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Explore Euler's solution to the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem, understanding paths, circuits, and graph theory. Learn how connected graphs and degree play pivotal roles in solving such puzzles.
Paths and Circuits Lecture 52 Section 11.2 Wed, Apr 26, 2006
The Seven Bridges of Königsberg • In the city of Königsberg, two branches of the Pregel River came together, with an island at their junction.
The Seven Bridges of Königsberg • There were seven bridges crossing the river at various places.
The Seven Bridges of Königsberg • The challenge was to start at one point, cross each bridge exactly once, and return to the starting point. ?
Euler’s Solution • Euler abstracted the bridges as a graph with four vertices and seven edges.
North Shore Peninsula Island South Shore Euler’s Solution • Each vertex represents a land mass and each edge represents a bridge.
Walks and Paths • A walk from vertex v to vertex w is a finite alternating sequence of adjacent vertices and edges from v to w: v0e1v1e2 … en – 1vn – 1envn, where v0 = v and vn = w. • A path from v to w is a walk that does not repeat any edge.
Walks and Paths • A simple path is a path that does not repeat any vertices. • A closed walk is a walk that starts and ends at the same vertex. • A circuit is a closed path. • A simple circuit is a circuit that does not repeat any vertex.
Synopsis • walk = from A to B, no restrictions. • path = walk, no repeated edge. • closed = from A to A. • circuit = closed walk. • simple = no repeated vertex.
Euler Circuits • An Euler circuit is a circuit that contains every vertex and every edge of the graph. • The problem of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg is to find an Euler circuit.
Connected Graphs • A graph is connected if, for every pair of vertices v and w, there is a walk from v to w. • A connected component of a graph is a maximal connected subgraph.
Euler’s Solution • Theorem: A graph has an Euler circuit if and only if it is connected and every vertex has even degree. • Thus, an Euler circuit over the Seven Bridges of Königsberg does not exist.
King’s Dominion I-95 RMC The Two Bridges of Ashland • At Randolph-Macon College, they have been trying to solve the Two Bridges of Ashland problem for decades. ?
Proof • Proof (): • Suppose a graph G has an Euler circuit. • Let v V(G). • Then as we travel the circuit, each time we pass through v, we “use up” two of the edges incident to v. • When we finish the circuit, we have used all the edges incident to v.
Proof • Thus, v had an even number of edges. • Obviously, G must be connected.
Proof • Proof (): • Now suppose that G is connected and that every vertex of G has even degree. • Choose a vertex v at which to begin. • deg(v) > 0 since G is connected, so follow one of the edges incident to v. • Let w be the next vertex. • We used one of w’s edges to get there.
Proof • w has even degree, so there is at least one more edge available that we can follow. • This happens at every vertex that we visit. • Thus, the circuit is forced to terminate only when we return to the starting vertex v. • This procedure alone does not necessarily produce an Euler circuit.
Proof • Suppose there are edges that were not used. • Follow the original circuit until a vertex is reached that is incident to one of the unused edges. • Apply the original procedure to produce a circuit that starts and ends at this vertex. • “Splice” it into the original circuit.
Proof • Continue in this way, splicing circuits into the existing circuit, until there are no unused edges remaining. • The result is an Euler circuit.