Shoot Day Evaluation Emm Wright
What did you do the day before, to set up for your shoot day? • Firstly we met in the TV studio and prepared out first set up which was the band performance • We went to the music department to collect props for the performance • We had to create an award for the final set up • We got all our props together • Me and Alex unloaded the gym equipment from the boarding houses to bring up to the prop tent
How did you feel when you woke up on the morning of the shoot day? • I was incredibly excited to see our idea come to life • I was also nervous incase something went seriously wrong but overall I felt relly good
How well prepared were you when you arrived for the shoot, what did you have to do before you could start shooting? • Firstly we gathered all the members of the performance shoot • We were all well prepared with makeup, costumes and props so we could get straight into getting the cast ready • I helped our lead singer learn the words as he was cast very late • I also had the job to make sure everyone’s costumes were styled the right way
Describe what the location was like prior to you set dressing? How did you adapt to the demands of the shoot? • Before we set up the TV studio was very bare so all we needed to do was put the lights in, the black backdrop and the instruments • Chris set up the Parcan lights around our instruments as he was the lighting designer • Then the next set we needed to move the lights and instruments to place the floor down for the gym. For the backdrop we just used the wall of the studio • Finally we used the black backdrop again with a banner over it for our final set up, we then added the decorations such as the balloon and the table and chairs
How did you divide the roles on your shoot day, what role(s) did you play? • We wanted to divide roles up but we then decided it would be farier to share the roles • This is so we could all get experience and practice as either the director, camera man and moving the sets around for continuity purposes • I was the director for a lot of it, managing how we wanting our actors to perform as well as being on the camera when filming the left hand of the guitarist as I knew how to play them so I could easily follow the movements
What do you think that you personally did particularly well? • I think with my past experience of being a director and working with actors I communicated what we wanted well and managed to keep everyone engaged even though we were all tired • I also thought I managed the performance part particulary well as I am a guitarist and pianist myself. I saved us time by quickly sorting out anything that didn’t look right
What problems did you have on the shoot day, how did you solve them? • We had an issue with some props • For example the keyboard stand we were first using kept falling down so I had to run and find another one • Another exampke would be that the eggs we originally had were cracked so I had to go get some from the canteen as well as running up to the main house to get a clear glass • We also struggled with time. We were behind schedule as we took a while preparing out band members
Which part of the shoot do you think was most successful and why? • The set up for the band looked amazing and I think it was the most impressive set up • We all worked well together which ultimately helped us create a music video we are all proud of
Which part of the shoot do you wish had gone better and why? • We should have prepared the band a lot quick as the second set up later became incredibly rushed • We could have easily recorded more footage if it hadnt have been rushed
How well do you think you managed your talent (actors)? • I believe we were all encouraging as Beau, our second actor seemed slightly anxious so we all encouraged him and he settled in really well • The band were also super cooperative and listened to whatever instructions we gave them • Finally we had a very young case member who did amazingly and we gave her some balloons at the end as a thank you
What was the part of the shoot you enjoyed the most? • I enjoyed directing the most, I feel as though im the most outgoing person on our team so I comunicated our ideas really well to the cast and crew • I loved seeing how it was turning out on the monitor
What are you looking forward to seeing the most in the edit? I’m really excited to see the narrative as I think it’ll be quite funny
How well do you feel that your production group worked as a team? • We worked really well as a group • We bounced ideas off of each other efficently as well as keeping all of our moods boosted • I am now incharge of editing, Alex is incharge of the digipak and Theresa and Nika are incharge of social media, so we all have to work together so our different tasks come together successfully
What lessons you learned today that could help you make your next shoot even more successful? • I feel that I’ve learnt that we should all be open to other ideas as we all have our own view as to how this shoot could have gone