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이산수학 (Discrete Mathematics) 알고리즘의 복잡도 (Algorithm Complexity). 2014 년 봄학기 강원대학교 컴퓨터과학전공 문양세. Our focus. What is Algorithm Complexity?. Algorithm Complexity. The algorithmic complexity of a computation is some measure of how difficult it is to perform the computation.
이산수학(Discrete Mathematics) 알고리즘의 복잡도(Algorithm Complexity) 2014년 봄학기 강원대학교 컴퓨터과학전공 문양세
Our focus What is Algorithm Complexity? Algorithm Complexity • The algorithmic complexity of a computation is some measure of how difficult it is to perform the computation. (문제 계산(computation)이 얼마나 어려운가를 나타내는 측정치이다.) • Measures some aspect of cost of computation (in a general sense of cost). (계산을 위한 비용에 대한 측정치이다.) • Common complexity measures: • Time complexity: # of operations or steps required • Space complexity: # of memory bits required
Complexity Depends on Input Algorithm Complexity Most algorithms have different complexities for inputs of different sizes. (E.g. searching a long list takes more time than searching a short one.) (대부분의 알고리즘은 입력의 크기에 따라 복잡도가 달라진다. 당연!) Therefore, complexity is usually expressed as a function of input length. (따라서, 복잡도는 입력의 크기/길이에 대한 함수로 표현한다.) This function usually gives the complexity for the worst-case input of any given length. (복잡도를 나타내는 함수는 통상 입력 크기가 최악인 경우를 고려한다.)
Example: Max Algorithm Algorithm Complexity proceduremax(a1, a2, …, an: integers) v := a1 {largest element so far} fori := 2 ton {go thru rest of elems} ifai > vthen v := ai{found bigger?} {at this point v’s value is the same as the largest integer in the list} returnv Problem: Find the exact order of growth () of the worst-case time complexity of the max algorithm. Assume that each line of code takes some constant time every time it is executed.
Complexity Analysis of Max Algorithm (1/2) Algorithm Complexity proceduremax(a1, a2, …, an: integers) v := a1 t1 fori := 2 ton t2 ifai > vthen v := ai t3 returnv t4 Times for each execution of each line. (각 line을 하나의 수행으로 볼 때의 시간) What’s an expression for the exact total worst-case time? (Not its order of growth.)(최악의 경우, 정확한 수행 시간을 어떻게 될까?)
Complexity Analysis of Max Algorithm (2/2) Algorithm Complexity proceduremax(a1, a2, …, an: integers) v := a1 t1 fori := 2 ton t2 ifai > vthen v := ai t3 returnv t4 Times for each execution of each line. (각 line을 하나의 수행으로 볼 때의 시간) Worst case execution time:
Example: Linear Search Algorithm Complexity procedurelinear search x: integer, a1, a2, …, an: distinct integers)i := 1 t1while (i n x ai) t2i:=i + 1 t3ifi n then location:=i t4elselocation:= 0 t5return location t6 Worst case: Best case: Average case (if item is present):
(1) (1) (1) Example: Binary Search Algorithm Complexity procedurebinary search (x:integer, a1, a2, …, an: distinct integers) i := 1 j := nwhile i<j beginm := (i+j)/2 ifx>amtheni := m+1 else j := mend ifx = aithenlocation:=ielselocation:= 0returnlocation Key Question: How Many Loop Iterations?
Binary Search Analysis Algorithm Complexity Suppose n=2k. Original range from i=1 to j=n contains n elements. Each iteration: Size ji+1 of range is cut in half. (매번 검색 범위(j-i+1)의 절반(½)씩 줄여 나간다.) Loop terminates when size of range is 1=20 (i=j). (검색 범위의 변화: 2k 2k-1 2k-2 … 21 20, 결국 반복 횟수 = k) Therefore, number of iterations is k = log2n = (log2n)= (log n) (반복 횟수 = k이고, log2n = log22k이므로…) Even for n2k (not an integral power of 2), time complexity is still (log2n) = (log n).
Example: Bubble Sort Algorithm Complexity 1st pass 2nd pass 3 2 4 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 1 4 5 2 3 1 4 5 2 3 1 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 3rd pass 4th pass 2 1 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Consider # of compare operations only! (n-1) + (n-2) + … + 2 + 1 = ((n-1)n)/2 = (n2)
Example: Insertion Sort Algorithm Complexity 3 2 4 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Also, consider # of compare operations only! 1 + 2 + … + (n-2) + (n-1) = ((n-1)n)/2 = (n2) Then, are all sorting algorithm’s complexities (n2)? NO! …, merge sort, heap sort, quick sort, …
Names for Some Orders of Growth Algorithm Complexity (1) Constant (logn) Logarithmic (n) Linear (nlogn) Polylogarithmic (nc) Polynomial (cn), c>1 Exponential (n!) Factorial
Tractable versus Intractable Algorithm Complexity • A problem or algorithm with at most polynomial time complexity is considered tractable (or feasible). P is the set of all tractable problems.(Polynomial 복잡도를 가지면, 풀만한(풀기 쉬운) 문제라 여기며, 이러한 문제들의 집합을 P라 나타낸다.) • A problem or algorithm that has more than polynomial complexity is considered intractable (or infeasible).(Polynomial 복잡도 이상이면 풀기 어려운 문제라 여긴다.) • But, note that • n1,000,000 is technically tractable, but really impossible. • clog log lognis technically intractable, but easy.
Unsolvable Problems Algorithm Complexity • Alan Turing discovered in the 1930’s that there are problems unsolvable by any algorithm. (튜링은 “어떠한 알고리즘으로도 풀 수 없는 문제가 있음”을 밝혔다.) • Example: the halting problem. • Given an arbitrary algorithm and its input, will that algorithm eventually halt, or will it continue forever in an “infinite loop?” (주어진 알고리즘이 결국 정지하는지의 여부를 판단하는 문제는 결국 풀 수가 없다.)
P versus NP (1/3) Algorithm Complexity • P is the set of all tractable problems. (i.e., the problems have at most polynomial time complexity.) (통상적으로 polynomial complexity를 가지면 P이다.) • NP is the set of problems for which there exists a tractable algorithm for checking solutions to see if they are correct. • In other words, NP is the set of decision problems for which a given proposed solution for a given input can be checked quickly (in polynomial time) to see if it really is a solution. • 주어진 입력에 대해 제시된 솔루션이 바른 해인지의 여부를 빠르게(poly-nomial time) 판단할 수 있는 알고리즘이 존재하는 문제들의 집합이 NP이다. • 통상적으로 exponential/factorial complexity를 가지면 NP이다.
P versus NP (2/3) - skip Algorithm Complexity • NP-complete is the term used to describe decision problems that are the hardest ones in NP in the sense that, if there were a polynomial-bounded algorithm for an NP complete problem, then there would be a polynomial-bounded algorithm for each problem in NP. • NP중에서도 어려운 문제들이란 용어를 의미하며, 하나의 NP-complete 문제가 풀리면(P가 되면), 관련된 수많은 모든 NP-complete 문제가 동시에 풀리게 된다. • 많은 학자들은 어려운 많은 문제들에 대해서 NP-complete임을 증명(특정 문제가 다른 NP-complete 문제로 해석(변경)될 수 있음을 보임)하였다.
P versus NP (3/3) - skip Algorithm Complexity We know PNP, but the most famous unproven conjecture in computer science is that this inclusion is proper (i.e., that PNP rather than P=NP). Whoever first proves it will be famous!
Computer Time Examples Algorithm Complexity Assume time = 1 ns (109 second) per operation You should carefully design algorithms and write programs!
Homework #3 Algorithm Complexity