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Joint Meeting of FIG Commission 3 and Commission 7 Sofia, 2010. UACEG. SURVEYING EDUCATION IN BULGARIA . Slaveyko Gospodinov¹ (1)University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. INTRODUCTION. UACEG.
Joint Meeting of FIG Commission 3 and Commission 7 Sofia, 2010 UACEG SURVEYING EDUCATION IN BULGARIA Slaveyko Gospodinov¹ (1)University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia
INTRODUCTION UACEG • The analysis of an educational system is a complicated task. And when this task is related to a specific area of the human knowledge - the geodesy, it becomes particularly hard. • The difficulty is conditioned by: • the conservatism inherent in the educational system in general; • the dependence of the geodetic educational system on the achievements of the technologies in the respective area. • Geodetic educational system is fated to continuous changes, conditioned by the permanent and more and more intensive recently development of the geodetic theory and practice.
THE BEGINNING UACEG • Secondary education (1909)- the first class for surveyors; • Higher education (1942)- establishing of the State polytechnic.
THE PAST UACEG • the differentiation between citizen and military area for the application of the geodesy; • hegemony of the theodolite, optical level, prism and measuring reel; • practically lacking elements of the automation during the geodetic works; • slow (from a temporary point of view) rates of improving of the equipment and technologies; • domination of the dogmatic system in the school; • shortage of teachers and professors (at the beginning).
THE NEW REALITIES • The development of the geodetic science and • the geodetic technologies UACEG • A headlong development of the computer technologies; • Significant achievements in the area of the microelectronics; • A development of the theory and practice of • images- discerning; • An escalating aspiration after the investigation of the Earth from the Space; • Entering in new territories of the human knowledge and practice.
THE NEW REALITIES UACEG 2. Geodetic education • The exponential development of the scientific knowledge and the technologies; • The mass diffusion of the informational technologies in the everyday life; • The increasing educational and work mobility; • The total change of the philosophy of teaching - from "education for life" to "life-long education”.
NEW REALITIES IN THE AREA OF THE HIGHER GEODETIC EDUCATION Unfavorable factors Limited funds A rapidly becoming out of date material base Competition in the educational market An advanced in age teaching staff Development of the scientific knowledge An increasing work mobility Low salaries of the lecturers Economical crisis Incorporation with the European educational structures All-European educational space ECTS and compatible with it national systems for accumulation of credits A common frame of an educational-qualification cycle All-European dimensions of the quality of teaching, valuation and accreditation A giving of new educational possibilities for the citizens of the European countries UACEG Diagram 1.
THE CONDITIONS AND THE PROBLEMS OF THE PRESENT UACEG • THE CONDITIONS: • ▪ an inconsistency in the choice of the • economical model of development of the country; • ▪ a lack of adequate and objective statutory base; • ▪ a lasting almost 20 years real and escalating abdication of the state from the problems of the education as whole, and specially of this one in the state higher schools and universities.
THE PROBLEMS UACEG ▪ a material base - morally and physically out of date; ▪ a lack of motivation in the potential new cadres of the teaching staff; ▪ a lack of well-founded, consistent and categorical state politic; ▪ an arising tendency of non-manifest stimulation, from a part of the state, of private schools and universities; ▪ a practical lack of constantly regulated connections and interaction between those who are teaching, being taught and the consumers of personnel; ▪ a morally got old system for teaching and verification of knowledge; ▪ curriculums and syllabuses, got old as a conception, and not adequate to the real needs of life and the international norms; ▪ a lack of interdependence and mutual conditionality between the subject in high school and the subject in university.
THE NECESSARY STEPS UACEG ▪ creating and imposing in the practice of a uniform conception for development of geodetic education: - hierarchical structure of mutually conditioning and complementing stages; - a system for creation, development and reproduction of a teaching staff; - new curriculums and syllabuses. ▪ a change in the methods of teaching and examination. ▪ abolishing the unnecessary clampdowns and administration of the universities on the part of the state. ▪ an insertion of principally new system for financing the universities
THE NECESSARY STEPS UACEG ▪ enrolling as an active part of the educational process of representatives of the private business: - creating of additional trusty guarantees that "needed" specialists will be taught; - creating of possibilities for feed-back with the real consumers of cadres and providing of external corrective of the system; - creating of prerequisites for a real and beneficial contact with the practice on the part of the students still during the education; - renewing and updating the material base in the presence of mutually beneficial conditions.
CONCLUSION UACEG The complex interdependences, which are active in the educational system, condition the complex and multilayer character of the actions that should be made for transforming the Bulgarian geodetic education into an inseparable and comparable part of the geodetic education in an international scale. Steps that should be made are clear in their entity and conditioned by objective tendencies developing in the past years. They are necessary hard, steady and categorical actions for unification of the resources of everybody who is directly or indirectly interested, of everybody who has the will and feels inside a calling to walk on the way that leads to one worthy future of the geodetic education in Bulgaria.