Bulgaria is located in the Southeastern part of Europe. It borders five countries. On the north the Danube river is natural border between Bulgaria and Romania. Black sea defines the extents of the country on the East. On the Southeast our neighbor is Turkey and on the Southwest Greece. Macedonia together with Serbia border Bulgaria on the West. We are the 16th biggest country in Europe with population of 7,5 million and territory of around 111 000 square kilometers. The climate here is temperate- we have cold winters and hot summers. Our country has a dense network of rivers- 540. The territory of Bulgaria has diverse relief including mountains like the Balkan Maintain (the widest one here),planes, (Dobrudja), lowlands (Thracian Valley), hollows (Sliven Valley) and seaside lands.
Bulgaria officially formed as a country in 618 AD, as father of our nation we consider Khan Asparukh.Bulgaria was one of the most powerful empires during the Middle Ages with territory extending on three seas and whole Balkan peninsula. “Golden ages” that how was called the rule of one of the greatest leaders then tsar Simeon. But unfortunately in 1396 the country fell under the control of the Ottomans for almost 500 years. During that time many Bulgarians died in bloody rebellions, consistently trying to return the independence of our land.
BULGARIA!!! All our national symbols are affected by the hard times during Ottoman rule. The animal representing the spirit of Bulgaria is lion, together with the national motto “Unity makes strength” and the motto during the fight for freedom “Freedom or death” it shows the intransigence and longing for freedom Bulgarians always aspire.
One of the most loved national heroes is Vasil Kunchev more famous as Vasil Levski (meaning leonine). Born in 1837, the “Apostle of Freedom” died on 19th February 1873convicted and hanged by the Ottomans. Hе traveled around the country disguised, оrganising revolutionary meetings and rebellions. There are legends about his ability to always escape the Turks.
The Ottomans had a very significant influence on our culture. Our folk songs were another way to express the intransigence with the vassalage. Actually there is a Bulgarian song about it in the outer space, perhaps greeting aliens, it is called “Izlel e Delyo haidutin” performed by Valya Balkanska. Of course our culture is much older and we have mixed some heretical traditions with Eastern Orthodox beliefs. For example “Nestinarstvo” is the name of a ritual performed only by trained “nestinari”or fire dancers. It involves barefoot dance on smoulderingembers. It is usually performed on the square of the village in front of the whole population on the day of Sts. Constantine and Helen or the day of the village's patron saint.
Bulgarian Rose Valley Is a region in Bulgaria including the towns of Karlovo, Kalofer and Sopot where rose-growing industry has been cultivated for centuries. The region produces 85% of world`s rose oil. Because of that tradition our flower symbol is exactly the rose.
Due to the geographic diversity and good growth conditions Bulgarian cuisine has great variety of hot and cold meals. Our most famous salad called “shopska” is made of tomatoes, cucumbers, onion and traditional white brine cheese “sirene” From the soup family a cold soup called “Tarator” is very specific and delicious, it is made of cucumbers, yogurt, garlic and dill. From the pastries Bulgarians consume great amounts of our traditional “banitsa” . Most common is the pork meat. Peppers, cabbage or grape leaves stuffed with rice and meat are also a very popular dishes. From the deserts crème “karamel” is the most common, it taste much like crème brulee. Another thing with which Bulgarians contributed to the world`s cuisine is the yogurt. The bacteria from which it is produced is called “Lactobacillus bulgaricus”. There is a legend that khan Asparukh was carrying milk during his long rides around the country and that milk eventually turned into yogurt.
On 3th March Bulgaria celebrates the day of Freedom. On that date in 1878 was signed the Peace Treaty of San Stefano with which the Russo-Turkish war was ended and Bulgaria was free of Ottoman rule. On 1st march we also celebrate a holiday called “Baba Marta” (Grandma March). It is a very old tradition celebrated only on our lands. On that day we give as present to all our family, friends and even strangers small adornments “martenitsi” made of white and red yarn with wishes for health, luck and happiness. It is our heretical way to welcome the Spring and to conciliate “Grandma March” the most changing month in Bulgaria. The traditional “martenitsa” consists of two small dolls- a boy and a girl Pijo and Penda. Usually we wear the “martenitsa” until we see a stork or a blooming tree. Then we take them off and put them on trees or under rocks.