;
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure Why to introduce the SCHE in Bulgaria(2) • SCHE with 120 ESTC awarded (up to 2 years) will give the opportunity for students’ mobility worldwide and recognition of the obtained qualification; • It provides the universities with the opportunity to think out their educational policy and to meet the needs of the business.
ATLANTIS Programme EU-US Cooperation in Higher Education and Training Policy OrientedMeasure Международна конференция “Признаване и акредитация на краткосрочните програми за висше образование в Европа и САЩ: изравняване на образователните системи” 15-17 юни, 2009 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For contacts: International University College 9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria 3, Bulgaia str. Tel.: +359 58 / 655620, 655626 Fax: +359 58/ 605760 e-mail: icollege@mail.bg