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Human Resources Management Oversight and Board Monitoring

Human Resources Management Oversight and Board Monitoring. December 2, 2010. Ann Best, Chief Human Resources Officer. Agenda . Management Oversight Human Resources Organization Roles and Responsibilities Financial Resources Policies Board Monitoring Effective Teachers

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Human Resources Management Oversight and Board Monitoring

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  1. Human Resources Management Oversight and Board Monitoring December 2, 2010 Ann Best, Chief Human Resources Officer

  2. Agenda • Management Oversight • Human Resources Organization • Roles and Responsibilities • Financial Resources • Policies • Board Monitoring • Effective Teachers • Effective Principals • Culture of Trust through Action • Challenges

  3. Human Resources Organization 127 Prof Staff (Pay grade 25 and above) 42 Admin (Pay grade 24 and below) 16 Open

  4. Roles and Responsibilities • Professional Development • Teacher Development • New Teacher Induction • Onboarding • Technology Integration Training • PD Clearinghouse • Talent Acquisition • Teacher Recruitment • Leadership Recruitment • Selection Models • Certification • Leadership Development • Development of APs • Development of Principals • Development of Staff • Creation of Pipeline • Accountability and Rewards • Performance Appraisals • ASPIRE • Job Analysis & Description • Compensation • Performance Management • HR Operations • Organizational Support • EEO • Employee Relations • Personnel Records

  5. Financial: Human Resources Budget • Current Annual Budget - General Fund (GF1) - $5.6 M • Payroll & Benefits - $4.3 M • Operational Cost - $1.3 M • Funding Sources • General Fund - $5.6 M • Special Revenue - $12.8 M

  6. Financial: Human Resources Grant Funding

  7. Policy: Human Resources Key Policies Compensation and Benefits: Pay Practices, Fringe Benefits, Absences, Holidays, Vacations and Retirement Employment Objectives: Equal Employment Opportunity Employment Practices: Teacher (Continuing, Term and Probationary) and Non-Teacher Contracts Employment Restrictions: Conflict of Interest Leave and Absences: Family and Medical Leave Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Teachers and Non-Teachers Personnel Management Relations: Employee Complaints/Grievances Professional Development: Professional Meetings and Required Staff Development Termination of Employment: Reduction in Force, Nonrenewal and Termination of Contracts

  8. Human Resources Board Monitoring

  9. Human Resources Connection to HISD Strategic Direction Effective Teacher in Every Classroom 1 Effective Principal in Every School 2 Rigorous Instructional Standards and Supports 3 Data-Driven Accountability 4 Culture of Trust through Action 5

  10. Human Resources in Focus Effective Teacher in Every Classroom Effective Principal in Every School Culture of Trust through Action

  11. Effective Teacher: Our Current Focus 4 Key Strategies Strengthen Recruitment and Staffing Practices Implement Improved Recruitment and Staffing Practices (recruitment, screening, selection, onboarding) Refine recruitment and staffing practices Establish a Rigorous, Fair Teacher Appraisal System Design new appraisal criteria, process, usage guidelines Implement (wave 1) Implement (wave 2) Implement (wave 3) Implement (wave 4) Design new support and development processes Implement New Support and Development Processes for Teachers Provide Individualized Teacher Support and Development Offer New Career Pathways and Compensation Develop new career pathways and compensation system Implement (wave 1) Implement (wave 2) Implement (wave 3)

  12. Effective Teacher: Recruitment & Staffing • Created pool of 1,243 teacher candidates for principals to interview • Increased online and college presence: conducted over 40 campus recruitment trips • Generated more than 6,000 online applications • Launched centralized screening and selection process for new teachers • Proactively increased selectivity and quality of teacher applicant pool (21% of applicants) • Math Assessment • Sample Teach • Haberman STAR Teacher Structured Interview • Supported principals in filling 993 teaching positions for 2010-2011 school year • Improved recruitment, selection, and design for HISD ACP program Strengthen Recruitment and Staffing Practices

  13. Effective Teacher: Recruitment & Staffing Centralized selection process improved customer service and candidate satisfaction 2007-2009 Candidates 2010 Candidates Improved responsiveness: % of un-hired candidates that said they received a response after applying. Improved communications: % of un-hired candidates that said that communications they received from HISD were clear. Source: Surveys of 2010 teacher applicants and survey of 1,921 un-hired teacher applicants to HISD between 2007 and 2009.

  14. Effective Teacher: Recruitment & Staffing Through improved process, Principals had access to a strong pool of candidates screened by HISD Weak candidates are systematically screened out of selection and hiring 6,043 Screened Applicants • Sample Teaching • Haberman Interviews • Math Assessment ~ 9 out of 10 Principals rated 2010 teacher candidates as strong or stronger than previous years 1,243 Teacher Candidates enter hiring pool 21% Selectivity “Although I was able to find high quality candidates before the process, the new process helped me to get the job done much faster.” “As a part of this year's process, I was able to complete hiring for campus and move on to other activities that normally take up my time with hiring. This by far was quick, highly qualified candidates, and time was better spent on new initiatives.” 993 Teachers Hired Source: 2010 Survey of Hiring Principals

  15. Effective Teacher: Recruitment & Staffing During the 2009-2010 Hiring Season, HISD did not prioritize applicants who scored higher in the screening process… Applicant Hire Rate by Haberman Star Teacher Interview Score Source: 2010 Survey of Teacher Applicants and HISD Recruiting Data

  16. Effective Teacher: Recruitment & Staffing were not satisfied with the overall timeliness of the application and hiring process. … and 173 Applicants that “got away” were stronger and were greatly influenced by poor timeliness in their decision to walk away from HISD. 56% stated that the hiring timeline was important or very important in their decision to withdraw their application or decline a job offer. 72% 16% Of candidates admitted to the hiring pool, 173 (16%) withdrew their applications or were hired by another district. withdrew their application or declined a job offer because they received a job offer at another district. 86% Average Haberman Star Teacher Interview Scores Source: 2010 Survey of Teacher Applicants and HISD Recruiting Data

  17. Effective Teacher: Recruitment & Staffing of hired applicants were not satisfied with the overall timeliness of the application and hiring process of hired applicants stated that it took four or more months from the time they applied to the time they were finally hired 21% 39% Of hired applicants who expressed dissatisfaction with the timeliness of the hiring process, percentage expressing dissatisfaction with each stage Initial Application Screening Process School Placement Post-hire Processing Source: Surveys of 2010 teacher applicants. “Not satisfied” indicates respondents who did not select “Strongly satisfied” or “satisfied”.

  18. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal Establish a Rigorous, Fair Teacher Appraisal System • Implemented Staff Review Process to assess all teachers and identify support for development areas • Deliberately differentiated retention efforts: keep the strongest teachers while managing the retention of less effective teachers • Began design process of new appraisal system

  19. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal Boost effectiveness of all teachers through effective evaluation and targeted professional development. 5 Goals for Optimizing Teacher Effectiveness 2 3 Optimize new teacher supply by hiring from preparation programs whose teachers consistently achieve better student outcomes. 1 Retain and leverage most effective teachers. Teacher Effectiveness in Improving Student Achievement 5 4 Improve or exit persistently less effective teachers and replace with more effective teachers. Current teacher performance Potential teacher performance Prioritize effective teachers for high-need students.

  20. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal New Staff Review Process allowed for more balanced differentiation among teachers… Distribution of PDAS/MPDAS Domain Ratings, 2005-06 Through 2008-09 Just 3.4% of teachers rated on PDAS/MPDAS between 2005-06 and 2008-09 had any domain rated “below expectations” or “unsatisfactory.” Distribution of Teacher Staff Review Performance Category Assignments* 28 % of teachers were rated as “Developing” or “Low-Performing” in Fall 2010 Source: HISD Spring and Fall Staff review process; * Compare to appraisal results from 2005 through 2009 in which only 3.4% of teachers had any domain rated as “below expectations” or “unsatisfactory.”

  21. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal …which led to differentiated retention based on teacher performance ### = number of teachers in Staff Review effectiveness group Source: HISD PeopleSoft Database and Staff Review Data

  22. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal Improving ability to execute differentiated retention is evidenced in HISD’s improvement in retaining the top performers…

  23. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal … and in actively managing the retention of less effective teachers…

  24. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal … and deliberately decreasing the number of Probationary Teachers who receive Term Contracts

  25. Effective Teacher: Teacher Appraisal • Stage 1: September 2010 – early February 2011 • SDMCs submit recommendations • Hold public comment period and review by DAC and SDMCs Sep ’10 Oct ’10 Nov’10 Dec ‘10 Jan ‘11 Feb ‘11 Mar ’11 Apr ‘11 • Stage 2: November 2010 – February 2011 • Smaller working groups will convene to develop proposed tools and instruments • Continue DAC review and input and obtain feedback from public comment periods • Stage 3: April 2011 • DAC and SDMCs consider all feedback from the district’s stakeholders and make final recommendations, then Dr. Grier will present the final proposal to the HISD Board of Education for approval.

  26. Effective Teacher: Teacher Support & Development • Launched Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDP) for all teachers • Kicked off Human Capital Fellowship program: 21 Fellows in mentorships with Senior Management to improve retention and development. All will attend Transformation Summitnext week. • Refined ABRAZO New Teacher Induction • Targeted professional development: • Conducted EVAAS and Classroom Management at Apollo Schools • Developed 74 online courses in which 17,000 participants are enrolled • Provided 634 training sessions to meet the individual needs of teachers • Provided 410 sessions to meet the needs of teachers in areas such as dyslexia, gifted and talented, AED/CPR, and classroom management • Provided 45-hour Academies on the integration of technology into classroom instruction Provide Individualized Teacher Support and Development

  27. Effective Teacher: Career Pathways & Compensation Offer New Career Pathways and Compensation • Initiated the Effective Teacher Pipeline to offer an additional $10,000 for highly effective teachers to transfer to underperforming schools • Launched Recruitment Fellows Program

  28. Effective Teacher: 2010-2011 Areas for Focus Recruitment & Staffing Practices Teacher Appraisal System Teacher Support & Development Career Pathways & Compensation

  29. Human Resources in Focus Effective Teacher in Every Classroom Effective Principal in Every School Culture of Trust through Action

  30. Effective Principal: 2009-10 Focus on 3 out of 5 Key Strategies Rigorous, Fair Principal Appraisal Standards to Guide Principals Decision- Making Strong Recruitment Practices Instructional Leadership Program to Develop Talent Safe, Secure and Healthy Environment

  31. Effective Principal: Principal Appraisal • Design and develop a principal appraisal system • Pilot and revise processes and materials • Pilot and test new system to ensure validity and reliability • Roll out new system for 2011-12 school year, including development of user manuals and in-person training  Rigorous, Fair Principal Appraisal

  32. Effective Principal: Recruitment Practices Strong Recruitment Practices 1,145 Screened Principal Applicants • Online Haberman Assessment • Haberman In-person Interviews • Skills Assessment 118 Principal Candidates Passed Screen 10% Selectivity 50 Principals started SY 2010-2011

  33. Effective Principal: Leadership Development Building Internal Pipeline through External Partnerships • Launched partnership with UTCULP (University of Texas Collaborative Urban Leadership Project) program • Partnered with University of St. Thomas for Principal Academy for Collaborative Engagement (PACE) • Strengthening relationship with REEP (Rice Education Entrepreneurship Program) program Instructional Leadership Program to Develop Talent

  34. Effective Principal: Leadership Development Building Internal Pipeline through “Grow Our Own Program”

  35. Effective Principal: 2010-2011 Areas for Focus Rigorous, Fair Principal Appraisal Standards to Guide Principals Decision- Making Strong Recruitment Practices Instructional Leadership Program to Develop Talent Safe, Secure and Healthy Environment

  36. Human Resources in Focus Effective Teacher in Every Classroom Effective Principal in Every School Culture of Trust through Action

  37. Culture of Trust Through Action 1 • Expanded role of Leadership Development team to focus on central office administrators • Began New Hiring Managers training • Introduce Succession Planning • Improve onboarding of new employees • Redesign New Employee Orientation 1 2 • Improve Customer Service through development of standards for internal and external constituents • Build strategic Communications plan to better connect with employees and external constituents • Continue to improve substitute availability through new Online Sub System 3 2 3 • Launch ePerformance more widely in organization (pilot completed) • Continue development of scorecards (36 departments already complete)

  38. Upcoming Challenges and Key Decisions • Supporting Excess Personnel for 2011-2012 School Year • Early Issuance of Teacher Contracts • Teacher Transfer Period • Revised Performance Appraisals (Teacher, Principal, and Staff)

  39. Our Goal: Effective Teachers in Every Classroom Dallas students who start 2nd grade at about the same level of math achievement… …may finish 5th grade math at dramatically different levels depending on the quality of their teachers. After 3 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Teachers 49 After 3 INEFFECTIVE Teachers Note: Calculating the effects of 3 teachers requires 4 years of test data; hence starting with scores in 2nd grade and ending in 5th. Source: Jordan, H., Mendro, R., & Weerasinghe, D. (1997). The Effects of Teachers on Longitudinal Student Achievement. Dallas, TX: Dallas Public Schools

  40. Our Goal

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