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Time Period. Enlightenment18th century France and EnglandA.k.a. the Age of ReasonClimate of Inquiry. Lessoning Control of the Church. The Protestant ReformationThe Printing PressScientific DevelopmentsThe New World (America!). Philosophies of the Time. Rationalism: Rene Descartes (math) huma
1. Candide by Voltaire NOTES
2. Time Period Enlightenment18th century France and England
A.k.a. the Age of Reason
Climate of Inquiry
3. Lessoning Control of the Church The Protestant Reformation
The Printing Press
Scientific Developments
The New World (America!)
4. Philosophies of the Time Rationalism: Rene Descartes (math) humans, by reason alone, can discover universal truths
Rationalism: Sir Isaac Newtonmechanical science. All truth found in nature; rejection of supernatural religion. Emphasis placed on principles of deduction (1687)
5. Philosophy cont. Deismthe clockmaker God: God made the world, then he let it alone; no divine intervention
1) Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnitzGerman mathematician and scientist. Founder of the philosophy of optimism.
6. Leibnitz cont.world is organized according to a pre-established harmony. There is a reason for everything that happens. Followed two main assumptions: 1) God is perfect; therefore
2) Of all the worlds God could have created, he must have made this one perfect, the best.
Leibnitz believed evil had a beneficial value.
7. 2) Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English poetwrote heavily about belief of optimism
Voltaire knew Pope in England (during Vs exile) and admired him until V. decided that optimism was a bunch of hooey
A little learning is a dangerous thing
Whatever is, is right
8. 3) Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Humanity is naturally good but is corrupted by the environment, education, and government
Since society brings out aggression and egotism, it is better for man to be a noble savage
Rousseau sides with Pope and Leibnitz
9. Voltaire (1694-1778) French philosopher and rational skeptic
Believed in writing the truth
He championed knowledge against ignorance, reason against superstition, skepticism against theology
Twice imprisoned in the Bastille b/c of his writing and his big mouth
Twice exiled
Nearly everything he published was banned, burned or suppressed
10. Voltaire cont. His famous cry was Crush the infamous thing (superstition)!
He constantly fought against the system that tortured and plundered in the name of religion
enriched by your sweat and misery
made you superstitious, not that you might fear God, but that you might fear them.
He was NOT an atheist
11. Voltaire cont. Considered the fountainhead of the Enlightenment and the intellectual spearhead of the French Revolution
A conservative in all but religion
Believed in a God who was a creator and punisher of evil, but he attacked any religion he felt to be guilty of superstition, intolerance, or persecution
His townFerney (teacher will comment on)
12. Quotes by and about Voltaire Voltaire: If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.
Victor Hugo: He was an age. To name Voltaire is to characterize the entire eighteenth century.
Will Durant: Italy had a Renaissance, Germany had a Reformation, but France had Voltaire.
13. Influences on Candide Leibnitz, Pope, and Rousseau :Optimism
The Seven Years War: between France and Prussiavery bloody war
The Lisbon earthquake: Voltaire wrote Candide as a direct response to this event in 1755; the quake, a tidal wave, and a resulting fire left 30,000-40,000 dead.
14. Influences cont. Followers of optimism explained horrors away with the idea that it was all for the best: the living would inherit from the dead; the city would be rebuilt, providing jobs. If it had not happened there, another place would have suffered.
Voltaire did not accept this. He wrote Candide to illustrate what he perceived as the stupidity of this type of optimism. He wrote the whole novel in three days at the age of sixty-five.
15. Technique in Candide Voltaire intends for Candide to be a satirical parody. He makes it a parody on the popular adventure novel, and he attacks nearly everything and everybody. It deals with the problem of evil, both natural and man-made.
The satire is used to mock Rousseau and those that abuse power.
See the Readers Guide for more on technique.
16. CANDIDE (CH 1, 2, 17, 18, 19, 30, and supplements) Background Candide is subtitled Optimism and tells a tale of the woes that befall a naďve simpleton who is brought up to believe that this world is the best of all possible worlds. The point of Voltaires story is to show how Candides optimism is foolish in a world in which peoples lives are shaped for the most part by cruel and incomprehensible forces.
17. The plot of Candide takes the form of a quest: the young mans quest for union with his beloved, Cunegonde. They go through a series of separations and reunions, as Cunegonde is taken as booty by the Bulgarians, held prisoner by the Grand Inquisitor, and forcibly kept as a mistress by the Governor of Buenos Airesin this, the best of all possible worlds. What happens to Candide himself is no better, but the two lovers somehow survive. The tale is told with great verve and hilarity, and, like all quests of this kind, the journey involves much suffering but ends in wisdom.
18. Voltaire makes fun of both the adventure novels and the pastoral romance novels of his time: shipwrecks, kidnappings by rival suitors, unexpected reunions between long-lost characters, love-sick heroes, far-off (and made-up) settings. This entire book is a parody (mimics another style for the purpose of ridiculing it. Ex: Weird Al Yancovics parodies on famous songs).
19. Literary Focus Satire is writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reform. An expert satirist like Voltaire uses a variety of tools to expose his subject to ridiculefrom witty barbs to heavy bludgeons that flatten his opponents sacred cows. As Voltaire exposes one absurdity after another, readers become convinced that they would be fools not to agree with his point of view.